Caturday Fun

We’ve gotten a lot of adorable visitors lately. No, the foxys aren’t back, but our back porch is still full.

These pics may take a minute to load, but the full sized versions are so much cuter.

Genghis mindfully contemplates food…good thing little chip has the safety of a door!



Once we put up the bird feeder, we got many more visitors. G is taken with all of the birdies (AKA flying tasty cakes) The funny thing is that he thinks I’m going to intercede on his behalf, which is really a hoot. He’s also most enamored with the brightly colored birdies. Maybe they’ve got more antioxidants?He was also very specific about his Christmas request: Mom, I want THAT one!


Sorry, buddy, no squirrels for you.

Most of the squirrels seem oblivious to the cats…




Sometimes it feels like…somebody’s watching me…



We’ve also got a new squirrel who (literally) knocks on the window with a nut in his mouth. He/she’s a shameless little beggar, and it drives the cats wild. As DH put it, “The local squirrels love our bird feeder, and don’t seem to care about our cats at all. The reverse isn’t so true.” Every now and then, G forgets his surroundings, pounces and smacks right into the glass (we try not to snicker too loudly)

Here Houdini goes stalking:


The squirrel was totally disinterested in Hou. In fact, he kept jumping to different perches so he could see inside and better make his case for more bird seed.

I do feel badly for the guys, because I think the furry and feathery friends are an insult to their cat-liness. But I also adore watching the birds and the squirrels. It definitely relaxes me, and I take more breaks to watch, which is a plus!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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4 Responses to Caturday Fun

  1. Watching animals–indoors and out–is entertainment for sure. We had a huge red hawk visit our backyard today. They are amazing creatures. I don’t think the visiting blue jays were too happy with his appearance though. 😉


  2. We love watching the birds and critters here too, messing around on the feeders, both winter and summer. The little goldfinches and big fat jays keep me smiling and entertained while I do dishes. We don’t have as many squirrels as we did back east though so I don’t get to see their antics. But I did have a coyote come check out my (beef) suet feeder this year. 🙂

  3. Hi Shirley,
    Blue jays are awfully defensive of their turf! We don’t get a lot of hawks, that must have been a beautiful sight.

  4. Renee,
    Oh wow, a coyote? I’ve never seen one in real life. That’s pretty amazing.

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