Nourishing Meals–Giveaway #2

I figured that since one giveaway was fun…wouldn’t 3 be much more fun?  I thought so, too. This is a giveaway of TWO signed copies of Alissa Segersten’s & Tom Malterre’s new book Nourishing Meals.  And just as a sneak preview, giveaway # 3 is *signed* copy of Ginger Lemon Girl’s new soon-to-be released cookbook, Everything Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Cookbook.

Certain cookbooks you know you love before you open them, and this was absolutely one. I have the Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook on my shelf at home and work, and love that there is such a variety of recipes. Many authors drift toward just vegan, or just grain-free, or just sugar-free. This cookbook has something for everyone!

I reviewed Ali’s Chocolate cupcakes a while back, so I wanted to review something totally different.  Since I can’t eat vinegar, dressings have been off limits a long time, so I was intrigued by the Green Apple Dressing.

Simple, delicious, quick…what more could I ask for? But since I had such a big apple—got a Mitzu from the Farmer’s Market—after one taste, I decided it would be a perfect complement to kale.

So, I simmered kale with a quart of stock and a double portion of the dressing, and it was AMAZING. Sweet, gingery-spicy…perfect.

I do hope you check out Ali’s cookbook. To enter to win one of the 2 copies which were generously donated by the author, do any or all of the following, and leave a comment on THIS post letting me know you did:

CONGRATS to Courtney and Stephanie for winning the cookbooks!

  1. What do you most enjoy about Ali’s recipes?
  2. Tweet about this giveaway or post to FB &leave me a comment to let me know.
  3. Follow me @CherylharrisRD on Twitter and leave me a comment to let me know you did.
  4. Follow Ali on Twitter @nourishingmeals and leave me a comment to let me know.

And, of course, MAKE SURE YOU GIVE ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS! That way you’ll know you won!

This giveaway ends Weds, Sept 26th at midnight EST. Best of luck!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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70 Responses to Nourishing Meals–Giveaway #2

  1. Debi H. says:

    1. I like that her recipes are corn free or have a corn free option. Also like the key after the title of each recipe.

  2. Missy says:

    Love that the recipes are healthy

  3. Rhonda says:

    Sadly I don’t use Twitter but I love all their recipes because they are versatile and delicious!

  4. Debi H. says:

    3. Following on Twitter!

  5. Debi H. says:

    4. Following Whole Life Nutrition @nourishingmeals on Twitter.

  6. Lindsey plummer says:

    Followed @nourishingmeals on twitter! (phillie16)

  7. Lindsey plummer says:

    Also followed @cherylharris! 🙂

  8. Roza says:

    I would love to enter the book giveaway for Nourishing Meals! I am usually not a recipe follower and find most cook books frustrating because of their specificity and use of specialty items that are in one or two recipes. The Whole Life Nutrition Cook book was the first book that I found easy to follow and was flexible enough for me to augment to meet my needs. As a student, this flexibility met my financial and time restrictions. I love getting new ideas inspirations from this book and would LOVE to see more of their recipes in Nourishing Meals. I find these recipes educational and FUN! I will definitely spread the word about this give away on FB!

  9. Nuria says:

    I let my friends know about your giveaway on FB! I love Ali and Tom and I can’t wait to check out some of your recipes. Thanks!

  10. Michelle says:

    I just followed both of you on Twitter! 🙂

  11. Marion Jones says:

    put me in contest please ..I have a family member who is newly gluten free and feeling deprived sometimes!

  12. renata says:

    posted giveaway on facebook!

  13. Stacey says:

    I love Ali’s recipes because 1. they’re delicious! and 2. the suit so many of my needs as far as food sensitivities go. Its always so great to find yummy and easy recipes that meet my dietary needs. Thanks for offering such a fun contest!! Also, I’ve shared this on FB. Thanks!

  14. Laura Humpf says:

    i love Ali’s creativity with different flours, and I did her elimination diet. I had a great time experimenting with new foods!

  15. Heather Pendery says:

    I shared this on my facebook page. I am glad cause your recipes look awesome. I have Alis first cookbook and i love it. Cross my fingers for a chance to win this one.

  16. Jennie says:

    I love how healthy and tasty her recipes are. I made the cabbage soup today from her website and it was yum!

  17. Thelma says:

    The things I enjoy most on Ali’s recipes are: very easy to follow, healthy ingredients and they taste yummy!

  18. susanne says:

    i have been drooling with anticipation for this cookbook since before its release date! i love ali’s recipes…her whole website, really…because hers is an unpretentious, user-friendly approach to whole-food eating for the whole family. she makes it all seem so easy and unintimidating when i sometimes get a little overwhelmed with this incredibly important task of feeding my family properly. i have a daughter who just turned one, very close in age to ali’s youngest, so i relish the fact that her ideas are all easily adaptable to the youngest family members. i sometimes find myself seeking solace on her page, looking for inspiration or just kind reassurance that i can do this! of course, it helps that her stuff is so expertly done and also delicious. 🙂 i’d love to have the cookbook (a tangible version of this food haven to retreat to) which, if i know her recipes and photography well enough by now, is probably as much a work of art as a cookbook! i want my daughter to grow up knowing and appreciating the beauty of REAL food.
    hmmm, i don’t have twitter, but i’ll be happy to post on FB about the giveaway.
    thanks cheryl and ali!

  19. Heather Chupp says:

    I am not familiar with Ali’s recipes…..haven’t happened upon her info yet, but hope to soon! We are a gluten and dairy free family….egg too – her book would be a greatly appreciated resource 🙂

  20. Heather Chupp says:

    Posted on FB….not tweeting yet 🙂

  21. Heather Brandt says:

    I like that they use real food healthy ingredients and are grain-free/gluten-free which makes them safe for my family!

  22. Ana says:

    Healthy, delicious, full of real amazing food.. what’s not to like?! I love her recipes!

  23. Ana says:

    I follow you on twitter!

  24. Ana says:

    I already follow Ali on twitter! (and facebook!)

  25. tweeted, shared on facebook, followed and followed! even G+d! love the book, love the blog, love the recipes. both books are my go-tos when helping patients adopt a new healthier way of eating.

  26. Courtney Reichard says:

    I am now following you both on Twitter. So glad to have found you!

  27. Kristin W. says:

    I enjoy how healthy and tasty the recipe’s are!!

  28. Anna says:

    I shared this contest on facebook! I would love to win this book-it looks wonderful, and I need some inspiration with my gluten-free diet!


  29. Joanie H says:

    I love that Ali’s recipes are healthy and DELICIOUS! I made her quinoa zucchini bread last weekend for a garden class I’m attending and EVERYONE loved it! They couldn’t believe it was gluten-free and many had ideas about how quinoa wouldn’t taste good. That said, several people wanted the recipe and I told them to check out her cookbooks. 🙂

  30. Joanie H says:

    I shared this giveaway on facebook. Thanks for giving away such a wonderful tool for people.

  31. Denise says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway! I’ve wanted to try this cookbook because we have different allergies in our family and it’s hard to find recipes that work for all of us. It sounds like Ali’s recipes would be a great fit for us!

  32. Denise says:

    I tweeted about your giveaway. mom24cuties

  33. Denise says:

    Following you on Twitter!

  34. Denise says:

    Following Ali on Twitter.

  35. Jennifer says:

    I can’t wait to try these recipes! & with a 2 year old son allergic to everything, im excited to have creative ways to cook for him. I’ll be getting the book if I don’t win! I shared this link to my FB as well.
    Thank you!

  36. jennifer smith says:

    following on twitter. i would LOVE a copy of the book.

  37. jennifer smith says:

    following Ali on twitter. really, would love a copy.

  38. Jess K says:

    I like that her recipes help me follow seasonal growing schedules. I can always find something to make no matter what time of year it is!

  39. Jess K says:

    I shared on FB.

  40. Kimberley Wilson says:

    Posted to facebook, twitter, and followed both on twitter. 🙂 I’m in school to be a health coach at Institute for Integrative Nutrition so this is a happy find for me.

  41. Eve says:

    I love Ali’s recipes! I love that they are gluten free and many are also vegan — gives us options with our allergies!!

  42. gail says:

    love that the recipes are healthy

  43. April says:

    I love how they concentrate on health and nutrition. There are too many starchy/sugar filled gluten free foods out there. And I love that a lot are vegan, because gluten free and vegan recipes are really hard to find!

  44. April says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  45. April says:

    Followed you on Twitter!

  46. April says:

    Followed Ali on twitter!

  47. Kari S. says:

    I like that she has corn free recipes. That’s a new allergy for us, so I like that she has options for us.

  48. Melissa says:

    I love that the recipes in this cookbook are good for you.

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