Menu Plan Monday May 17th

I hope everyone had gorgeous weather like we did! My plants are loving it, too. It’s hard to see clearly in the picture, but we’ve got garlic scapes, kale, carrots and a whole lot of plants that have a long way to go.

This week’s theme is picnic foods from Heather of Celiac Family. Hmmm….many of my favorite picnic recipes are here from a fun cookout we had last year.

I’m away most of this week (yahoo!), my food selections will be based on portability and things that last well without going bad. And then I’ll be back to a more normal schedule and maybe even birthday brownies when I get back home. I’m looking forward to a glorious time of relaxing in the mountains, even if it is only a few days.

On the line up:
Kalamata Hummus with red peppers
Quinoa with kale “pesto”
Avocado and cassava crackers
Tuna in lettuce cups

and whatever else I can find along the way: nuts, seeds, fruit, etc.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to Menu Plan Monday May 17th

  1. Pingback: Gluten-Free Dinner Plan for a Week.

  2. Kale pesto sounds great. Enjoy the mountains.

  3. Shellyfish says:

    Hope you have a marvelous time! Having garden envy right now.

  4. Angela says:

    I hope you have a GREAT trip. Lucky you!

  5. Melissa Page says:

    “Tuna in lettuce cups” this is quite a tasty treat! I hope you enjoy your trip.
    Nice list of menu plan.

    Melissa Page
    Check us out at WhiteSpaceInternational!

  6. I suddenly feel like coming up with my own garden of herbs and leafy vegetable for a delectable treat of fresh green salad straight from my garden.

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