Thankful for Garden Goodness!

mah broccoliI’ve been trying to grow broccoli for about a decade. This is the closest I’ve come. I know he’s puny, but isn’t he CUTE!!!!!???? Durn little bugs and worms are trying to nom on his leaves, and I’m afraid he’ll bolt because of the heat, so I’m going to give him a new home tomorrow. In my belly. Most likely he’ll become Ultimate Roasted Broccoli–’cause that’s an awesome way to go. I’m thinking of taking down all my crucifers and regrowing them in August so I don’t spend the summer battling little bugs, and would love any gardening advice.

turtle 14I’ve had a fun visiting turtle, too. He’s not my biggest fan, but I think he (she?) is super cool.

No foxies…they left early this year. Maybe 4 was too big for the hole under the shed? They, or another foxy family are staying with our neighbors and having a grand old time. But that also means we’ve got little chipmonks again! No pictures, but they’re so thoroughly entertaining.

garden 2014Back to the garden. Lots of good stuff, and we’ll see what grows. I’ve got onions, garlic, sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins…

toe 2014…and indoor lettuce. I am so not into providing the deer an open salad bar.

So far, the deer have been kind, except they ate my day lilies. The irony, of course, was that the first two were gorgeous, and I spent time admiring them. I wanted to take a picture, but I kept thinking, eh, tomorrow. I’m glad I enjoyed them while they were here…and it’s a nice reminder to cherish the moments.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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3 Responses to Thankful for Garden Goodness!

  1. Love the updates. Enjoy that broccoli! The deer ate the tops of my hydrangea this year before there were even any blooms (or buds that I saw). I can’t believe it! I was so looking forward to my beautiful hydrangea. Plus, there are chickadees in the wall, bluebirds in the paper box, and skinks trying to get in. The critters are taking over! Obviously they’re not afraid of Sonny … or us for that matter. 😉


  2. Debi says:

    Salad bar for the deer. lol Glad you got to admire your day lilies before they ate them though. 😀

  3. me, too, Debi! They’re gorgeous. Or they were.

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