Menu Plan Monday: Tomatoes

I hope everyone has weathered the earthquake and storm with grace.  What a week, huh?  I had a good one, and a relaxing weekend, which was way long overdue.  The storm gave me extra opportunity to sit home and do nothing, which was exactly what I needed.

I’m hosting this week’s menu plan with the theme of tomatoes.  Usually, by this time of year, my kitchen is overrun with tiny gems of various colors. Above is a picture from last year.

This year, tomatoes are the snack of choice of area deer.  I thought I would have a lovely picture (this is last year’s bounty), but nope!  I do have a few that I snagged before they did, though.

I hope you all had better luck holding on to your tomatoes than I did.

As a weekly re-cap, I posted one of my favorite recipes, Simply Yum Quinoa, which is a quick, easy, one pot meal.  Diane of the WHOLE Gang has a great auction for Jeannie (see her blog for the whole scoop).  And Carrie, the Ginger Lemon Girl has an e-book of her favorite recipes out!  Life is good.

Chicken and celery in a chestnut sauce

Salmon on a bed of greens with herbs

Coconut collard curry (say that 10 times fast, I dare you!)

Sniffle stew

Simply Yum Quinoa!

Renee of Beyond Rice and Tofu is a lucky woman. She’s got Green Zebras and Napa Grape Tomatoes in her garden! She’s been exploring new cookbooks and has a garden heavy quinoa recipe on the menu, too.

Let’s have a warm welcome for Gluten Free in Detroit! Amanda is a fan of menu planning for budget reasons. She doesn’t have tomatoes because of the wacky weather, but is hoping for the generosity of neighboring gardeners. She’s off to a BBQ tonight, which sounds like fun!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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5 Responses to Menu Plan Monday: Tomatoes

  1. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – August 29, 2011 | Angela's Kitchen

  2. Hi, Cheryl! Bummer about your tomato crop. Deer do seem to like tomatoes as much as we do! 🙂

    That Coconut Collard Curry sounds really tasty! Another one to book mark from your site (so much yumminess here). I have a nice crop of collards to use and now I know what in. thanks!

    My post is up. Hope you have a great week and that you weathered the storm well. 🙂

  3. Emily says:

    We have Cheeseburger Rice, Pizza Pie and more on our menu this week!

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