My Goals–Dec Sanity Challenge

I am so glad that the December Sanity Challenge is underway!  Since it first came to mind a week or so ago, life has become increasingly INsane.  I left my job at Kaplan Center on Tuesday, which was very sad, but the drive became too long and it was a huge physical drain.  Instead, the plan has been to work at home, and I’ve started working on some nutrition education webinars AND now it seems, am very close to committing to write for a nutrition magazine, too (details to come…) Somehow, just like that, I forgot about my plan to take more time to relax.  How does that happen so quickly??!!?? Also, I was nominated by NDVDA as Emerging RD leader for VA so I’ve been working on pulling together my application and letters and such.

The new things are delightful, but they also require TIME MANAGEMENT, which is not traditionally one of my strengths.  I’m like one of the cats, I get distracted by whatever flits by. (Or for anyone who watches the Daily Show or has seen the movie Up, SQUIRREL!)  So I will need to seriously build some structure in order to meet these deadlines and take care of myself, too.

So my sanity goals this month:

  • Exercising 3-4 times a week.  Ideally, Mondays, Weds, Thurs and Saturdays, and doing my fun PT exercises daily.
  • Waiting at least 2 hours before making Internet purchases.  Hopefully by then I’ve figured out that I don’t need whatever wonderous toy they’re selling
  • Meditation twice daily.
  • 6 desserts in December.  That’s it.
  • Writing a schedule next Tues.
  • Heading off on a silent retreat this weekend!  Way to get off to a good start.

Anyone else?

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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8 Responses to My Goals–Dec Sanity Challenge

  1. Ricki says:

    Such great goals, Cheryl. And I am so much like you in the “easily distracted” category! I love that scene in Up, too. 😀 I’m working on my December Sanity Post–better get some of my goals in gear before then so I can get it posted within the month, right? !! 😉

  2. Cheryl, I really needed to hear this! So many of these ideas spoke to me! Still haven’t gotten up and “running” with exercise yet, and I really need to make this a primary goal, I too am prone to impulse buys if I have the money (I’m usually good with sticking to our budget, but still it’s often things I don’t need or don’t need to give to others!) And Distraction is my middle name!! Such a great look at Sanity in a nutshell! I now want to start working on my own goals for Sanity this month! 🙂 (((hugs!)))

  3. Ricki-
    Too funny! And Up is such a great movie.

    So glad they speak to you, too! I try to be good about not buying too much “stuff” and yet things always creep in for other people (or me, to be honest). And hugs right back!

  4. Iris says:

    Hope your goals are working out and congrats on all the exciting new things going on in your life! I’ve been sticking with my goal for this month, and looking forward to writing about it on Thursday!

  5. Wow! Great job!! Inspiring to grab some sanity – great idea 🙂

  6. Pingback: Dec Sanity–Update Week 1 | Gluten Free Goodness

  7. Pingback: December Sanity Challenge

  8. Pingback: December Sanity Challenge | Gluten Free Goodness

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