Recipe update, new visitor & more!

Man, I’ve neglected my blog and I didn’t really notice. As I’ve been on FB more (feel free to stop by and say hi!), I didn’t realize I was posting here less. I’m hoping to post more recipes soon, because there are a bunch of fun ones to come!woodchuck shed

First, the visitor: Squee Fox’s shed has a new master! Okay, for some of you, groundhogs may be a common sight. But I grew up and have always lived outside of cities. So I was in Laurel to teach and when I was returning client calls there was a chubby, furry dude watching me. I kept trying to snap his pic in between calls, and then he’d duck down. When I asked the students about him, somehow no one had any clue of what I was talking about and I started to think he was a (large, furry) figment of my imagination.

woodchuck 2 And then I came home, and who was hanging out in the back yard? Yep, another groundhog. This dude is browner, the first dude was greyer, or I’d assume I had a rodent stalker.
He’s cute. So far he hasn’t messed with my garden, and it’s very funny to see him run whenever I walk outside. He’s a wee bit of a girthy dude, but he hauls tush! And our shed must woodchuck 3have some sort of furry dude homing signal or something. He’s napping right by the shed door in the sun as I type.

Oh, and the recipes? I updated the index here. There’s a bunch of really wonderful ones, so give it a look over! And no, there are no groundhog recipes. But if he goes after my kale…well, he’s still safe. It’s really funny when I yell at the deer and squirrels. They totally look at me like they don’t even believe that I could *possibly* be talking to them, much less providing any threat. Yeah, I’m scary.

One more thing: I just posted on my main website on Gluten-Free Breakfasts. Hop on over for good ideas!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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2 Responses to Recipe update, new visitor & more!

  1. You crack me up, Cheryl! You’re happy about groundhogs, one of the biggest pests ever. They eat EVERYTHING! My FIL made up a song years ago about The Green and Grungy Groundhog. It was nonsensical, but it still comes up when we see them. 😉 They are also known as woodchucks and whistle pigs.

    Yay on updating your recipe index! 🙂

    Off to see your gf breakfasts although I always eat very unconventionally for breakfast.


  2. Shirley,
    But he’s so CUTE! Bummer. What a city girl I am. He must have been responsible for the sweet potato greens disappearance…with all the deer we’ve had this year, he’s got nothing left to destroy in terms of the garden. They’ve eating everything except the herbs.
    Ah well. Worst comes to worst he ends up on the recipe index (jk) or we find a humane trap.

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