A Menu Plan Give away

I’ve had a few unexpected things pop up so this brief: I’ve had very few hosts for Menu Plan Monday lately. So in the spirit of making things more interesting, there’s a giveaway from now until March 18th. Leave a comment below telling me why menu planning is helpful to you (one entry) or for two, sign up as a host and email me cheryl(at)eharrishome DOT com and let me know desired date and ingredient. I will announce a lucky winner on March 20th.

I’ll be giving away the items in the picture There are Enjoy life bars and cookies, a (soy free!) Dagoba chocolate bar, Bob’s Red mill pancake and certified GF cornmeal (All are GF, CF, soy free and vegan) and a big old bottle of Salba which isn’t pictured. US winners only due to shipping costs (sorry!) If you’re allergic to something let me know and we’ll work something out, yes?

Our hostess this week is Heather of Celiac Family and we have a fish theme. My cats approve, and so do I!

Wishing you all a wonderful and peaceful week!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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15 Responses to A Menu Plan Give away

  1. Kelly Michelle says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! Menu planning makes my grocery shopping faster and easier and ensures that I will have healthy food choices all week in between school, babysitting, and life!

  2. Kim says:

    Menu planning makes my life just a little less stressful. It reminds me when to get my meat out to defrost. I like knowing what is on my menu the day. 🙂

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  3. Terah Bowling says:

    Menu planning makes my weekdays run smoother. I often work late, so having something ready to heat up really helps me to have have more time in the evening to take care of myself and my family. I am allergic to corn, so I am not sure that this entire group of food would work for me, but I love winning a giveaway (and so does my budget!)

  4. Samantha says:

    what is a hostess? I am interested in meals for kids. Im new to the GFCF world. And I also interested in the giveway. I like Pamela Products.

  5. Kelly,
    me, too! Otherwise I seem to leave the store without what I need.

    Kim, I hear you on stress

    Terah, I’ll make sure to send you something corn free if you win.

  6. Hi Samantha,

    A hostess picks an ingredient, puts up a plan and does a roundup. Info here:http://www.gfgoodness.com/swaphqtrs/

  7. Manda says:

    Menu planning for me gives me a chance to express myself and helps me put a cap on what I spend at the grocery store. It’s not only fun to see the creativity of other cooks, but it also helps me get inspired and get in the kitchen to cook. I notice a lot of participants go, “Oh! I forgot about that vegetable or fruit,” when a specific item is chosen. That awakens your mind for the possibilities of using that item in your next meal or trying it a different way.

    I noticed a lot of people stoppd, more than likely due to their schedule and I feel bad for taking the spot light a lot. I don’t mind because I can help people that way by giving them ideas to start with. It’d be nice to see the working wheels in other people’s minds~

    Thanks for all you’ve done Cheryl~! I’m sure you make GFMommy proud.

  8. Pingback: Gluten-Free Menu Plan - Basil

  9. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday March 8th « Gluten Free Goodness

  10. Pingback: Gluten free goodie giveaway « Gluten Free Goodness

  11. Ricki says:

    Not sure how I missed the fact that I could just comment and still enter (rather than host)–so here’s my comment! I actually DO think menu planning would benefit me since I am so bad at it right now. I’m tired of waiting until 45 minutes before dinnertime to decide what to cook! I think I have enough stress in my life, and that would help immensely. 😉

  12. Ricki says:

    Oops, now I see why I hadn’t entered–US only. Boo hoo!

  13. Sunny says:

    Menu planning saves us money. When our meals are planned out, we don’t waste time deciding what to eat when we are hungry. This keeps us happier: it helps us eat healthier and also ensures our blood sugars don’t get too low.

  14. Cathy says:

    I need meal planning being new at trying to decide what to eat. On very limited funds, it is alot easier to plan or follow someone elses meal plan.
    Having multiple sensitivities and being new at all of this, it is very hard to do it all. I find it very helpful to see what other women are planning, buying and eating.
    I am grateful to all of you who are helping and posting what you do thru recipes involved in healthy eating. I am looking for recipes with few ingredients since I have to rotate foods also.

  15. Pingback: Menu Plan Giveaway and Menu « Gluten Free Goodness

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