Menu Plan Monday Oct 11–potatoes!

Oh my, what a week. I was at an amazing conference with fantastic people…and yet I sprained my ankle so I’m hobbling around and more than a bit stir crazy.  It’s challenging to walk, a pain to drive, awkward to sit…I’m working on levitation, but so far, no luck.  I’m crossing my fingers for a quick recovery.

Last week I made Bittersweet Chestnut Fudge (because what better to cheer me up!) and kept real food really simple.  Chances are I’ll try to keep to the basics this week too because I’m still struggling in the kitchen.

I have also posted about a project that I’m super excited about –a Celiac Disease Video project. In a nutshell, it’ll be a video by experts on the nuts and bolts of Celiac diagnosis, followup, diet, etc. so people will have a great take home tool for themselves, friends and family.  It’s been something I’ve been working on making a reality for the past year, and I’m so glad we’re on our way!

Heather of Celiac Family is our kind hostess, and our ingredient for this week is the magnificent potato.  I LOVE potatoes.  Adore potatoes.  My body isn’t quite as enthusiastic, but I will definitely take this excuse to eat them this week.  And I don’t even usually get fancy–plain grilled potato with sea salt and freshly ground pepper is a dream.  Way back in the day, ideally topped with Greek yogurt.  Mmmmm…


Turkey “parm” (well, parm for DH) with caramelized onions

Kalamata Hummus and peppers

Oven roasted rosemary salmon and garlic roasted cauliflower OR a baked potato (bonus points if I can get DH to grill)


Lemony mint quinoa

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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2 Responses to Menu Plan Monday Oct 11–potatoes!

  1. Pingback: A Week of Gluten-Free Dinners - Potatoes

  2. That yummy fudge should certainly help you on your way to healing. 🙂 Hope you’re feeling better soon. I think I may have to try the roasted cauliflower on my kids. Although they aren’t very adventurous with new foods, I still like to introduce them to new tastes and smells. I never know when they’re going to surprise me and LOVE something new.

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