All good things must eventually come to an end…and so must our December Sanity Roundup. I always enjoy the Sanity retreats….writing, reading other posts, the FB group and just having it a little more on my radar.
So THANK YOU, all of you! Whether you hosted, posted, commented, lurked, or joined us on FB, I really appreciate your presence and support.
Our winners are below…
I had a pretty sane holiday season, and I think the retreat helped.
- Waiting at least 8 hours to see if I *need* to purchase something.Yep!
- Doing at least one compassion-focused meditation daily, at least 6 days a week Yes, until the last week of Dec. I got a bug and it disrupted my rhythm.
- Giving myself permission to have my own experience, and let people be who they are (I know this is non-specific, I’ll be posting more about this) Yes…I brought all my food for Christmas and did my own thing. And I was fine with it.
- Journaling on what I’m proud of for 2012 at least weekly Um, didn’t do it at all. I do want to do that before I set my
New Year’sGroundhog’s day resolutions. - Spending at least 2 hours weekly figuring out where I want to be and coming up with my “grand master plan” for 2013, and contacting various people to find a good fit. Yep! Even starting yoga very soon.
Other posts in this year’s Sanity retreat:
- Intro Post for the Dec Sanity Retreat at Gluten Free Goodness
- Ginger Lemon Girl’s A Peaceful Holiday Season
- Sleep, Move, Dance, Stretch from Valerie of City Life Eats
- Join the December Sanity Challenge here at The Daily Dietribe
- Kickoff Post at Gluten Free Goodness
- Kate of Eat, Recycle Repeat Shares her Do’s of the Season
- Zen of Candy Cane Marshmallows at Gluten Free Goodness
- Chacha’s gluten-free kitchen Sanity Goals and German Chocolate Bites
- “Being Gentle” at Gluten Free Goodness
- December Merriment at Yoga Twist on Life
- Dancing as Stress Relief from Valerie of City Life Eats
- Self-Care at Healthy Happy Vibrant
- Preciousness of Our Moments here at The Daily Dietribe
- On Self-Care and Compartmentalizing from Valerie of City Life Eats
- Gluten Free Goodness Takes “A Pause”
- On avoiding shame and guilt around New Year’s from Valerie of City Life Eats
- Embracing the Here and Now with Love at The Canary Files
- Change your Story by Iris of The Daily Dietribe
- A few more thoughts on guilt, and some delicious cupcakes by Valerie of City Life Eats (Check out those cupcakes!!!)
- 7 Goals for Staying Sane During December shared on The Daily Dietribe
- Sanity Goals Update from Cheryl of Gluten-Free Goodness
- A Sanity Challenge Update from Carrie of Gingerlemongirl
- My post on Letting Go of New Year’s Gremlins (technically post retreat)
And our winners!
*drumroll please*
The gift cert: Lillian of Happy, Healthy, Vibrant
Autographed copies of Carrie’s Mahvelous Book The Everything Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Cookbook: Includes Butternut Squash with Walnuts and Vanilla, Peruvian Roast Chicken with Red Potatoes, Lamb … hundreds more! (Everything Series)
If I don’t have your contact info (and I don’t for any of the 3) please do contact me