A Thursday Thankful Assortment Box

choc brazilnutToday’s thankful is a bouquet of mini thankfuls: Thankful for fun recognition from the Washingtonian, thankful for my ability to receive it, thankful for the Olympics and thankful for Brazil nut chocolates!

I was surprised and very appreciative to see…ME! written up in the Washingtonian as one of the area’s best nutritionists. I’m honored and really appreciate it. I do love my job and work very hard, and yet often I focus on where I could be doing more, so it’s kinda nice to get the opportunity to receive positive feedback.

And it’s lovely to be at a point in my life where I can (sometimes) take in good stuff mini washingtoninawithout feeling…well…weird, or overwhelmed, or search like mad for the other Cheryl Harris they must be talking about. That’s often been a struggle for me, and it’s so frequent that I see people, often women, duck and run for cover when compliments come their way. It’s definitely still a process, and it’s nice to see ways I’ve changed and grown.

I am also enjoying the Olympics tremendously. It’s such a wonderful thing to see the artistry and grace, and so beautiful to see people shining at what they do best, and showing their gifts. I absolutely love Jason Brown, men’s figure skater from the U.S. and there have been so many breathtaking performances. It’s strange for me to spend so much time watching videos, but so gratifying to have the pleasure to vicariously see the joy and marvel at what they can do.

Last but not least, I’ve made a variation on my Amazing Chocolates (pic above) to make them even more awesome! I’ve added in chopped Brazil nuts and coarse sea salt. For me, the chocolate/Brazil nut/salt combo is the epitome of excellence. The delicious Ms. Shirley of GFE was kind enough to include them in her mega chocolate roundup.

Oh yeah, I’m also hugely thankful we’ve got power! Fingers crossed that it stays on, and that our trees stay in their upright and locked positions.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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3 Responses to A Thursday Thankful Assortment Box

  1. This is quite a gratitude post, Cheryl! I love it when there’s so much to celebrate! 🙂 Your improved chocolate are right up my alley for sure. Chocolate, sea salt, and Brazil nuts … it doesn’t get much better than that combo! Thanks so much for sharing the chocolate dessert roundup; it was fun to compile! Congrats on your recognition. I love it when truly good people who are making a difference get deserved kudos! Last, I was just watching Jason Brown. He was pretty perfect!


  2. Thanks so much, Shirley. That’s very sweet of you!

  3. Congratulations, Cheryl!!! I’d like to celebrate your accomplishment with chocolate too! 🙂

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