Menu Plan Monday–Noodles

I’m so delighted that Wendy of Celiacs in the House choose noodles, because I haven’t eaten noodles in forever.  Like 4 years forever.  Most carbs bother my stomach, but I decided to give buckwheat noodles (soba) a second try since I was making them for a class for DC Celiacs.  And YUM!!!!

But back to Wendy.  She’s got her very own new blog at Mother Earth News, and I’m very excited to see it!  She’s reviewed Amy’s book, so head on over and send BOTH lovely ladies some love.

I had a busy but fun week last week.  I made Irish Soda Bread from Elana, which worked well, spoonbread from GF on a Shoestring, which I need to review, and Cinnamon Apple Millet, which was terrific. And I also had the honor to appear in a Washingtonian article on Celiac/gluten free last Monday, which was a delight.

This week will be a simple one food-wise.  My husband is out of town, and the house is a total mess as we get it ready to sell.  As a dietitian and coach, I always tell people to tell other people their goals. My goal for this week is to have a clean house.  I will spend at least 2 hours cleaning today and Weds, and be very mindful of the amount of mess I make.  And it would delight me to come home to a clean house.  And for me to get my tush to the pool on Friday, too.

Onward to food!

Soba leftovers (much sexier than this sounds…think yummy Malaysian curry…mmm)


Braised turkey with celery, onions and carrots


Garlicky Quinoa with Sauteed Arugala

Sniffle Stew



Baked yum:
something from GF on a Shoestring, and ideally, something from Amy’s book, too.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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6 Responses to Menu Plan Monday–Noodles

  1. Are you going to share the soba noodle recipe? I’d love to try it. My youngest has noodle issues, too. they are a special treat for her occasionally. You have been busy! So good to see you on Twitter.

  2. Pingback: Week of Gluten-Free Dinners | Celiacs in the House Week of Gluten-Free Dinners | The Care and Feeding of a Gluten-Free Family

  3. The noodles look great. I’m with Wendy on that one. Would love to know which brand of noodles you use. We had a stash in the cupboard, but they all contained wheat and so I gave them all to a friend recently. I’d written off soba noodles, as a result. Glad to see that’s not the case!

    Didn’t post a menu this week – we got snowed in while skiing at the weekend. Going to pop over to Wendy to get inspired.

  4. I use King soba brand. Yummier than Eden, IMHO, and labeled gf.
    It’s simply the noodles with peanut curry sauce from Spice and Herb bible (substituting almond or sunflower for peanut due to allergies)

  5. Angela says:

    I would love to host on the March 28th. It’s the 10 year anniversary for being told my daughter needed to be GF and I would love to do the theme of celebrations. Any recipe you use to celebrate that is gluten free. :o)

  6. Those noodles look good, Cheryl! No buckwheat for me, so I’ve been sticking with Tinkyada occasionally and doing the Asian rice stick noodles (rice and water) some, too. My husband is the big fanatic on noodles in our house. 🙂

    Yippee on all the good stuff in your life right now–you deserve it! Good luck with the cleaning. For me getting rid of the stuff I don’t need is the biggest factor … I’m always working on that. 😉


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