Angela of Angela’s Kitchen has chosen one of my favorite foods for this week, rhubarb! I just don’t know yet whether they’ll have any at the farmer’s Market. I tend to
make it simply and it’s one of the seasons yummiest sweet/tart pleasures.
We’ve got all sorts of beautiful things growing. On top is a flower from a blackberry plant, and I’m totally jazzed at the idea of getting blackberries this year. We also have (green) tomatoes, and the occasional aberrant toad. Did you know they burrow under dirt? I didn’t and he scared the heck out of me! He was pretty chill through the whole experience, though.
Onward to the menu!
Chicken in parsley sauce with steamed broccoli
Avocado, lime and crackers
Lentil dal with roasted cauliflower
Quinoa Italiana
out to dinner- my in-laws are in town
Baked goods:
maybe dairy free cinnamon rolls? After making them the first time, I wanted a second shot.
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I had a toad in my thyme plant last week that just about gave me a heart attack when he leaded out at me. I probably scared him too!
I got you all hooked up to the swap. Thanks for sharing. Those cinnamon rolls look like I need to make them (egg and yeast free? I got to play with that dough!). Thanks for the link.
Have a great week!
Ooops… the toad LEAPED out at me… :o)
We’ve got rhubarb going on at our house, too! So happy it’s rhubarb season.
We’ve got toads at our house, too. And based on the hundreds of tadpoles in our pond right now, we’re going to be overrun with frogs and toads this summer. That is until the snakes show up. 🙂
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