Everything Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Cookbook Giveaway

I’m hoping by now you’ve gotten word of the new Everything Gluten Free Slow Cooker cookbook by Carrie Forbes (AKA Ginger Lemon Girl). You know you want one…

First, I must say, Carrie is fantastic. I’ve made so many of her recipes over the years, and her chocolate chip cookies are an absolute favorite and necessity at our parties. I’ve also made her cornbread, which E loved, and used her Master Mix.

So I had no doubt that Carrie’s book would be marvelous as well. And of course it is.

It has everything from baked goods, to 5 ingredient wonders to drinks! Did you know that you can make baked goods in a crock pot?  And GLUTEN FREE baked goods?  Yep, really. I didn’t know either. I’m also super honored that Carrie crockpot-ified a millet recipe that I’ve been making for ages…check it out!

I decided to make the applesauce, or, really, life decided for me. I adore applesauce, and I’ve made applesauce on the stovetop for years. It’s one of my favorite things this time of year. Mr. Dude and I were at the Farmers’ market and I spied Empress apples. Now, I figure that since my cat, Genghis, is the Emperor, I must be an Imperial mama, if not an empress. So I asked, and she said they weren’t really eating apples, but that they made the best applesauce ever. I’m an apple connoisseur and so I was intrigued.

She did not lie.

Problem was, we gobbled it down so quickly there was no photographic evidence! So I was clearly compelled to make another batch of applesauce. It is so much easier in the crockpot.

And, Carrie’s Moroccan chicken is on the menu for next week. I can’t wait!

So, I am giving away 2 copies of this book. One is signed by the lovely Ms. Forbes herself. One isn’t. (sorry! If you want I can scribble in Carrie’s name, and we can pretend, but it’s just not the same, ya know?  😉 ) These books are a gift from me, not the publisher.

Each of the below is one entry:

  1. Leave a comment of why Carrie is simply awesome. Feel free to do this even if you don’t want to enter.
  2. Follow Carrie on Facebook and leave me a comment letting me know.
  3. Follow Carrie on Twitter https://twitter.com/GingerLemonGirl and leave me a comment letting me know
  4. Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/CherylharrisRD and leave me a comment letting me know

This contest will close Sunday, Oct 21st at 8pm EST. Contest is open to the US 48. Sorry Canadian peeps.

And go BUY the cookbook! At less than $10, this is a heck of a bargain.

Posted in contest | 34 Comments

Halloween Tips & Tricks

I usually don’t cross-post, but I think this will be of interest to many of you!

Think outside the candy dish….

When I first told my husband we weren’t giving out candy for Halloween, he looked at me like I had lost my mind. I certainly didn’t want our house to be one of those places that kids complain about, but I figured a few yo-yos or rubber duckies might be a nice change from 101 Tootsie rolls. Besides, I knew too well that having all the candy around was a temptation that I just didn’t need. I was a little nervous about my decision, until my first trick-or-treater ran back to his dad and said, “Cool! A slinky!” Last year, a group of girls even told my husband that she looked forward to the “rubber duckie house” every year.  Somehow, I resisted the opportunity to say I told you so.

Oriental Trading Company www.orientaltrading.com sells inexpensive toys, stickers, rubber duckies, mini games and even temporary tattoos (for children you know well). Another non-food option is mini cans of Play-Doh (but if you are gluten-free remember that Play Doh has gluten, so if you play, wash your hands very thoroughly!) Some are more expensive than candy, but it depends on how you look at it. When you average in the bag of candy you bought on sale in September (and ate), the one in mid-October (which vanished as well) and the one you had to run out at the last minute and buy, it evens out in the end.

Of course I have great memories eating excessive quantities of candy on Halloween as a little kid, but we forget that treats don’t have to be food!  There are many ways to have fun with non-food treats, too, and have a little more balance. And there are also healthier/gluten-free/allergen free treats, like the  mini Larabars, all fruit leathers and a variety of allergen friendly treats including ones from Enjoy LifeYummy Earth gummy bears, Envirokidz mini-bars etc., too.

Of course, for the more traditional route, 2012 Halloween Candy lists are HERE

Tips for Enjoying Halloween with Food Restrictions

  • Talk to teachers and friends about focusing parties around activities (like pumpkin carving, apple bobbing, costume contest) rather than just trick or treating.
  • Get prepared! Figure out what candies are safe for your child.  2012 Halloween Candy lists are HERE There are also many products through   Enjoy Life Foods www.enjoylifenb.com that cater to a variety of allergies and intolerances.
  • Pre-stock your Halloween bag with foods that are ‘legal’ for your child (and/or you) so that you can safely snack along the way.
  • Stash safe bags of candy at friend’s houses for your child.
  • Have a trade in. Your child can trade the “problem” candies and treats for “safe” treats, or games, prizes, special outings, etc. You can either stash the “problem” candy somewhere out of reach, or donate it to the foodbank.
  • Plan ahead!  When possible, look online for favorite candies and snacks and see if they are gluten-free.  Some treats that are normally gluten-free or allergen free have different ingredients in the special holiday versions, so always double check.
  • Gina Clowes of Allergy Moms has a great list and tips, too.
  • Kids with Food Allergies has a great resource for safe Halloween activities, games, tips, etc.  Although it’s not directed at people avoiding gluten, a lot of the strategies are the same.

How does YOUR family handle Halloween? Feel free to share tips in the comments section!

Start planning ahead for the holidays:

I know it’s only October, but it’s a good time to start thinking about the holidays.  You can make life easier by just making sure you/your hostess gets a gluten-free brand of turkey or etc. FINALLY, almost all un-stuffed plain turkeys are gluten-free nowadays! Here is the Turkey List for 2011

News and Events:

  • PLEASE consider signing a petition for gluten-free labeling. If the White House does not receive the necessary 25,000 signatures, they won’t read it.
  • Kale! I was quoted in the Washington Post on my very favorite veggie, and why it’s one of the very best veggies to eat.  The picture s of the babies in my garden right now.
  • DC Metro Area Celiac Association Meeting Topic: “Adolescents and Young Adults with Celiac Disease & Gluten Free Travel”
  •  Meeting Date: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 2:00–4:00 pm
  • Speaker: Aaron Rakow, PhD (Clinical Psychologist), a team member of the Celiac Disease Program at Children’s National Medical Center, will discuss Children’s National’s new program, “Celiac Disease Group Therapy for Kids,” and how it is geared to help adolescents and young adults with their psychological needs. tinyurl.com/96jst37.
  • Location: Tenley-Friendship Public Library
  • 4450 Wisconsin Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20016
  • www.dclibrary.org/tenley

Cheryl Harris, MPH, RD is a Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist and Certified Wellness Coach in Fairfax & Alexandria, VA. Cheryl works with people to feel and look their best with a range of specialties, including Celiac Disease, food allergies, pregnancy, breastfeeding, vegetarian and vegan diets, preventing diseases and “whole foods” eating. Let’s get you on your way to achieving your goals.  Email her or call 571-271-8742. 

Posted in news | 4 Comments

Odds ‘n ends

A few fun things:

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Pumpkin love

I grow mini pumpkins every year. I just love watching ’em grow. I never grow the large ones because they’re so huge. So maybe in June, I saw a baby pumpkin plant volunteer in our front yard. I mean, after all these years, I KNOW what a squash plant looks like. E insisted that it was just a weed, and we negotiated for this weed NOS (not otherwise specified) to keep his chosen spot and see who was right.

Now, if you’ve ever seen a pumpkin patch, you know this is exactly what it looks like. We’ve got 50 feet of pumpkin vines.  Squash blossoms galore. Except…there were no pumpkins.

I started to worry a little. I mean, how could I gloat without proof that I was right?

And then I spied him:

And here he is today, maybe 2 weeks after:

Isn’t he cute???

We do have the little guys, too, but I’m loving the big one best. And being able to say “I told you so”

Posted in about, vegetables | 3 Comments

Nourishing Meals–Giveaway #2

I figured that since one giveaway was fun…wouldn’t 3 be much more fun?  I thought so, too. This is a giveaway of TWO signed copies of Alissa Segersten’s & Tom Malterre’s new book Nourishing Meals.  And just as a sneak preview, giveaway # 3 is *signed* copy of Ginger Lemon Girl’s new soon-to-be released cookbook, Everything Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Cookbook.

Certain cookbooks you know you love before you open them, and this was absolutely one. I have the Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook on my shelf at home and work, and love that there is such a variety of recipes. Many authors drift toward just vegan, or just grain-free, or just sugar-free. This cookbook has something for everyone!

I reviewed Ali’s Chocolate cupcakes a while back, so I wanted to review something totally different.  Since I can’t eat vinegar, dressings have been off limits a long time, so I was intrigued by the Green Apple Dressing.

Simple, delicious, quick…what more could I ask for? But since I had such a big apple—got a Mitzu from the Farmer’s Market—after one taste, I decided it would be a perfect complement to kale.

So, I simmered kale with a quart of stock and a double portion of the dressing, and it was AMAZING. Sweet, gingery-spicy…perfect.

I do hope you check out Ali’s cookbook. To enter to win one of the 2 copies which were generously donated by the author, do any or all of the following, and leave a comment on THIS post letting me know you did:

CONGRATS to Courtney and Stephanie for winning the cookbooks!

  1. What do you most enjoy about Ali’s recipes?
  2. Tweet about this giveaway or post to FB &leave me a comment to let me know.
  3. Follow me @CherylharrisRD on Twitter and leave me a comment to let me know you did.
  4. Follow Ali on Twitter @nourishingmeals and leave me a comment to let me know.

And, of course, MAKE SURE YOU GIVE ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS! That way you’ll know you won!

This giveaway ends Weds, Sept 26th at midnight EST. Best of luck!

Posted in contest, review | 70 Comments

Celiac Sprue Association Conference Oct 4-6th!

I am really excited to be moderating a panel on Gluten Free Blogging at 35th Annual Celiac Sprue Association on October 4-6th on Long Island in Hauppauge, NY. There will be great sessions on the latest and greatest from the Columbia Celiac Center, dietary tips, gluten-sensitivity, and panels on gluten-free baking, travel, and dining out. There will even be a clam bake, wine tasting, tours and more!

We’d love to have you join us! Registration info here. The discounted member rate is for anyone who is a member of ANY of the Celiac organizations, not just CSA.

I’m even more excited about the bloggers who will be joining me on the panel, because all are wonderful examples of thriving on a gluten-free diet and helping others do the same. They are also warm, knowledgeable bloggers and I know it will be a great panel!

Shirley Braden of Gluten-Free Easily

Shirley Braden is a gluten-free support group leader;  and local, state, national, and international speaker. She teaches gluten-free individuals how to live easily, economically, and healthily with her gfe-gluten free easily approach. Her popular and helpful gfe blog, at glutenfreeeasily.com, was selected runner up in Triumph Dining’s 2012 Best of Gluten-Free Awards.

Amie Valpone of the Healthy Apple

Amie Valpone, HHC, AADP, Editor-in-Chief of TheHealthyApple.com is a Manhattan based Culinary Nutritionist, Personal Chef, Professional Recipe Developer and Food Writer specializing in Gluten-Free ‘Clean’ recipes. Amie works as a Food Allergy Concierge and Healthy Family Pantry Stylist sharing her passion for ‘Clean Eating’ by focusing on real food.  She understands how difficult it can be to find time to create healthy meals, but is here to show you how easy it can be.  Amie’s work appears on The Food Network, The Huffington Post, Martha Stewart Whole Living, YahooShine! and WebMD.Erin Smith of Gluten-Free Fun

Erin Smith is a social media expert who has been writing her gluten-free lifestyle blog Gluten-Free Fun since 2007. In 2011, she launched Gluten-Free Globetrotter, a website that encourages those with celiac disease to travel the world and not be scared about eating gluten-free domestically and abroad. Erin is the lead organizer of the NYC Celiac Disease Meetup Group, a social community that has grown to over 1,550 members in the 7 years she has been organizing the group. Erin also sits on the board of the non-profit foundation Kicking4Celiac and she is a regular contributor to Delight Gluten Free Magazine.

Melissa Mc Lean Jory of Gluten-Free for Good

Melissa McLean Jory  is a Master Nutrition Therapist, lover of simple food, founder of the blog Gluten-Free For Good, and co-author of The Gluten-Free Edge: A Nutrition and Training Guide for Peak Athletic Performance and an Active Gluten-Free Life. She also has a degree in Exercise Science, hundreds of hours of yoga teacher training, and a passion for wilderness adventure. Her mission is to help people navigate the gluten-free lifestyle with confidence, optimal nutrition, and renewed vitality. She serves on the board of directors of the Colorado Ski & Snowboard Museum & Hall of Fame and is a resource leader for CSA of Denver.

See? Told it you it would be a great panel.

And the session will focus on how gluten-free blogging can benefit EVERYONE—well, anyone with a computer. Blogging is a great way to connect and share ideas, get information and support and be dazzled by the recipes and pictures! This virtual community is a fantastic resource for anyone with Celiac or on a gluten-free diet.  So whether you’re a blogger, want to start a blog or you simply enjoy finding more about news, products and getting great recipes,

Come join us in NY, meet some of your favorite blogging peeps and learn more about how blogging can help you on your gluten-free journey.

We’d love to have you join us! Registration info here. Unfortunately, you have to print out and mail registration due to an online registering snafu.

See you in October & please help us spread the word!



Posted in about, news | 2 Comments

E’s Cake

13 years ago today, I went swimming in a gorge in Ithaca with a friend of mine. We kissed. Okay, we spent half the night kissing.

And here I am, making a cake to celebrate, along with a belated birthday cake for my husband of more than 7 years and my best friend.

At a first glance, this may look like Nigella Lawson’s Nutella cake. Look closer–it’s actually substantially different, and we like this a lot better. It’s much lighter and more chocolate-y: win/win! So it’s been many years since I’ve had it, but I still remember how delicious it is. Enjoy!

E’s cake

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 8 egg whites, whipped to stiff peaks
  • 14 oz jar of Nutella
  • Soften stick of butter
  • ½ cup hazelnut meal, ideally freshly ground in the food processor
  • 5.2 oz 70%+ dark chocolate, melted
  • 1 Tablespoon Frangelico or other gluten-free alcohol
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Pinch salt

Preheat oven to 350-degrees.

Grease and line an 8inch and a mini springform with parchment or wax paper (a 9 inch works, too, but the cake will will fall more).

Separate 8 eggs, reserve 2 yolks and do something yummy with the rest. (pudding? Creme brulee? curd?)

In a stand mixer, whisk the eggs whites and salt until they form stiff peaks.

In a separate bowl, beat the butter and Nutella together, then add Frangelico, 2 egg yolks, and ground hazelnuts.

Fold in the melted chocolate, then mix in 1/3 of egg white.Gently folding the rest of them in a third at a time. They won’t incorporate perfectly, no worries.

Pour into the prepared pan and cook for 50 + minutes or until the cake’s beginning to come away at the sides. Cool on rack.

Yes, it will fall. The other way to look at it is that the cake is creating a great space to hold the frosting/ganache. There, doesn’t that sound better?

Glaze with a simple ganache or a chocolate frosting, chocolate decorations, hazelnuts…go crazy.

I assume a dairy free chocolate hazelnut spread & Earth Balance will work for a dairy free version, but since there are so many reasons I can’t eat this any longer so I’ve never bothered.

Gluten-free or not, this is one seriously elegantly delicious cake.

Posted in baked goods, dessert, recipe | 2 Comments

Simply Gluten-Free Magazine Giveaway!

I’ve been way overdue for fun news, and unfortunately the big ole pile of folders on my desk has kept me from blogging as much as I’d like!

So the top 3 fun things:

  • I’ll be moderating a panel of amazing gluten-free bloggers at the upcoming CSA conference on Long Island October  4-6. More info & a post later this week.
  • I am super-duper excited about my volunteer pumpkin. He planted himself in our front yard. Isn’t he a beauty? I’m all about the simple things.

I’m excited about the magazine because there’s such a range of gluten-free voices. We’ve got the vegan bloggers, the paleo bloggers, the crockpotting bloggers, the mommy bloggers…and much, much more. It simply makes perfect sense, because the gluten-free community is incredibly diverse, and I like the idea of many voices for the many paths.

The magazine will hit the shelves November 2012.

Here’s just a taste of the yummy bloggers:

Afton Jones
Alisa Fleming

Alissa Segersten
Angela Litzinger
Bernice Mast
Cara Lyons
Carol Kicinski
Cheryl Harris
Ellen Allard
Erin Pickering
Hallie Klecker
Heidi Kelly
Jeanne Sauvage
Jen Penas
Kim Maes
Melissa McLean Jory

Ricki Heller
Stacy & Matt Toth
Stephanie O’Dea

So…I’m giving away two 1-year subscriptions to the magazine. To enter:

  1. Leave a comment and tell me what you’re most excited about seeing in the magazine.
  2. Follow me on Twitter @CherylHarrisRD and leave me a comment to let me know you did.
  3. Follow Simply Gluten-Free Magazine @SimplyGFMag and leave me a comment to let me know.
  4. “Like” me at my new FB page for GFGoodness and leave me a comment to let me know.
  5. MAKE SURE YOU GIVE ME YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS! That way you’ll know you won!

This giveaway will close Saturday the 15th at Midnight EST.

And the winners are: Sebryna Hunt and Andrea Cortani! Congrats, ladies!

Posted in about, contest, news | 40 Comments

Review: The Joy of Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Baking

I was torn about reviewing “The Joy of Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Baking”, because a) I only review books that I really like because I don’t like giving negative reviews and b) there were some aspects of the book that I really liked, and some that really didn’t fit me. And yet we all have different needs and preferences, so here goes.

On the plus side: the focus of the book is low carb, so it gives grain-free and pretty creative recipes. Almost all other books out there focus on almond or coconut flour, but this one uses sunflower flour, sesame flour, pecan flour, hazelnut flour, flax flour…a big plus for someone who doesn’t like or is allergic to almond. There was a good range of recipes and I will absolutely keep it on my bookshelf at work.

On the down side: I’m a make-it-from scratch kind of girl.  I mean, seriously ridiculous. If someone wanted a pie, we’d head to the orchard, go apple picking and make one. BUT making 3 cups of flour in the spice grinder 1/4 cup at a time is extremely tedious and time consuming. For me, that takes the fun out of baking. But the larger issue was that I wasn’t quite sure if I was doing it right and if the flour was the right texture. I’m guessing it wasn’t, because the Italian Herb Bread I made had good flavor but it was also much too moist. So we toasted the slices and they worked much better.

I also was surprised to notice that almost every recipe contained Splenda or a particular brand of stevia. I’ve only tasted Splenda once, and it was, in a word, revolting. And I’ve had many clients report migranes from Splenda. So I was quite disappointed at how ubiquitous it was in the book. “low carb” is one thing. Most people can tolerate a tablespoon of sweetener, especially divided by a large quantity of servings.

I, personally, am sensitive to eggs and sesame, and so I wasn’t willing to get sesame on my vitamix, so that excluded lots of recipes. But that’s just me…sesame is not a common allergy in adults.

I do think this is a good resource for people who follow a grain-free lifestyle and/or can’t eat almond. And I do think it’s neat that the authors choose to experiment with different nuts and seeds. This book will be added to the collection at my office and I’m sure it’ll be appreciated.

Posted in review | 3 Comments

Plum butter

With an abundance of plums at the market, the timing couldn’t be better! I do like doing this with greengage plums best because then you get more of a jam than a butter, presumably because of higher pectin levels. But now that we’ve got only red and black plums left, it still works beautifully.

I made this with a mixed batch of Santa Anna and black plums because that was what was handy! But with fresh ingredients, you can’t go too far wrong.

14-16 plums

Water to cover

2-3 Tablespoons of agave/other sweetener

Wash plums and cut out bad spots. Pull off stems. That’s it. I don’t stone them because, well, it takes too long.

Put plums in a big pan with water to cover. Cover with a lid, boil like mad for 30 min.  Uncover, simmer….and simmer….and simmer.  After a few hours, you’ll have mush and you can just fish out the pits.

When you’re getting a pretty thick plum soup (applesauce texture), make sure the heat is on low, add in the sweetener and stir every 5-10 min.  When it’s beginning to caramelize on the bottom, you’re done. Allow to cool before sticking in your mouth spooning into jars.

Great by the spoon, on crackers, thin it a bit for a sauce for broccoli, chicken, etc.

I’m submitting this recipe to Wellness Weekends over at Diet, Dessert and Dogs. Head on over to find other yummy recipes!

I am ALSO linking up to Gluten Free Friday Recipes over at Vegetarian Mamma, because I didn’t even know about y’all until now! There are so many new gluten-free events in the blogosphere and it’s always great to learn about something new. Head on over and spread some love!

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