Naturally Sweet and Gluten-Free: Review

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHow time flies! I just realized it’s the end of September and I forgot to post my new article on Growing Up Gluten-Free for Today’s Dietitian.

Now, moving into tastier territory, I have the delight to review Ricki Heller’s cookbook, Naturally Sweet and Gluten-Free. You may be familiar with Ricki from her blog, (formerly Diet Dessert and Dogs) and her older cookbook, Sweet Freedom. All of her recipes are vegan and refined sugar-free, low glycemic and use a variety of g-free whole grains. Additional plus: so many vegan books are soy-heavy, which doesn’t work for me, but Ricki’s book is NOT. Sweet freedom has a few recipes with gluten that are easily adapted, but her new book is totally gluten-free.

I adore Ricki’s recipes, style and of course, doggies. But what sets Ricki apart is her endless creativity. Who else uses millet in pastry cream? Or uses sweet potato in chocolate buttercream? And her baked goods are also so elegantly and artistically done and utterly delicious.

Generally, when I review cookbooks, I make two things, because hey, why not? It’s a good excuse to get playing. So I made OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARicki’s Easiest Almond Cookies and her Grain-Free Raw Cookie Dough Bites.

The cookies were just as easy as advertised, and they had just the right amount of sweetness to be satisfying. They were soft, which I love.

The cookie dough bites were simple and delicious, too (see above). And I mean, REALLY simple—5 min, one bowl. Good stuff. I doubled the recipe because I couldn’t imagine sharing if I only had a few. Truth be told, I didn’t do much sharing, even with a double batch!

There are a lot of other wonderful recipes that I’ve been eyeballing, like the Sweet Potato Brownies and Chocolate Pecan Pie.

For more goodness on Ricki, I also interviewed her on my blog ages ago. I also “adopted” her blog way back in 2008.

Disclosure: I did receive a free copy of Ricki’s new book. I was not compensated for this review, and I make a point of only reviewing the books I like.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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One Response to Naturally Sweet and Gluten-Free: Review

  1. Ricki says:

    Thanks so much for this lovely review, Cheryl! I’m so happy you liked the cookies (one of my faves) and the dough bites (smart move on the double batch!!). 😀 I should also mention for your readers that this book uses only low glycemic sweeteners (like coconut sugar, coconut nectar, stevia), so it’s great for type 2 diabetics or anyone on a low sugar diet, too.
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Ricki xo

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