Menu Plan Monday–DIY or MYO Foods

What a week/weekend! We’re moving in a few months (wanna buy a house?) and so there’s been extra shuffle to move things to storage and all that jazz. And somehow I’ve got myself committed to teaching 3 classes this week and leading one group (nutrition with cancer, grant writing for dietetics interns, Living and Loving a Gluten Free diet in Alex, VA and facilitating a group on meditation and the art of gratitude). All fun, of course, but there’s a certain level of mental whiplash involved. And I’ve started dabbling in the wild and crazy world of Twitter (@cherylharrisrd) , and I can see very clearly how that can be a total time vortex.

I posted some fun things this week, like a Sunshine Panna Cotta and Florentine cookies. With cat fur as a bonus, even.

For this week, I’m hoping to have cooking as a fun outlet, but balance is key. I often bake for my classes, but the wisdom of that is a little iffy this week.

Scrumptious is our hostess this week, and she’s chosen DIY/MYO ingredients. To celebrate, I made curry powder form the Spice and Herb Bible. I love that book. It’s perfect for…well, spice nerds like me. Scrumptious has also got a fun post on fermenting up.

Onto the menu:
Beef stew with root veggies (I haven’t made this in ages and am loving this, especially since I like beef flavored veggies and DH likes veggie flavored beef)

Herb salad with kalamata hummus

Rosemary salmon with roasted cauliflower

Something involving chicken, chickpeas and curry powder. I haven’t figured out exactly what the plan is yet.


Fun stuff:
Glazed walnuts (which are crazy addictive, I need to post the recipe next time)
Nana Skillet Bread

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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5 Responses to Menu Plan Monday–DIY or MYO Foods

  1. Pingback: Doing it ourselves on a vegan, gluten-free Menu Plan Monday « In My Box

  2. You do sound super busy, Cheryl! Are you moving far from where you are now?

    As far as the menu … too funny on the beef stew that works for both of you! The rest sounds great, too. 🙂


  3. Hi Shirley,
    nope…just moving to Burke or Fairfax station, ideally, so DH is closer to work.

  4. Looking forward to the glazed walnuts recipe. Good luck with organizing the move!

  5. Angela says:

    You are such a busy gal! Whew! And you are right, twitter can be a total time vortex… Hope you can get some resting time in this week.

    That skillet bread looks delicious and the perfect snack.

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