Real Jules, Real Good Giveaway!

jules flour

When my buddy Jules offered to let me review and do a giveaway of her gfJules products, I eagerly accepted. I have utmost respect for Jules—she’s done amazing things for the g-free community at large. Remember 1 in 133 and the big ‘ole cake? That was Jules. I’m quite certain her cookbook, Nearly Normal Baking was the first GF cookbook I ever owned, I’m a fan of her The First Year book for people who are newly diagnosed and I also reviewed her 2010 book, Free for All Cooking, and love a bunch of those recipes. And, of course, I was delighted that Jules even joined in with the Self-Care Retreat last month.

So I received Jules’ all-purpose baking mix and her cornbread mix. Initially I had plans to make her crescent rolls because they look utterly amazing, but I’m having a nerve thing with my arm so I haven’t been able to do much for the last pumpkin breadmonth or so. So I went looking through the (huge) archives on Jules’ site and found the Pumpkin Bread Recipe. It took only minutes to put together, and Mr. Dude brought it to work the next day to rave reviews. People loved the flavor and it did not have (as Mr. Dude put it) that funky quality that happens with some g-free products and flours. I brought in some to my office, too, and one of my co-workers tracked me down to tell me how moist, flavorful and delicious it was. I can’t speak to how it keeps because there were no leftovers! I’ll be making it again soon. I’ve also been eyeing her Hot Fudge Pie recipe…because, hot fudge pie. Enough said, yes?

The cornbread I meant to review…well, life sometimes has other plans. I received the mix a few days before Thanksgiving, because Mr. Dude LOVES cornbread. And then I realized that one of my gluten-free co-workers wouldn’t have any baked yumminess for Thanksgiving, and friends don’t let friends stare at gluten-eaters in jealousy. Cathy loves cornbread, she hates baking and hasn’t baked for years. But once she saw how simple it was to put the mix together, she was all for it. She loved it and said it had great flavor. So I would definitely recommend the mixes even for devout non-bakers. And I still owe Mr. Dude a cornbread one of these days.  2014-real-jules-giveaway-logo-300x300

So…one of the key things about buying Jules’ products is getting the right one. Without describing the whole legal fight and all that ugliness, let’s just break it down simply. See the pretty lady? That’s Jules. Jules created the flour, and has spent countless hours supporting people with Celiac disease, educating the medical profession, lobbing for standards and working as a tireless advocate on behalf the gluten-free community. If Jules is on the box, that’s the flour you want to buy. If you don’t see the pretty lady, it’s not from THE gfJules. Period.

Wanna know more about Jules? Find her at her gfJules FB page, @THEgfJules onTwitter, Pinterest Boards, Google +, Instagram and/or sign up for her free weekly recipe email.

UPDATE: this giveaway is now closed. The winner is Mike. His comment:

I would love to try the gfJules all purpose flour. I am subscribed to your email and newsletter and your Facebook page. I shared the giveaway on Fb! I also dropped off the Retailer Request at Fry’s Food Store last week where we do most of my shopping.


To enter the giveaway for BOTH box of all-purpose gfJules flour and a cornbread mix, leave a comment with:

  • Which of Jules’ products or recipes are you most eager to try?
  • Follow one of Jules’ social media accounts (above) and leave me a comment saying you did or already do (5 possible entries here)
  • Share this giveaway on Twitter or FB, and leave a comment saying you did. (2 entries)

1 entry per item above. This giveaway will close Sunday, Jan 18th at 9pm EST, so get on it!

Disclaimer: Jules offered the mixes free of charge for me to try, and is sponsoring the giveaway. I was not paid or reimbursed in any other way for this review, and my opinions are my own.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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42 Responses to Real Jules, Real Good Giveaway!

  1. Kim L says:

    I am most eager to try the all purpose flour and make a pond cake

  2. Kim L says:

    I follow Jules on FB and twitter

  3. Sarah says:

    I love the all purpose flour!!! I am wanting to try her pie
    Crust recipe. I want to use it not just for pies but for pot pies
    And tarts. I follow her already and receive emails from gfjules! I love her
    And her company! Also shared this too 😉

  4. julie says:

    I would love to try the all purpose flour

  5. julie says:

    I follow jules onn fb

  6. julie says:

    I follow jules on twitter

  7. julie says:

    I follow jules on pinterest

  8. julie says:

    I shared on fb

  9. julie says:

    I shared on twitter

  10. BJ Marley says:

    I want to try the pizza crust mix.

  11. Ashley says:

    All purpose flour would be so versatile!

  12. Carolyn says:

    I want to try her flour!

  13. Carolyn says:

    I follow Jules on FB

  14. Dee Fedor says:

    I really want to try the Hot Fudge Pie!

  15. Dee Fedor says:

    I tweeted this. @dfal182

  16. Dee Fedor says:

    I follow gfjules on Facebook

  17. Dee Fedor says:

    I follow @ThegfJules on Twitter

  18. Dee Fedor says:

    I am following the Real gfJules on Pinterest. DeeFedor

  19. Dee Fedor says:

    I am subscribed to the gfJules newsletter

  20. Dee Fedor says:

    I shared this on Facebook.

  21. Maria G. says:

    We are newly wheat/gluten free so I am very eager to make tasty foods, especially breads. Love to try the banana bread!

  22. Maria G. says:

    I am subscribed to your email newsletter and your Facebook page.

  23. Maria G. says:

    Shared the giveaway on Fb!

  24. Roxi says:

    I am eager to try the Cornbread! I have been a fan of Jules for years!!!! Shared and subscribed. 🙂

  25. Nathalie says:

    i already follow all of Jules sites! I am eager to make some flavored pound cake!
    And figure out how to make my cookies look like hers!

  26. DebrafromMD says:

    I’m eager to try the new flour.

  27. DebrafromMD says:

    I follow Jules on Facebook.

  28. Judy M says:

    I shared the giveaway on FB

  29. Mike Mullins says:

    I would love to try the gfJules all purpose flour. I am subscribed to your email and newsletter and your Facebook page. I shared the giveaway on Fb! I also dropped off the Retailer Request at Fry’s Food Store last week where we do most of my shopping.


  30. Tammy O'Hara says:

    i follow gfjules on Facebook and receive her newsletter. She totally rocks. I would love to try her cinnamon roll cookie recipe.mi have shared your post on Facebook. Thanks!

  31. I want to try her pizza crust. Shared on FB.

  32. Mary says:

    i have always loved her flour. Last week I tried her cookie mix-wonderful.

  33. Mary says:

    I also follow her on Facebook and Pinterest. Great recipes with great flour.

  34. Following @THEgfJules
    on Twitter!

  35. Now following GF Jules on Pinterest!

  36. Ursula Johnson says:

    I’m eager to try the Hot Fudge pie. I follow Jules on twitter and on her mailing list.
    I shared on Twitter.

  37. Jb says:

    I have tried her cornbread before and it is delicious. I’d like to try the crescent roll recipe. I follow Jules on twitter and I’m on her mailing list, too. I shared this on Twitter.

  38. Jennifer C says:

    I would love to make gluten free king cake – yum!

  39. Jennifer C says:

    I follow gfJules on Facebook.

  40. Marie says:

    Anxious to try cornbread. I have been using her recipe to mix gf flour,for quite a while. Jules has been really helpful in this journey. I signed up for her recipes quite a while ago.

  41. pamela says:

    I am so happy you are supporting Jules. She’s a lovely, talented, selfless lady who has worked her GF butt off for years. We’re all glad that she’s back with a sugar-coated vengeance 😉

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