Menu plan Monday Nov 17th

The leaves here are incredible, and the weather is alternating between unseasonably warm and windy and chilly. I always feel like I want to get outside and savor the last drops of warmth and sunshine before they slip away. I’m such a warm weather and sunshine person that it’s a challenge to see the fall slip away! Especially when it means saying goodbye to my garden.

But it’s also a good time to get in the kitchen and cook up a bunch of soups and stews. I haven’t done that much yet, but I’m sure I will. This week’s veg, Swede (AKA rutabega) is a good one for soups and stews, but is out of my diet for at least the next 4 months. So it won’t be in my meal plan, but do check out Lilac Kitchen for recipes and inspiration. The one in the picture above is from a food art mini project that a wonderful friend shot for me for my nutrition practice.

Pom Chicken (recipe to follow) with steamed broccoli

Parchment tilapia with peppers and ginger spiced kale chips

Quinoa TBD

Turkey leftovers (defrosted) and celery in a chestnut sauce

Steak and peppers

Baked goods:
Cornbread (for stuffing).
Sugar free meringues
Both are gifts for others…I may make something fun for me, too.

From the garden:
Raspberries-they’re so cute, I have to make mittens for them to keep them from freezing

From the Farmer’s market

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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9 Responses to Menu plan Monday Nov 17th

  1. VeggieGirl says:

    It’s a Winter Wonderland here.

    Great menu!

  2. Ricki says:

    You always manage to create such inviting menus, even with dietary restrictions! Can’t wait to see what Pom Chicken is (and love the sound of the cornbread!) 🙂

  3. Esther says:

    Love the photo, am just adding you to the list 🙂

  4. Shellyfish says:

    I’m laughing because I’m picturing mini-raspberry-sized mittens!

  5. VG– fortunately, we’re still flirting with winter

    Ricki–you’re always so sweet

    Esther–thanks so much for hosting!

    Shellyfish–I’ll post a pic! They’re not quite mittens but they get the job done.

  6. Heather says:

    You know, we are breaking a record today.. it is 81 in Colorado. It usually snows by halloween, but we just got our first “dusting” a few days ago and now it’s hot again. I love to make soups and stews in the winter. I am in the mood for Lentils this week…

    I am hosting a Spotlight on gluten-free products at my blog for the holiday season… I just wanted to let you know in case you are interested. I would love other gluten-free bloggers to join in!

  7. Thanks so much for this – I am very curious about the ginger spiced kale chips – any chance for a sneak at the recipe?

    Also, it snowed off and on here yesterday. It felt like winter and I had a cup of raw cacao warmer. yum.


  8. Heather,
    that sounds neat, I’ll check it out!
    kale chips are something along the lines of this
    but with some ground ginger and salt

  9. thanks Cheryl,
    I never thought of making chips out of greens. such a great idea. Thanks for the recipe link.

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