Simple Meals-Menu Plan June 6th

We are currently mid-move!  Our old house is sold and we’re in a hotel, waiting for move #2 into our new house.  Contrary to the picture above, it has not been as peaceful as we’d hoped, but we only have a handful of days to go.  Whew!

Life has been busy.  My days have been filled with work, getting out the word on the Celiac and Gluten-free Videos and even writing a post for the Washingtonian as part of their food diary series. This week the diarist was a mostly vegan, gluten-intolerant athlete.

And of course, with all of this, eating has been a challenge.  We have a kitchen, it’s small and there’s no stove.  Nor is there a good cutting knife.  Man I’m spoiled!  So I am working on ways to adjust my cooking prep style to accommodate.

Greens, beans and olives w/pesto

Salmon on a bed of baby greens

Fennel and beef sauteed in tomato sauce

Last night before new house! some kind of celebration (hint, hint. E, if you’re reading this, that means ask me to go out to dinner. K?)

Moving day! probably Amy’s soup

And everyone else?
BTW, if anyone wants to host, please contact me.

Claire of My Gluten Free Home joins us for the first time (I think?) She’s got risotto on the menu, which I love, and she also has a sweet love note of a sort on her husband and his appreciation of simplicity. She’s also got a cookie recipe from earlier this week…so go check out her blog.

Do you know that Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl has 3 crockpots? I think that makes her the crockpotting queen! She’s got a nice layout of her week, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks…even lunchboxes! And I’m hoping to hear more about the sweet potato side dish.

Heather of Celiac Family is a mama to a 6 and 8 year old and they tend to favor simple foods. She’s got a kid’s choice night on the menu, and garlic shrimp chicken. I do always appreciate her pictorial meal plan, too.

Angela’s kids are almost out of school and that means a trip to the zoo, track and field day, etc. There’s pulled BBQ pork on the menu and that is one of DH’s very favorite foods.

Scrumptious of In my CSA box has a vegan and GF menu, as usual! She has a “kaleful” week planned. This is the first time I’ve used the word “kaleful” in a sentence, but hopefully not the last. Love the idea of red lentils with kale and coconut.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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9 Responses to Simple Meals-Menu Plan June 6th

  1. Sending good hotel karma for sure, but perhaps you could pick up another good paring knife to get you through, dear. 😉 Oh, and sure hope you get to go out to dinner on Thursday. I think I’d be eating out the whole time I was in that hotel, at least for dinner. You are awesome! Off to read the diary. Hope all goes well this week, Cheryl!


  2. Hi Cheryl, Good luck moving this week. I hope everything goes smoothly for you and your family. Also, here’s my menu.

    Thanks, Claire

  3. Thanks, Shirley! you know, we ARE just minutes away from the mall and a real knife might be delightful. (Man, that sounds wrong!)

    Thanks a bunch, I hope so too!

  4. Sending happy, calming thoughts your way this week Cheryl! I hope all goes well with the move!! I’ll be thinking about you! 🙂 And I love how you can adjust your cooking to anywhere you are! That is awesome! 🙂 And good knives really do make the BIGGEST difference don’t they!! 🙂 (((hugs!)))

  5. PS… love love love the kitty pic! Kitties always make me feel happy, even when they aren’t my own!

  6. thanks, Carrie! A good knife makes all the difference.
    and the kitty is Houdini, AKA love cat. He is a very sweet, devoted purr machine and his favorite thing is to be near DH.

  7. Pingback: Menu Plan Monday – June 6, 2011 | Angela's Kitchen

  8. Angela says:

    Hi, thanks for hosting! My menu is up:

    I’ll be happy to host whenever you need… Next week? Let me know. Hope your move goes well and congrats! 🙂

  9. Scrumptious says:

    Thanks for hosting, Cheryl! Your kitty is super adorable. Good luck with making it through the week smoothly! So exciting that you are moving into your new home.

    I am exhausted this week, so hopefully I kept things simple enough in my plan. 🙂 Here’s the link:

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