Menu Plan Monday: Temporary new home

Gluten Free Menu Swap Monday

Hi folks,
I heard from Natalie (AKA gluten free mommy) and she is not feeling very well at this point, and the last thing she wants to think about is food! So I will be stepping in the Menu Plan Swap organizer until Natalie is feeling better in a few weeks.

I am happy to host this week. Since I don’t have a concrete thought on a food for the week, how about we go with a reliable standby: CHOCOLATE!!! If you’d like to host in future weeks, drop me a line at cheryl (at) eharrishome (dot) com.

Here’s the temporary menu swap page

I’ve been on a real baking streak for the last few weeks. Everyone has different ways of dealing with stress…I bake. It’s kind of therapy, and when the recipes do turn out well, it’s rewarding (and yummy). Here’s a roundup of the treats I’ve made. I also posted my entry for Adopt a GF blogger, Kalyn’s Summer time tomato salad. I know it’s really not summer anymore, but my tomato plant is still gifting me with tomatoes, so who am I to argue?  It is hard to see the seasons change since I adore the growing months, but protesting winter hasn’t helped me so far.  I did plant some garlic, and have some kale growing, but I don’t plan much else for winter gardening.  I’d love to hear if anyone else has winter gardening plans!

Onto the menu!

Quite honestly, I didn’t give my menu for next week much thought until just recently. It’ll likely be pretty simple, and since DH will be heading out of town later in the week, I should be able to have more of the things he’s not so fond of, which is always a nice change.

Bison steaks with grilled herb-y red peppers

Broccoli and chicken in a sunflower Malasian curry sauce

Roasted turkey with thyme and celery in a chestnut sauce

(didn’t happen last week)

Southwestern Quinoa and black bean salad

Freezer Diving:
Roasted Tomato and Caramelized Onion soup and avocado

From my garden:

herbs: rosemary, thyme, oregano, basil

From the market:

Food projects:
brownies: clearly a necessity so I can get my chocolate

Kim from Gluten free is life
was totally on the ball. She sent in her plan right after I put the page up! She has a busy week, and just the idea of getting up to drive kids to a 5:30 practice makes me shudder. She had roasted brussel sprouts and sweet potato fries on the menu, which are such great seasonal choices.

Everything looks yummy over at Book of yum. Spicy Ginger Muffins or baby bundts? Count me in! She also has a great recipe for a spinach salad, too, using heirloom tomatoes.

Manda has had a busy week at a con. Regretfully, she’s allergic to chocolate, but uses coffee or carob instead. She has mole on the menu WITHOUT chocolate, and I’m intrigued, and can’t wait to see a recipe.

Angela really wasn’t in the mood, but decided to throw together a menu anyhow.  Thanks!  She’s got soup on the menu, which sounds good to me, and cute pictures from pumpkin picking.

Kimberly of Living Free joins us with a great SCD menu.  No chocolate for her (my sympathies!) but she has a raspberry angel mousse pie on the menu which sounds tempting.  Count me in for the roasted veggies, too.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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12 Responses to Menu Plan Monday: Temporary new home

  1. Ricki says:

    Great choice–I mean, can one go wrong with chocolate–ever?? 😉

  2. Pingback: Gluten Free Menu Swap and Meal Plan Monday: Wilted Spinach Mushroom Salad Recipe | Book of Yum

  3. sea says:

    So glad you’re helping Natalie. I was worrying about her! Hope she feels better soon.

    Here’s my link, just in case:

    Bestest wishes,

  4. Manda says:

    Sorry for the uber delay. I didn’t even think I’d get something together but here’s my contribution for the week.

    Thanks a bunch Cheryl! And thanks for helping Natalie. I’ll also be interested in hosting the next avaliable week.

  5. Shellyfish says:

    Chocolate just always seems like it’s a good idea, in my opion, anyway!

  6. Angela says:

    Eh, didn’t really make a plan AT ALL this week, but my post is up.

    I hope Natalie feels better soon! Thank you for hosting and helping out! Hopefully my contribution will be more interesting next time. Lokking at everyone else’s menus should give me lots of inspiration!…_um,_not_exactly…_.html

  7. Kimberly says:

    Hi Cheryl,
    Thanks for being willing to take over the menu swap for a while. My menu is up at:
    Have a great week!

  8. Ginger says:

    I am a facebook (check it out if you haven’t) addicted slacker and will get my menu in tomorrow – but I do have two weeks planned if that helps redeem anything.
    Thanks for being the host! I can’t believe you are still getting tomatoes from your garden – so jealous. Mine died 3 weeks ago…..

  9. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday… um, not exactly… « Angela’s Kitchen’s Weblog

  10. Ginger says:

    Hey, who said Thursday wasn’t a good day to post your menu! Mine is finally up, it has been running! Thanks for hosting and Natalie, I sure do hope you feel better soon!

  11. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday… um, not exactly… | Angela's Kitchen

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