Thankful for Foxies–Thursday thankful

wee fox

Spring is my favorite season, and I planned to post on the daffodils. I love their cheery yellow-ness.

Then this little guy showed up.

Sorry, daffodils, ya got trumped by wee foxy. There are 3 little ones, but we’ve only seen them twice, and once was 5am so pics were impossible with the lighting

double trouble


and one of the foxies is definitely not like the other. He’s a bit of a nutter…hopping on top of the logs, running under the logs…I’m used to normal baby fox behavior, and I wonder if this dude has foxy ADHD.crazy fox He’s also much more physically adept than his sibs…

and seems to lack the normal fear in exploration.

Obviously, fingers crossed for more foxy sightings soon! My darn job is getting in the way of all day foxy stalking.

And because I always get questions & accusations:

  • Yes, they’re foxes. For reals. They turn red as they get older.
  • Nope, no idea how we got so lucky.
  • Yes, that’s our backyard. Isn’t that awesome?
  • No, we don’t feed them. We even take down the bird squirrel feeder when they’re visiting.
  • Yep, they’re wild animals, and we respect their space. All pics are taken with a zoom lens. While papa fox 3 years back liked sitting with me when I was meditating, the rest of the foxes haven’t been interested in having a relationship. We haven’t even seen the parental foxies yet this year.
  • Need more foxy? Previous foxy family pictures are here.

Do I even need to say it? It’s a joy when they visit, and I am so grateful to them for  keeping our shed on their play route. I’m delighted when I see them…it’s like reality TV but minus the makeup and infighting.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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2 Responses to Thankful for Foxies–Thursday thankful

  1. Debi says:

    Oh my gosh, I could watch the fearless one ALL DAY!

  2. Mr. GFE and I both thrilled that your foxes are back! I saw this post yesterday and showed it to him and he was asking for more photos tonight. 😉 LOL The babies are super adorable! I so appreciate that you share these photos with us. 🙂


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