Roasted Garlic Bonanza

I know I haven’t been posting anywhere near as many recipes lately. I’ve been taking on more projects, and that’s been a mixed blessing. I enjoy my work, but I’m also someone who has the tendency to take on too much. Ah, to find balance!

So I’m delighted to share one of the recipes I make almost every year. I regularly grow garlic, and seriously, what do you do with 20 bulbs at a time? Answer: roast a bunch. There are several ways to do it, and all taste and smell amazing.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAroasted garlic fullroasted garlic in oilMethod 1: partially peel, cut off the tips of the garlic. Cover 1/2 way with EVOO, bake at 350 until soft, browned and tasty. I think it took 1.5 hours. Cool, cover the roasted garlic completely with oil, refrigerate or freeze.peeled gar

roasted garlicMethod 2: Peel cloves entirely. Put them in a “basket” lined with foil, then lined with parchment and fill it up with olive oil. Cover with foil, crimp, and bake at 350 until it smells amazing. Cool, refrigerate and enjoy.

Bonus: either way, you’ve got an abundance of garlic infused oil, too. Refrigerate the oil to eliminate the risk of food poisoning.

It’s amazing slathered on veggies, chicken or bread, pureed into a dip, etc.

Chez Harris is a dedicated vampire-free zone.

I’m sending this yum over to GFW (Gluten Free Wednesdays) a carnival of gluten-free goodies co-hosted by Linda of Gluten-free Homemaker, Shirley of gluten free easily and Lynn of Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures. Hop on over for some more good stuff!

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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One Response to Roasted Garlic Bonanza

  1. Ooh, how I love roasted garlic, Cheryl! And it’s so wonderful that you grow your own! Thanks for sharing your tips with us. 🙂


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