Ground Cherries

Just a tidbit of news, since it’s making my day: Karina, the GF Goddess is posting low glycemic (low carb) recipes. As a nutritionist who is very into low glycemic foods, and someone who loves to eat, I’m delighted.  Wait, you’re not gluten free?  No worries, good food has no boundaries!  So check out her luscious blog, you’ll be glad you did.

Now on to other tasty topics: ground cherries.  I was reading a seed catalog, which isn’t as boring as it sounds. Hey, I was on a plane and didn’t have much else to do! The description was intriguing: they “have a flavor reminiscent of pineapple”.  How could I resist?  I’d never heard of them before, but hey, that’s never stopped me in the past!

Lo and behold, they’re totally delicious, and probably the happiest member of my garden.  They’re a relative of tomato, but are much sweeter, like a typical fruit.  Like tomatillos, they have a papery peel, which you remove to get the fruit.   Unlike tomatoes,  they grow close to the ground, and they are super low maintenece (i.e. all I do is pick ’em and they’re happy)

As far as preparation, usually I don’t really do much with them aside from peeling and popping them into my mouth.  I’ve used them in salsa, and in salads as a colorful addition.  I found recipes to make a jam with them, but adding sugar to them seems totally unnecessary.  Besides, I end up eating them so quickly I’d have a hard time getting enough!

I wanted to make sure I was following the WHB rules and give a recipe, so I tried dehydrating a few with a tray of apricots I was drying.  They’re interesting and not as sweet as I expected.  They’re a bit like raisins, but don’t have as full of a flavor.  However, if by some quirk of fate, you’re allergic to grapes (like me), they might make a decent substitute.

As a totally unexpected bonus, they also make an excellent cat toy.  I co-habitate with a large, lazy feline, and he went nuts for one that I dropped on the floor.  Apparently, it makes a great puck.  But the next morning I discovered they’d somehow maneuvered a bunch out of the bowl they were in so the guys would have more toys.  Gotta love it.

This is my entry into Weekend Herb Blogging, as originated by Kalyn’s Kitchen.  This week’s happy hostess is Marija from Palachinka, a fellow Daring Baker who has some seriously drool-worthy pictures on her site.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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7 Responses to Ground Cherries

  1. Ricki says:

    Wow–never heard of these before, but they do sound very intriguing! And I suppose they’d make good dog toys, too 😉 .

  2. Marija says:

    I have them in my country house garden also! But I have to admit we never eat them. They’re not ripe yet, but this year I’ll give them a try. Thanks for sending this to the WHB!

  3. Kay says:

    I read seed catalogs like novels myself. I’ve seen these, but never tried to grow them. I’m so glad you posted photos and uses!

    I used to have a cat that would beg for a treat while I was breaking green beans. I’d fling a piece of bean for him to chase. He could entertain himself for hours knocking that little bean around the kitchen floor! Silly kitty!

  4. Kalyn says:

    Very fun topic! I don’t think I’ve ever seen these before. I’m assuming you started them from seeds? I’ll have to look for this for next year’s garden.

    BTW, I do agree that Karina’s low-glycemic foods look fantastic, even if you’re not eating gluten-free. And I’m such a huge believer in low-glycemic eating.

  5. Ricki–I bet the girls would have fun!

    Marija-I can’t imagine not eating them, they’re better than candy.

    Kay-give them a try next time for sure!

    Kalyn- Yes, they’re started from seed. I buy from Southern Exposure because they save seeds native to the Mid Atlantic.

    I love your blog, too, and think it’s an awesome resource!

  6. katie says:

    I haven’t had ground cherries in years! Our neighbor grew them when I was little and we all loved them.
    Wonder if I could grow them here… Maybe in my new garden!

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