Menu Plan Monday: Kale!

I love Kale, and it’s great weather for it.  There’s a picture of one of my kale plants above–isn’t it beautiful?  There’s a joke in my house about things disappearing faster than the speed of kale, because it disappears so quickly in our house.  It’ s on of my favorite foods, and my DH will voluntarily eat a few bites.  That’s okay, more for me!

Kale is also now on the list of produce with the most pesticides, so it’s important to eat it organically grown when possible.  I’m sure this is a surprise to none–

my kale always has a bunch of little green caterpillars munching, and they blend right in to the plant.  The best way to find them is the pile of kale poop.  Ugh.  But I’m not willing to use chemicals on my plants, and I’ll see what happens if I use row covers one of these months.

And if you’re in the Northern VA area, I’m doing a class on balancing nutrition and the environment next Saturday in Mc Lean from 10:30-12 for $20.  If you’re interested, you can give a call 703-532-4892.

It’s also been a fun time for my garden overall.  I’ve got 10 pepper plants, 8 tomatoes, 4 kale, 20 or so garlic, more raspberry plants than I can count, a handful of blackberry plants, ground cherries, herbs, watermelon that I planted yesterday a few carrots and a gorgeous artichoke plant that I’m super excited about.

OK, off to the food!

Quinoa with Kale Pesto


Nightshade stew with fennel and brown rice

Grilled garlic salmon, grilled peppers and grilled asparagus

Coconut curry chicken with roasted cauliflower


Baked sweet treats:

granola bars

something raspberry based….
And everyone else?

Heather, of Celiac Family is venturing into the land of kale and making Kale Chips!  Those are tasty and I haven’t made them in a while, and I’m so glad to be reminded!  Her new favorite Tropical Bean salad looks amazing, too.

Wendy of Celiacs in the House has an “on the run” week planned.  Her youngest will be in the state track meet (yay for him!) and there are tests and all sorts of last minute doings. She’s got quinoa on the menu and tacos, too.

Scrumptious joins us with yet another yummy GF vegan meal plan. She has kale with kale sauce on the line up and plans to make sweet potato enchiladas, too. And she’s looking for suggestions for the balance of easy and simple healthy eating.

Renee joins us for the first time–welcome!–from Beyond Rice and Tofu, a GF vegetarian blog. Of course, she’s had me looking up lotus root with her talk of a Lotus Root Stir Fry from Book of Yum. And she has yummy looking “chicken” rolls on the lineup, too.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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9 Responses to Menu Plan Monday: Kale!

  1. Li says:

    Hi Cheryl, I’m so happy to have discovered your blog! I’m constantly looking for new ideas to get out of my food rut, and can’t wait to try some of your recipes. I blog about gluten-free living, and have added you to my list of inspirations. Thanks for sharing, and have a great day!


  2. Gina says:

    I didn’t know you were in NoVA–me, too! I’m over in Springfield.

    I didn’t submit my meal plan for GF this week because I’m back on gluten for my testing on Thursday. We’ll see what happens.

  3. Scrumptious says:

    Hi Cheryl,

    What a perfect theme ingredient this week. I absolutely adore kale! Your kale plant looks gorgeous – I am so envious of your garden! And that kale pesto recipe sounds wonderful. I’ll have to make it soon!

    Thanks for hosting this week and for keeping the Menu Swap alive!

  4. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday, May 31, 2010 « Beyond Rice and Tofu

  5. Renee says:

    Hi Cheryl –

    I still haven’t gotten with the program and followed the theme, but one of these days I will! But I will look for some kale at the store this week so I can at least try making those kale chips everyone talks about. Otherwise, here is my meal plan for the week…

    Thanks for hosting!

  6. Pingback: Gluten-Free Dinner Plan for a Week.

  7. Thanks for the tip about buying organic kale. I’ll have to see if I can find it this week. Your pesto looks great.

  8. Li,
    thanks so much! I enjoy MPM so much because it helps me ‘de-rut’ a little.

    Hey, neighbor! I actually see clients and teach GF classes in Alexandria–see

    Hi Scrumptious,
    I feel so lucky to have such an abundance of kale! The buggers have been pretty kind so far

    Hi Renee,
    thanks so much for joining us, welcome!

    thanks! wegmans usually has it, and that’s out in your direction-ish

  9. Cheryl
    Kale pesto is now on my to try list when life settles down. The bugs don’t get my kale, the deer are the main pests here. Thanks for hosting this week.

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