Grateful for Flowers & Fun: Day 18

g rosesI’m very fond of violet roses, and so I got some for myself today.  I rarely find the purple ones, so I was super grateful that not only did TJ’s have them, but they were just $5! I know they look pink in the pic, but they’re violet. And, of course, G had to inspect because he’s intrusive inquisitive that way.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I’m also grateful for fun food projects. I made these Christmas trees…they were super easy. I wanted to make something fruit based, and looked at all these Pintrest boards for inspiration. While the strawberry grinches are cute, they didn’t get me excited. As soon as these popped in my head, I thought they would be fun. They were! I got these long toothpics with stars from Amazon (still time to get them, maybe?) Top is the top of a strawberry, then a piece of honeydew, a wider piece of strawberry and more honeydew. Couldn’t be easier or cuter. We’ll see how they hold up in transit.

And, of course, that makes me feel like things are a bit more balanced. I made the Chocolate Covered Orange Peels tonight too, which are Mr. Dude’s favorites, and those are almost ready to go.

Drop by for the December Sanity Retreat! This week’s hostess is Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl and she posted on Seeking Joy Every Day. Hop on over to comment on her post and be entered to win a Nuts.come $50 gift cert!

Posts so far:

My 30 days of gratitude:





About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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