GF and allergen friendly treats giveaway

I love Larabars. They’re simple, delicious, wholesome and yummy. So when a box of new flavors of Larabars showed up on my doorstep, I was delighted, then frustrated. The good news: they look luscious. The bad news: my body doesn’t seem to like dates anymore. But that’s actually good news for you! I’m giving away these new Larabars to a lucky reader.  There are 3 of each:

  • PB cookie
  • Chocolate cherry
  • Chocolate hazelnut
  • Coconut cream pie

They are, of course, gluten, dairy, egg, corn, soy and sugar free, and vegan to boot. Also included: a bottle of Salba (one of my favorite things to bake with!)  I recently won a recipe contest they hosted and got a case of the big bottles (at the rate I’m going, that’ll keep me a good 4 or 5 years), so I’m happy to share.  I need to post the recipe soon, too.  There are also  2 bags of GF/CF cookies.

Leave me a comment, and I’ll find some random way to pick a winner by Sept 15th.  Because of shipping costs, I’m limiting entrants to US and Canada.

This seemed like a good way to celebrate my new web “home”!  I’ve moved to and now have RSS or email feeds set up.  The irony of having a “GF and healthy” website where I’m posting decadent chocolate hazelnut cakes didn’t escape me.  Granted, I still do my very best to use whole foods, natural sweeteners, and more wholesome versions of everything.


About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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30 Responses to GF and allergen friendly treats giveaway

  1. VeggieGirl says:


  2. Katherine says:

    Those flavors sound absolutely delicious! I’ve never heard of Salba, but I’ll look for it the next time I go to Whole Foods or something..

  3. Ricki says:

    Such delicious flavors! Must go look for those. And Salba? I love it! And did you say chocolate hazelnut cakes? Um, where??

  4. VG, Katherine: The flavors DO really sound incredible!

    And I added in the links for the 2 versions of the hazelnut cakes…

    Both were delightful!

  5. bbg says:

    larabars have been a staple since going gluten/dairy/soy free, and i always try to have one with me! i’ve noticed the salba in your recipes before, but haven’t tried it out yet– hopefully soon! 🙂

  6. Suzanne says:

    I love larabars! i had one with breakfast this morning.

  7. Three children and myself…all are gluten, diary, egg free. Think I could guilt you into letting me win? LOL
    Many Blessings,

  8. Rachel says:

    Oh man, I’d love to spoil my husband with this parcel of gluten-free goodness! Count me in.

  9. Jen says:

    I didn’t know about larabars! I have to hunt them down!!!

  10. Kam A says:

    I have never tried these but they look great!! Thank you for the giveaway!

  11. Nelle says:

    Looking for Larabars for the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk in September. 3 days, 60 miles. Gotta stock myself with gluten-free energy food!

  12. bbg–Yep, I love how portable they are.

    Holly-no guilting allowed, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

    Jen and Kam–you can get them online or through Amazon. Locally, I can find them at whole foods or TJ’s, but I realize how lucky we are to have so many stores near here!

    Nelle–how awesome that you’re walking the 3 day. Best of luck!

  13. mbb says:

    I live off Larabars. I travel frequently so they are my breakfasts!

  14. BL says:

    Wow Cheryl a lifetime supply! That’s a lot of Lara Bars. Congratulations on your win.

  15. Hi Cheryl,
    I would love to have the Lara Bars for my GFCFEF ASD son. He doesn’t
    eat alot of things but he does eat the Lara bars! And if we are talking
    about guilt, I have never won anything before !!! 🙂 lol

  16. Gosh, I probably put that wrong. I won a case of Salba, but use it a teaspoon or two every few days. So it’ll last a lifetime unless I give it away. I’ve clarified the post =)

  17. Pingback: Gluten Free Goodness » Blog Archive » Menu Plan Monday August 25th

  18. PeteZ says:

    How absolutely sweet of you to be doing this! Everyone here has a wonderful reason for entering your little give-away, thank you for considering ALL of us. I won’t play the *guilt game* or *my higher goal is better than yours*. LOL “Just kidding people!* Seriously, thank you for this opportunity.

  19. Tina Pachniak says:

    I would love to have something I can carry with me for a snack. Its hard to find things that I can have that are pre-made that are gluten,dairy,soy and corn free!

  20. Susan Clark says:

    Salba, chia seed. I just discovered chia. And I always thought it was just a type of plant pet! Never imagined I could eat it!

    I have a question for you – First some background: In my ongoing research into Omega 3s (especially which type and brand does not include soy vitamin E, other additives I can’t eat, fewest pills per 6 grams and delivers the most cost effective results), I thought I had hit the motherlode of cheap omega 3 when I compared the per mg price of flax oil to concentrated fish oil, or krill oil!.

    Then, I came across information on how plant Omegas require processing (energy) by our bodies to make them usable, where fish omegas are immediately available. Krill is even more effective.

    What is your opinion on this?

    I love your blog and would delight in receiving any or all of your give aways.

    Warmest Regards,

  21. Luann T says:

    Thanks for sharing. Can you give more info about Salba? I haven’t heard that one before.

  22. I will have to post on Salba/chia soon. Essentially, it’s a seed with incredibly high concentrations of omega 3s.

    Susan–in a nutshell, there are 3 types of omega 3s–DHA, ALA and EPA. Chia is super high in ALA but fish oil is a much better source of DHA EPA. Some of the ALA (maybe 15%, I believe?) can convert to DHA or EPA. DHA and EPA are the ones shown to greatly effect heart disease and the like.

    So essentially what is better depends on what you’re going for. Salba/chia has more fiber, antioxidants, ALA and other nutrients, krill, etc. but fish oil has more of the effects that we typically discuss with omega 3s.

  23. Linda V says:

    Very sweet of you Cheryl. My birthday is close to the final day, does that help? Sept. 13th 🙂
    On another note, I don’t seem to be getting you e-mail updates anymore. Did anything change? I miss them – you always have great info and fabulous recipes. Linda V.

  24. Sarah says:

    I’ve been using Chia for a while, mostly sprinkled on salads and in smoothies. Are Salba and Chia the same thing?

    The cookies look really good!

  25. Salba is a patented form of a specially bred kind of chia. I promise I will post an article on chia sometime this month…

  26. Emily says:

    I’ve been wanting to try Salba, just haven’t bought any yet! I love Lara bars – I always keep one in my purse, or diaper bag for when (not if) I’m hungry on the go!

  27. Colette says:

    Wow, what a great way to share. If I win, I too will share with my girlfriend, who’s
    daughter was just DX with celiacs. Her Mom cooks but doesn’t bake, these bars would be the perfect snack for her.


  28. Raechel says:

    Wow, new Lara Bar flavors – they sound delicious! We’ve tried all of the current ones and love them. My 3 boys and myself (all GFCFSF) go through a lot of them!
    Looking forward to your article on chia. I’ve seen a bit about it online, but nowhere to buy it locally, though I’d love to try it.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  29. Maria says:

    Love those Lara bars! Great for travel in the car when my allergy kids are starving and there is no place to stop for safe food.

    Add me to your contest entry. How fun!



  30. PeteZ says:

    My hubby took to the larabars right away when I brought a couple home to try them. (He is the silly, I said I would do the diet along with him to support him). They are great in a packed lunch even for a man (not just kids!)

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