Menu Plan Monday: Squash!

Change is in the air…

First, last call–if you haven’t sent in a comment to the FDA on GF labeling, PLEASE DO! Info here!
Not only have we been experiencing a weather change, but others are on the forecast! Heather of Celiac Family will be the new mommy of MPM, as of October 17th.  I have truly enjoyed hosting Menu Plan Monday, and yet the reality is that between working at 3 locations, running around to various doctor appointments, volunteering, hosting a meditation group, breathing and eating, I simply don’t have the time to devote to growing and publicizing the swap.  When I was blogging more often, there was more traffic to MPM and more participants.  And so it seemed the right time to step aside.

Also, as I’ve recognized the impact that the busy-ness has had on me, I have a bunch of new changes on the horizon (stay tuned!)  I have mentioned self-care at length, and it’s a cornerstone of my life.  I’ve realized how my commitments to groups and projects have started to erode my commitment to myself, and so a change was in order.  Obviously I still intend to participate in MPM, and look forward to Heather’s changes.

Heather is the hostess this week, and her ingredient is squash.  Since I’m allergic to the whole squash family, my appreciation will be limited to admiring the little lovelies seen above.  Unfortunately, the pumpkin plants are not in good health anymore, so we’ll likely only have the ones I’ve harvested already, but 18 was a new record!

It was a crazy week–I did something weird to my jaw and so I spent days eating lentil dal. Now, I love lentil dal, but enough is enough…and I don’t want to see it for an extended period of time! I also haven’t gone shopping because my in laws were visiting, and so I need to do some hard-core scrambling tomorrow to get up to speed.

Chicken and kale pesto

Chicken and sauteed fennel

Beef stew with celery, carrots and potato

Honestly? Totally depends on what I find at the store tomorrow


About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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5 Responses to Menu Plan Monday: Squash!

  1. Pingback: Weekly Gluten-Free Menu Plan - Squash

  2. Beef Stew sounds perfect for the cold front that came in this weekend. Yikes! I pulled out my long sleeved sweaters this morning. Definitely soup weather.

  3. Alta says:

    I totally missed MPM this week. Your pumpkins look great though!

  4. Squash of just about any type is always part of our diet. Our family loves eating squash, very healthy, nutritional and adds such nice texture and color to the meals. Enjoyed your post!

  5. I totally understand passing on MPM. I started a new job 2 weeks ago and my blogging stats took a major dive. I will get “back on the bicycle”, but I really saw what a stall it took when I got busy.

    Thank you for organizing it and welcoming me. 😉

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