Tuiles: A Daring Baker Challenge

tuilesIt’s Daring Baker time again, and this month’s challenge is brought to us by Karen of Bake My Day and Zorra of 1x umruehren bitte aka Kochtopf. They have chosen Tuiles from The Chocolate Book by Angélique Schmeink and Nougatine and Chocolate Tuiles from Michel Roux. Not only were Karen and Zorra kind enough to gift us with great recipes, they gave us a variety of alternatives, too! On the Alternative DB list (go alt DB’ers!) someone posted on sugar free, vegan Sesame Lace Tuiles from the Millennium cookbook. I was quite intrigued, so I had to try them. With gluten free flour, of course.


The recipe was simple and quite easy. The only issue was my second guessing! I pulled them out of the oven at the correct time and they were total mush. So I popped them back in, and they still weren’t hard. Well, I forgot about them for a couple of minutes, and then the were too hard to roll up. Which just gave me an excuse to make a bunch of batches. If you want them flat, it doesn’t matter. But if you want to play…well, it’s a fine line between to hard and too soft. DH, my head taster, liked them a good deal. They were more than a bit greasy, but the texture and flavor was interesting. The only annoying thing is that they’re dropped by the 1/2 tsp fulls and spread like mad, so you’re making batch after batch…and I’m not a huge fan of never ending cookie batches!db

Please do check out all of the Daring Bakers and their creations…it’s always a pleasure, and I can’t wait until next month’s challenge!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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11 Responses to Tuiles: A Daring Baker Challenge

  1. VeggieGirl says:

    Excellent work with this DBC!!

  2. Sheltie Girl says:

    Outstanding job on your sesame tuiles! I’m very impressed by the nice tight roll you got out of them.


  3. Lauren says:

    Mmm, your tuiles look awesome! Sesame sounds great =D!

  4. Shellyfish says:

    Ok, how many times has that happened to me? I pop something back in for “a sec” then continue my Chinese-plate spinning and well, you can only spin so many until one of them falls, and it’s usually the thing i had in the oven which I forget about. Looks like you were able to salvage some of them!

  5. Sea says:

    those look really intriguing… I’m very curious about the ingredients! Too bad I don’t have the cookbook, yet, but I can look at the thread. 🙂 I also couldn’t quite decide when to take my regular (but GF) tuiles out of the oven and probably slightly overbaked them. Probably. Not 100% sure… 😉


  6. Ricki says:

    They sound totally intriguing! Can you share the recipe? I think one teaspoon at a time would drive me mad 😉

  7. Debyi says:

    Great job! go Alt DB’ers.

  8. Rachel says:

    These look great and I love being able to roll them. This might solve my hunt for a gluten-free cannoli shell! Can you share the recipe or link?

  9. veggie girl:

    Shelly, Lauren:
    right back at ya ladies!

    Sea, Rachel, Ricki,
    it’s on the alt DB thread. I don’t want to post here b/c of copywrite issues, but I will email you offline.

  10. Jude says:

    I’m liking the extra crunch from the sesame seeds and I’m sure the flavor is much improved with it. I like how they turned out 🙂

  11. K says:

    Can you email me the recipe pretty please!

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