A meme for me?

Brenda at Book of Yum was sweet enough to tag me for a meme. I’m honored! So what is a meme, you may ask? Here are the rules: 1. i must link the tagger to my blog and list the rules; 2. i must share 7 weird bits about myself 3. 7 new bloggerites must be tagged and must be made aware with a comment in their blog. Well, it took me a while to think of a few strange and interesting bits of personal trivia, but here goes:

  1. I LOVE chocolate, but for me, it’s all about melted chocolate. Sure, I’ll eat a piece of good chocolate, but melted chocolate makes me swoon. It’s something about the mouth feel of melted chocolate that just makes it so much better! Oh, and the darker the better. I’ve been known to eat baking (unsweetened) chocolate.
  2. Due to a variety of reasons, at 25, I found myself totally unable to stand or walk for 4 months. Talk about a life changing experience. Many years later, I’m still actively working on regaining my health and mobility and it’s taught me a lot about humility and appreciation for the many everyday gifts in my life.
  3. My taste in music is all about the classics. My favorites are classic rock and classical music.
  4. I love nut butter, and I’ll eat it by the spoon. It’s one of my guilty pleasures, and my husband teases me about it on a regular basis. But I figure if that’s my worst nutritional habit, I’m doing fine, thanks much.  Somehow people assume that because I’m a nutritionist, that I must eat a perfect diet.
  5. I am very, very messy. I always have been. I’ve tried to break that habit and not met much success…but I’m working on it!
  6. My garden is one of my favorite places to be. I love it, it’s such a healing, nurturing place. I’ve got a huge variety, from the normal stuff, like tomatoes and peppers, to a peach tree and artichokes. I’ve got ground cherries, carrots, garlic, blueberries, raspberries, and a wide variety of herbs, too. Most are grown from seed, though I hope to buy a few melons, too.
  7. My husband and I co-habitate with two of the coolest cats around, Genghis and Houdini. Boy am I glad that Genghis adopted us, because I can’t imagine our lives without them.

Ok, that’s 7!  And now I get to tag 7 other bloggers, if they’re interested in playing, too.  I’ve tried to choose a few folks that aren’t necessarily part of the GF blogging “usual suspects” in the interest of all of us expanding our horizons.

  1. Carrie at Ginger Lemon Girl
  2. Kay from Gluten Free Kay
  3. Elana at Elana’s Pantry
  4. Tori from Tori’s GFCF blog
  5. Rodger and Lyndsay at Gluten Free Food Freak
  6. Bureka Boy at Is that my bureka?
  7. Rachael, of The Crispy Cook

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About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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5 Responses to A meme for me?

  1. VeggieGirl says:

    Great meme!! Your cats are precious :0)

  2. Kay says:

    Thanks for the tag! Our gardens sound quite similar. I promise I’ll take a break from weeding soon and rise to this blogging challenge. I just came in from picking a bucket of cherries, my first in a couple of years. So I need to pit them right away.

  3. Tori says:

    Thanks for tagging me! I’ve linked you and tagged 7 others! You can see my “meme” on my blog at http://gfcfblog.blogspot.com.


  4. Seamaiden says:

    Great meme! And you even gave us adorable pictures of your kitty babies. So glad you participated! 😀


  5. carrie says:

    Thanks Cheryl!! i’m honored!! i’ll have to work on this soon! thanks for tagging me!! i love nut butter too! And I have to work hard against my messy tendancies! They overwhelm if i’m not careful!! in other words, don’t go near my bedroom closet at the moment!! ps… i totally adore cats too! I just wish they were hairless… but I guess they wouldn’t be nearly as cute!

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