Menu Plan Monday July 5th–Summertime foods

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday–we sure did!  I got to see my nephew, who is just the cutest little munchkin ever.

My summertime favorites? 

Southwestern Quinoa and black bean salad,

Salsa-mole, preferably with Chickpea crackers

Summer Lovin’ Salad

Grilled Herb-y peppers

Kalamata hummus (need to measure ingredients and post!)

and, of course, vegan tropical lime pie (recipe coming soon)

Unfortunately, my husband has a stomach bug and has for the last few weeks, so it’s bland food until we figure out what’s going on with him.  I’ve been making him lots of smoothies, and we’ve been keeping it simple. Fat seems to really both him

CALLING ALL HOSTS/HOSTESSES!  Please let me know if you’d like to host in the future, and your ingredient of choice.

So onto the food:

Monday:Turkey with celery in chestnut sauce

Tues: Hummus and peppers for me, smoothie for E

Weds: Chicken with garlic and Kalamatas and broccoli

Thursday: Lemony mint quinoa

Friday: leftovers

to make: meringues

From my garden:

gobs of herbs

because I bruised my toe, I haven’t made it to the market yet, but hope to this upcoming week.

And everyone else?
Wendy has a bunch of treats and giveaways in store so check back with her soon. There’s a very cool fireworks picture. She’s has been doing the bunless burger thing, and the idea of salad with tzatziki sauce makes me hungry.

Monday snuck up on Renee of Beyond Rice and Tofu, but she still has a marvelous summery meal plan, including Morrocan Chickpea Salad

Scrumptious of In My Box has a colorful, flavorful vegan line up.  Love the idea of a raw kale salad, and so glad she’s back to posting!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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10 Responses to Menu Plan Monday July 5th–Summertime foods

  1. Pingback: Meal Plan Monday, July 5, 2010 « Beyond Rice and Tofu

  2. Renee says:

    Hi Cheryl –

    Thanks for hosting. Here is the link to my Meal Plan post:

    I can host one of these weeks…I will have to think about a theme though…let me know!


  3. Scrumptious says:

    Hi Cheryl,
    Sorry I haven’t stepped up to host in a while! My posting has been pretty irregular because I’ve been all over the place, and I’ve been worried that my host day will come and I won’t even have internet access that day! But things should settle down soon… I think I should be able to host next week. I just need to think of an ingredient.

    Your pie looks amazing! I hope your husband recovers and your toe heals up quickly!

  4. Renee,
    sounds good and let me know!

    Scrumptious, glad to know you’ll be back to posting soon. let me know when you have a firmer idea of your plans and we’ll figure out a week that works best.
    thanks for the good wishes!

  5. Pingback: Getting the ball rolling again with a vegan, gluten-free Menu Plan Friday? « In My Box

  6. Scrumptious says:

    I didn’t realize there was menu swappage going on this week, Cheryl! How did I miss that? I made my menu on Friday but it goes through all of next week:

  7. Celiacs in the House says:

    Thanks for finding my post and hosting. Crazy day of car shopping with a teenager. Stressful, but once she has some wheels, my life as a taxi is over.

  8. Wendy,
    car shopping? what fun! (ok, at least for your daughter)

    congrats on your newfound freedom.

  9. Pingback: All type of RECIPES!.. » Menu Plan Monday July 5th–Summertime foods | Gluten Free Goodness

  10. Your summer favorites look great to me. I’m not sure which one I want first…salsa mole or summer lovin’ salad.
    I’m finally back from vacation. I had to take this week off, but I’ll be back to posting our menu next week.

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