Menu plan Monday June 2nd

Gluten Free Menu Swap Monday

I just peeked at the ingredient of the week–cabbage! Not only am I currently munching on a meal including napa cabbage, so I’ll have to include that. And I just happen to have bought a cabbage this morning. Quite lucky, I think! I have a very busy 2 weeks ahead of me, there are a lot of wonderful things that I’m juggling.

If anyone is interested, I have the June issue of my GF newsletter here “Gluten free on the go” on staying GF through summertime fun.

Veggie Medley (starring napa cabbage) with Brazil nut butter sauce
This was an entry into the Beautiful Bones event, hosted by Food Blogga. Osteoporosis and osteopenia is very common among Celiacs, so calcium is especially important for gluten free folk! There are a wide range of recipes here for your drooling pleasure
East Indian
Beef keema with roasted cauliflower and garlic

Simple and easy
Turkey cutlets in tomato sauce

Roasted salmon and roast asparagus

Crock pot love
Crock pot chicken–chicken, cabbage, herbs, spring onions, celery, carrots, and who knows what else

Garam Masala spiced roast chicken and steamed broccoli

Weekly harvest
From my garden:
First raspberry of the season!
Spring onions

Farmer’s Market:
Greenhouse tomatoes
Rhubarb (I hope!)

Baked good:
depends on time. I’ve baked a lot the past few weeks, and have evidence to prove it! Here’s my Hazelnut opera cake.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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3 Responses to Menu plan Monday June 2nd

  1. Jj says:

    Oh, you’ve got raspberries, how wonderful! That picture looks like a perfect raspberry, too. Enjoy … great menu.

  2. Pingback: Gluten Free Menu Swap- June 2, 2008 : Gluten Free Mommy

  3. Hello Wow what a fantastic article about Crock Pot Recipes! Your keen insight into Crock Pot Recipes is informative and creative. I look forward to reading other articles you have. Thanks.

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