Okay, since it’s Dec 15th, I’m almost half way through 31 days of Gratitude for the December Self-Care Retreat! I didn’t know what I was going to write about today, and then I saw this collection of awesome pictures…
Buzzfeed: The World Isn’t Such a Bad Place
…and it put a big smile back on my face.
The internet is a source of a lot of crap. I’m acutely aware that negativity sells, and there’s an over-abundance of it. But the interwebs t’s also a source of a lot of uplifting goodness…and cats. It’s all in where you look. I love Upworthy, and obviously Cheeseburger Cats and Paw Bonito for you animal peeps.
Here are just a few videos & collections of pics that I’ve loved lately:
Doggie shaming pictures. I now feel much, much better about “owning” cats
A woman who takes time out to dance right before a mastectomy
A boy dying of cancer. Sounds depressing, but it’s also one of the most moving things I’ve seen in a long, long time!
And for you doggie lovers, may you be as happy as a husky with a pile of leaves. No, really.
Last but not least, I think these “Happy” videos are pretty neat, too. It’s 24 hours of different people dancing to Pharrell William’s song, and I love seeing REAL people of all ages, colors, shapes and sizes getting down and getting goofy. Makes me want to dance! Oh yeah, and the song TOTALLY gets in your head, too.
Need more?
I did a similar link roundup last year, too.
Posts so far:
- Valerie’s Kickoff post
- Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl’s Seeking Joy
- Eat Recycle Repeat’s Joy to the World
My 30 days of gratitude:
- Day 1: Gratitude
- Day 2: Grateful for Genghis Khat
- Day 3: Grateful for amazing people
- Day 4: The roundabout road to gratitude
- Day 5: Grateful for beautiful weather
- Day 6: Grateful for New Experiences
- Day 7: Grateful for Local Apples
- Day 8: Grateful for Acts of Kindness
- Day 9 & 10: Grateful for Everyday Miracles
- Day 11: Grateful for Resilience
- Day 12: Ah, Grateful
- Day 13: Peaceful Day
- Day 14: Grateful for Pomegranates
- Day 15: Grateful for Interweb goodness