Menu Plan Monday: Citrus

Having a crazy holiday season?  this is a plug for the December Sanity Challenge!  Find a goal to keep yourself sane, blog about it, and even report back.  Iris of the Daily Dietribe is hosting this week, so go give her some love.

I think it’s helped me stay saner, except for right now when I should be heading to bed, so I need to make this snappy, and I’ll add more tomorrow.

Fun stuff: An article on Immune Boosting foods in the Washingtonian Blog

and my holiday newsletter, too!  It’s got wonderful tips and gobs of recipe goodness, including a slew of naturally gluten-free recipes (or should I say, Gluten Free Easily?  Although the recipe list goes back more years than I’ve known Shirley!)

Fun tasty stuff: Candy Cane Marshmallows, dipped in chocolate.  Mr. Dude risked serious injury when he mentioned last night that he ate a bunch and hoped I didn’t plan to give them to many people.  And yet he is alive and well, and sanity prevails.  If the Christmas treats get eaten early, that’s it.  I’m making what I’m making, and that’s it.

That leads me today’s ingredient: citrus! For the schedule and our new Menu Plan Mama, please see Heather of Celiac Family.  Want to join in on the fun? I’m sure she’d love to hear from you.

If anyone is keeping track, I rarely eat citrus because it doesn’t agree with me (and if you’re keeping track, congrats.)Every year I make Choco covered orange slices because they’re Mr. E’s faves, and I’ll post a recipe this week.

Chicken with Celery in Chestnut Sauce

Quinoa Italiana, I hope!  I think I have more olives

Halibut with Kale Pesto

Classic Beef stew


Sounds like Citrus is popular all around!

Wendy at Celiacs in the House is having an abundance of citrus in the form of Clementines and grapefruits.  She’s got a great lineup including a white bean Cassolet.  Also, don’t miss out on her 4 book giveaway to celebrate her blogniversary!

Heather of Celiac Family has a very cute logo.  And the theme will inspire her to use up the citrus that been around and also to drink more water.  She’s got cilantro lime shrimp on the menu, too.

Renee of Beyond Rice and Tofu intrigues with an Indian Spiced Squash soup.  She generally eats citrus in its native form rather than baking or cooking with it.

Angela of Angela’s Kitchen stops by with a Bison and Sweet Potato Stew and what looks like a very busy week of shuttling around kids to various places!  Hopefully she can find inspiration from other blogs for other yummy meals, too.

I’ve just “met” Samantha of So Simply Good, but anyone who is laundry phobic is clearly a long-lost soulmate of mine.  She’s got a nice paleo menu, and not only that, her grandfather GROWS oranges!  How cool is that.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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15 Responses to Menu Plan Monday: Citrus

  1. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday, December 12, 2011 « Beyond Rice and Tofu

  2. Pingback: A Gluten-Free Menu Plan | Celiacs in the House

  3. Hi Cheryl
    Here’s my post:
    Now I’ve got to go read all these links you suggested. Have a sane week!

  4. Pingback: Gluten-Free Menu Plan - Citrus

  5. Pingback: menu plan monday: 12.12.11 |

  6. Samantha says:

    Hmm…kale pesto – I’ve been struggling to find more ways to get kale in my diet and that might be a great one!
    Finally got my menu plan up –

  7. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – December 12, 2011 | Angela's Kitchen

  8. Cheryl, you always have so many awesome links and resources! I can’t wait to check them out. Thanks for all you share.

    I have some citrus goodness on my menu this week. Here is my post:

  9. Pingback: Menu Making Mondays |

  10. Emily says:

    We’re trying a new Taco Dip this week:

    My menu was posted on Sunday, but I’ve been out of town…just now trying to get my life organized again!

  11. Thanks for hosting this week, I love the citrus theme.
    Those marshmallows look sinfully delicious!
    So far, the lemon in water is working great for getting my family to drink more water.

  12. Robert says:

    I tried the Halibut with Kale Pesto yesterday and it was really excellent -the whole family liked it.

  13. Pingback: Paleo Recipes Spinach

  14. Pingback: Sugar Free Paleo Granola

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