Mini Menu Plan and Holiday Tips

Genghis and Houdini have the right idea, and I’m motivated to take a nap along with them.

It has been one of those weeks.  One of those months?  You get the idea.  I’ve put together a gob of good holiday info, including a newsletter with holiday hints, cookie recipes from last year’s GF cookie exchange and a list of naturally GF desserts.

However, more has been happening on my computer than in my kitchen.  I did post a recipe for Spiced Forbidden Black Rice pudding, which totally rocks (IMHO), but aside from that, not much happening!

This upcoming week will likely be more of the same, but I am working on perfecting artisanal style GF/dairy free/grain free rolls.  I love the smell…and once they’re perfect, or as close as I can get ’em, you’ll here more.

Manda, our lovely host for this week, has selected “bitter” as our weekly flavor.  She gets points for creativity! I’ve got that covered pretty easily.  I actually love eating baking chocolate.  Plain.  That’s about as bitter as it gets, and hopefully will throw in a chicken dish with rosemary and olives, too.


Curried Turkey with roasted cauliflower

Quinoa TBD

Chicken mole in a crockpot…we’ll see how that goes.

Steak and peppers

Lazy day Tilapia with steamed peppers

Baked good:
Almond spice cookies

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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10 Responses to Mini Menu Plan and Holiday Tips

  1. VeggieGirl says:

    Thanks for the tips and menu!!

  2. Ricki says:

    I’m not really a cat person, but in this case I must make an exception. What an adorable photo!

  3. Veggie girl–
    you’re welcome!

    Erik (my husband) took the photo. It’s cute, they do a lot of snuggling in the winter months

  4. Shellyfish says:

    Oh the kitties!!! We want more kitty love!
    It has been one of those months…hold tight and hang on, I know I will especially if there are almond spice cookies on the horizon!

  5. Sea says:

    Oooh what cute kitties! It was a day for kitty posts, i guess… too bad the lighting was so bad for mine but at least I got it posted. It was a close call, heheh.

    Eating baking chocolate-mmm. I hadn’t thought of dark chocolate as a bitter, but what a good idea. 🙂


  6. Ginger says:

    Every blog needs kitty photos! Those artisan rolls sound tasty – I will look forward to the end result post.

  7. Rachel says:

    Beautiful cats. I love cats with those grey and black tabby stripes.

    Hey, I’m working on perfecting my roll skills too as my husband would rather have bread and rolls than anything sweet. I have been playing around with those circular egg fryer rings that I got at a restaurant supply store which keeps the dough in a circular shape, so I’ll have a post up (maybe in 2008?) about my rolls experimentations too. Looking forward to your artisan rolls post!

  8. Kay says:

    I have only one cat at the moment, but now I want two! What a sweet photo!

  9. Esther says:

    i should do more roast cauli it is good that way and we get one most weeks this time of year.

    Have posted the Burmese curry by the way.

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