Menu Plan Monday April 25th–Borrowing Inspiration

Hope everyone had a happy Passover/Easter/quiet weekend.  And calling all hosts/hostesses!

Chez Harris is a bit of a busy place with DH and I both showing/selling our house and visiting potential houses nearby.  Fingers crossed that everything works out beautifully for all those involved, and that our resident feline brigade handle the interruptions with grace.

Last week, I posted my Choco-Raspberry Yummies as part of April in the Raw.  Though they’re not the most attractive, they make up for it in tastiness and wholesomeness.  I’ve been making cookies from our freezer stash for our house visitors, made a mint version of my Chocolate Chestnut Fudge and will be making Chocolate Banana Bread as muffins…and I made Ricki’s Maple Flax cookies, too, with quinoa flakes. Delish!

This week’s theme is on borrowing inspiration, because I know I’m guilty of doing my own thing, rather than branching out, and I’ve read more than a few blog posts about drifting into boring menu plans.  This week, I’m super inspired by Alta’s Simple Quinoa Pizza Crust and I’m very eager to give it a roll!  Love to hear about the bloggers or books that are inspiring you these days, too.

I’m also teaching on Reducing Inflammation at the Kaplan Center this Saturday April 30th.  I think the class is full, though.

Coconut Curry with Collards

Alta’s Pizza crust (topping TBD)

Roasted rosemary chicken w/roasted veggies

Mahi mahi with steamed broccoli


And everyone else?

Wendy of Celiacs in the House was intrigued by Alta’s pizza recipe, too. She also mentions a white bean and tuna salad that sounds amazing! Like many bloggers, she’s off to the GF and Allergen Expo, and I’m sure we’ll hear more shortly.
Angela of Angela’s Kitchen will be a the GF and Allergen expo, and she’s all for getting inspired!  Her honey kabobs sound tasty, as do the Sausage and Peppers from Carol of Simply Gluten-free.

Renee of Beyond Rice and Tofu is catching up on life this week, and so she wants to stick to the basics.  She’s got a great black bean chili on the lineup, and will be looking at pressure cooker recipes.  Hey, speaking of which, Wendy had a great pressure cooker article a few weeks ago…

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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11 Responses to Menu Plan Monday April 25th–Borrowing Inspiration

  1. Pingback: Gluten-Free Menu Plan April 25 | Celiacs in the House

  2. Cheryl, I’ve borrowed your pizza crust inspiration from Alta in the spirit of this week’s theme. Quinoa for crust sounds so good. My post is up
    Thanks for hosting yet again. I’ll volunteer for a week in May.

  3. Hi Cheryl! Here’s my menu for this week:
    I don’t know how you do it all with a house on the market!! That is such a stressful time!! Sending peaceful thoughts your way!! And I think next week the quinoa crust is on the menu!!

  4. Alta says:

    I hope you love the pizza like I did. I have it on my menu this week too. And those coconut curried greens? That sounds amazing. I have some greens around that I don’t have plans for – well, I do now!

  5. Ricki says:

    I’ve been dying to make that crust, too! Looks like great minds think alike. 😉 I always have casseroles, stews, etc. in the freezer for times like these. . . will probably be pulling out a few this week! Good luck with the move and hope all goes smoothly. 🙂

  6. Seems like we’re all in agreement…the pizza crust heard round the world! (or at least N. America)

  7. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – April 25, 2011 | Angela's Kitchen

  8. Cheryl, hope all goes well for you and the kitties this week! Very exciting! I am up to host a week, if you would like, also. Maybe May 16th? Let me know if that works for you.

    My post is up for the week:

    Love the theme. You are right, we so often just cook what we always cook. There are so many wonderful inspiring blogs and resources now that we could utilize more. Thank YOU for the inspiration you share each week. 🙂

  9. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday, April 25, 2011 « Beyond Rice and Tofu

  10. Renee says:

    I’m back! Just barely getting it in from the Mountain Time Zone…

    Thanks for hosting! I will volunteer to host here soon…trying to get my life back together right now. These past two week’s meal plans have been about all I can muster. More on all that later…

  11. Alta says:

    How’d the pizza turn out? What’d you top it with? I made some more last night and am enjoying leftovers for lunch. 🙂

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