Things to make you say “om” (meditation & mindfulness resources)

We’re on the final week of the July Self-Care Retreat and the topic this week is inward reflection.  Our hostess this week is Iris of the Daily Dietribe and she’s posted on a 5 minute self-care scan. If you’re in the mood for something more in-depth, here are a bunch of great resources! If I’ve missed any of your favorites, please let me know in the comments.

Online resources:
Podcasts & posts (free):
Tara Brach: Podcasts and guided meditations (free)
Hugh Byrne Audio talks and meditations (free)
Pema Chödrön: Videos, articles (free)
Ram Dass Webcasts (donation required)
James Gordon: Sample Stress Management Kit (free, registration required)
Jonathan Foust: Talks and guided meditations (free)
Dalai Lama: Webcasts (free)
Insight Meditation Center of Charlottesville, VA (various teachers, free)
Jon Kabat Zinn: Videos of talks (free)
Rick Hanson: Newsletters (free)
Jack Kornfeld: Articles (free)
Belleruth Naparstek: articles, some free audio
Sharon Salzberg: Post and Podcasts (free)
Audio collection from Spirit Rock (renowned meditation center (free)

Posts on mindful awareness, inspiration, etc.

Daily Om–Free daily emails, online courses
Tiny Buddha–posts on meditation, mindfulness, awareness and joy (free)

Meditation/mindfulness bell (free)

Resources for sale:
Awakening Joy Course (variable cost)
Deepak Chopra meditations
Bernie Siegel books, CDs, DVDs, etc. on hope and healing
Sounds True:meditation/mindfulness resources
Health Journeys: Guided imagery and meditation CDs/mp3s

DC Area Teachers
Tara Brach
Hugh Byrne
Jonathan Foust
Sharon Salzberg (usually in DC once a month)

Mindful Eating Resources
Eating in the light of the Moon, by Anita Johnston (my favorite)
Geneen Roth (variety of books)
Intuitive Eating, A Revolutionary Program that Really Works by Evelyn Tribble and Elyse Resch
Intuitive (website, books, free newsletter)
The Center for Mindful Eating free newsletter, other resources
50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food by Susan Albers

DC Area Courses/trainings:
Center for Mind Body Medicine
Insight Meditation Center of Washington
Tai Sophia’s Redefining Health Laurel, MD

DC Area Places for Retreat/Reflection
Dominican Retreat in McLean, VA
Earthwalk Retreat, Fredericksburg, VA
Gaia Healing Center in Mt Airy, MD
Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville, VA

National List of Meditation Centers

Global list of meditation centers

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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3 Responses to Things to make you say “om” (meditation & mindfulness resources)

  1. Pingback: July Self-Care Retreat: Inward Reflection … Setting the Stage with Silence | gfe--gluten free easily

  2. Pingback: Inward Reflection–July Self-Care | Gluten Free Goodness

  3. Pingback: A July Self-Retreat Recap | Gluten Free Goodness

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