By One, Give One G-Free Campaign

A quick shout out to a new Buy One Give One Campaign, started by G-Free Crusader Dee Valdez (AKA Gluten Free Dee). In a nutshell, if you buy g-free products from certain lunapic_136908524432277_58manufacturers and tweet about them through June 17th, the companies will donate products to a g-free foodbank. Good deal!

Here’s how it works: (from Dee)

  1. Purchase a product from a participating sponsor
  2. Take a picture or make a quick video of why you LOVE the product and what it means to be able to feed a hungry gluten free kiddo (be sure to thank the generous sponsor for participating as well!).
  3. Post the pic or video on the sponsors Facebook Page with #GFDBOGO on all postings
  4. Post the pic or video on Dee’s Facebook Page with #GFDBOGO
  5. Spread the word (Tweet it! Pin It! Link It! Gram It! + It!)

There are a lot of participating brands–Udis, Glutino, Qrunch, Sandwich petals & more.

I’ve worked in many a foodbank over the years, and would absolutely love to see a foodbank with a g-free pantry in the DC area. Celiac doesn’t discriminate—there are many people at need who need to be gluten-free, too. And there’s also nothing like enlightened self-interest. We may not think of ourselves as someone who would use a foodbank, but if a natural disaster strikes, that can change suddenly, as many people learned after Sandy.

So pretty pretty please, consider supporting the Buy One Give One Campaign and encourage others to as well.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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2 Responses to By One, Give One G-Free Campaign

  1. Donna says:

    How about donating to an existing food bank in the winners’ city. Recently I inquired at a food bank for a celiac friend of mine and was told no gluten-free items are ever donated. I was also told I was not the first person to ask.

  2. Hi Donna,
    I think that’s a common misunderstanding that foodbanks make. All food banks have gluten-free items–tuna, canned veggies, probably some progresso soups, rice, applesauce, etc. Foodbanks generally are staffed with volunteers.They usually don’t understand what gluten-free is, and when people donate gluten-free foods (and it does happen near here) the foodbank is poorly equipped to distribute it, and it doesn’t go to people who need it.
    I am very hopeful that having a few successful gluten-free foodbanks will serve as a model for others to follow. If your local foodbank is aware of the need for gluten-free food, you’re in a great position to lead to change!

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