Grateful for peaceful moments: Day 25

I’m grateful for meditation. I find that even a short time meditating re-charges my batteries and makes me feel more centered and grounded.

I started meditating about 10 years ago. I find that the bigger the challenge, the more I receive from having the discipline to meditate. My habit is to avoid problems by eating chocolate, sleeping, or playing games/looking at cat pictures or picking fights with my big orange flutterfavorite husband. But as you all know really well, when we ignore problems, they hang around until I take the time to figure out what’s wrong, and what I need.

I go through cycles of what kinds of meditation I use most. Lately, I’ve found silent mediation most rewarding and necessary. But especially when I started, I found that active meditating or following scripts was much more useful. A bunch of my favorites are here, from guided imagery to self-compassion to loving kindness mediation and more.

I also absolutely adore my little Sansa recorder. Not only do I use it to record my own meditations for myself and for clients, but I also have a bunch of meditations and songs that are awesome for keeping my calm at the dentist, in waiting rooms, or when I’m traveling.


Drop by for the December Sanity Retreat! This week’s hostess is Valerie of City Life Eats and she posted on getting more present with reflection and breathwork. Hop on over to comment on her post and be entered to win a Nuts.come $50 gift cert!

Posts so far:

My 30 days of gratitude:

I’m delighted to be joined by wonderful hostesses with likeminded blogs:

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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