Hazelnuts: Menu Planning Again!



Wow, this weekend was way too short, but my goodness, it’s so nice out here! I could live with this—temps in the 50s and 60s. It was even warm enough to grill on Saturday!

The last few weeks have been a complete whirlwind, so I’m looking forward to a calm week. I’m even taking off this Weds to sit on my butt and eat bonbons. Okay, the bonbons part isn’t likely, but I am SO looking forward to my mini break.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALast week’s adventure was making and posting Candied Orange Slices, finishing up the December Sanity Retreat and looking toward a compassionate New Year.

Our theme this week is hazelnuts. I wasn’t always a fan, but they have absolutely grown on me. I adore hazelnut butter, which is a key ingredient in my hazelnut cookies, and of course it is featured in E’s Cake, which is a chocolate hazelnut torte. And faux nutella? Don’t get me started drooling. If you’re tempted, Shirley of GFE has a few options. (I always wing it…can’t go wrong with chocolate and hazelnuts, IMHO!)

I confess, I haven’t been menu planning the past few weeks, and so I’m hoping this helps me get back on track. I also really want to focus on using up my freezer stash, because not much more is going to fit in there! For future weeks, do check out Heather of Celiac Family’s website, with her weekly menu plan schedule.

Curried Coconut Beef with roasted cauliflower

Roasted rosemary salmon with roasted carrots

Herbed chicken thighs with broccoli

Probably leftovers? I’ll be home late.

Turkey cutlets with cauliflower “mashed potatoes”. Would you believe I’ve never made them before? This seems like a travesty, especially since I have gobs of roasted garlic leftover from my garden last year.

Hazelnut butter! And yes, I will write down a recipe with times and all that jazz.

And everyone else?

We’re joined by Melissa of Mom’s Plans for a Fulfilling life on less, and this is just her 2nd week of living gluten-free. We all remember what that was like, don’t we!! She’s got a bunch of fun paleo dishes on the menu, and the crockpot chili caught my eye.

Paige at Not Missing a Thing has a delicious looking Chicken Caciatorie on the menu. She’s looking for a bone broth recipe, adn quite frankly, I always wing it. Any great recipes out there? leave her a comment!

Heather of Celiac Family automatically mentally links chocolate and hazelnuts, and who can blame her? She’s got a new recipe up for Rainbow Apple Salad that sounds fun, yummy, nutritious and easy. Go Heather!

Samantha of Awkward Girl gets fit is in the middle of a Whole30/Whole 60. She’s not a hazelnut fan, but she has a family hazelnut connection so I”m sure she can be convinced with the right recipe. She’s got The best chicken you’ll ever eat on the menu, and a Rosemary Pot Roast too.

Kendra of A Peaceful Mom joins us with my favorite kind of meal plan–a simple one. She has a new E book called “Affordable Gluten-Free Meals” so hop on over if that’s your cup of tea! Her Beef and Veggie soup looked “soup-er” delicous. 😉

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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9 Responses to Hazelnuts: Menu Planning Again!

  1. Pingback: Weekly Gluten-Free Menu Plan - Hazelnuts

  2. Melissa says:

    We are newbies. This is our second week going gluten free. Here is our menu plan for the week:


    By the way, I love mashed cauliflower. I add a little coconut oil to make it smooth and creamy.

  3. Cheryl,
    That Curried Coconut Beef sounds really good! Here’s my menu plan – free of gluten, dairy and eggs!

  4. Those temperatures do sound nice. It’s been below 0 here, so I’ve been keeping warm by staying inside. Roasted Rosemary Salmon sounds wonderful. I’ll have to give that a try. But for now, here’s my menu this week: http://celiacfamily.com/menu-plan-jan-14-hazelnuts/
    Enjoy your Wednesday time off. 🙂

  5. Pingback: menu plan Monday: Whole30, week 3 «

  6. I will definitely be trying some of those recipes! I’ve got all the free hazelnuts I want thanks to a family connection, but I’m just not a fan. Maybe the right recipe will make all the difference.

    Here’s my hazelnut free menu plan for the week: http://wp.me/p2GN4Y-9B

  7. Samantha,
    Let me know what you think! I would LOVE to have a family hazelnut connection!

  8. So much good stuff cited here, and I LOVE hazelnuts … in every form!! Thanks so much for the mention, Cheryl! Sorry it took me so long to get over here. 😉 Can’t wait for the hazelnut butter recipe!


  9. Pingback: menu plan monday: 01.21.12 «

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