Menu Plan Monday April 13th–Flax!

I hope everyone had a good holiday! We had a good time–great to see family, and of course, great food

This week’s ingredient is flax. To be quite honest, I don’t use flax as much as I’d like to, so I was hoping for a little inspiration! I’ve been meaning to make the cookies and flax coating, and now I have a good excuse. Often I use salba (chia seed) instead, but both have a lot of benefits in terms of fiber and lignans, and, of course, it’s great to get variety. If you’re interested in learning more, I have some info on flax and its benefits here.

Trout with slivered almonds and roasted peppers

Quinoa in a lemony thyme sauce, probably with an avocado

Roast turkey with celery in a chestnut sauce


Chicken with Cajun Flax coating from Shelly Case’s book and steamed broccoli


Baked good:
Almond 5 spice cookies (using a lot of flax)

And everyone else???

I’m very jealous of Wendy, who has a clean kitchen. That makes her queen in my book! She’s got a lovely looking menu, with fun stuff like GF ravioli.

Sea, of Book of Yum has a new camper and so she’s mobile! Obviously, she’s still got a great menu plan, and shares a quiche recipe. She’s even got instructions on dying Easter eggs naturally with cabbage.

Elizabeth has a lovely baked oatmeal dish with flax on her menu, and chipotle sweet potatoes sound delish.
Hooray for Kim! She’s officially going to be the mom of a teenager very soon. Check out her menu, she got a lot planned and her Easter menu, and had me drooling at the thought of lemon bundt cake.

Patti has me intrigued by her cocoa mint lamb. There’s a great variety in her menu, and she’s got some really lovely pictures on her website.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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12 Responses to Menu Plan Monday April 13th–Flax!

  1. ElizabethG says:

    Hi Cheryl,

    My menu is here:
    Menu for Week of April 12th
    I have ground flax in the healthy baked oatmeal which is the most requested recipe, but I must admit that I don’t use flax nearly enough given the many health benefits. Thanks very much for hosting.

  2. Pingback: Menu Plan for Week of April 12, 2009 | Modern Gal

  3. Ricki says:

    I love flax and use it all the time–most recently, I guess, in my Maple Flax cookies. Can’t wait to hear about your almond 5 spice ones!

  4. Shellyfish says:

    5 Spice Cookies? I’m all ears…and tummy… I’ve been slacking on my flaxing (sorry). I used to be better about using it, and I do love it.

  5. VeggieGirl says:

    Hooray for a great holiday, flax, and quinoa with avocado!! 😀

  6. My kitchen looks that way for about 10 minutes. Cooking and eating 3 meals a day at home makes it hard to keep the dish rack empty(and the sink). I have the Shelly Case book and never thought of trying flax as a chicken coating. Let us know how it works out.

  7. Kim says:

    Looks great! I am learning to cook/bake more with flax. 🙂 Here is my menu for the week:


    PS….Thanks for hosting!

  8. E,
    that looks like a great recipe, thanks for sharing.

    your maple flax cookies look amazing! when I’m allowed to have grains again, they’re high up on my “to make” list. and I actually have a list…it’s quite long, and your recipes are very well represented =)

    Shellyfish– we’ll see how the cookies go! fingers crossed.

    VG-thanks a bunch!

    If your kitchen is clean for 10 minutes, that’s 10 min more than me. Cleaning is my achillies heel

    Thanks for sharing your menu! Baking with flax is great.

  9. I’m a little slow getting my menu together this week. I guess that’s because I knew I had a lot of leftovers to eat this week. :o) I don’t have any flax seeds in my menu either, so I hope you’ll forgive me. I’m anxious to try some of the flax seed recipes listed above.

  10. Ginger says:

    Yum! I love flax. Little explosions of goodness! My post is:
    Thanks for hosting and getting me to bake something this week!


  11. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday - April 13, 2009 « Angela’s Kitchen

  12. Angela says:

    Uhg, I couldn’t get my blog to post yesterday… Sorry I am late!

    Your menu is awesome, as always. the lemony thyme sauce sounds yummy! I love anything with thyme…

    my menu is FINALLY up:

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