July Self-Care Retreat Redux

I am really excited to announce the 2nd annual July Self-Care Retreat!  We’ve got a great lineup of wonderful bloggers committed to making an extra effort to practicing self-care this month, and we’re hoping that you join us, too!

To me, self-care is like learning a second language as an adult.  I certainly wasn’t born knowing how to do it, it wasn’t a natural impulse for me, and it’s something that I to make a conscious effort to weave into my daily life.  The other two self-care retreats  were helpful by keeping my goals and commitments on my radar, and I’m hoping it had the same effect on others as well.

Self-care is about compassion and kindness.  At the essence, it comes down to intention.  Movement, dietary changes and even commitments with others, are all about context.  We’ve all seen how, say, exercise can be incredibly invigorating and enriching, and how it can also be another measuring stick, another “should” or way to judge ourselves.  Or how we can bake a cake for the joy of it, or for the celebration of friends and family and the pleasure of having a chocolaty-smelling kitchen.  Yet how easily this can be distorted into overcommitting to doing something out of obligation.

So my intention here for myself and for everyone who joins us to is to encourage you incorporate or even try out different self-care practices because you want to feel and live well, not because of some additional arbitrary standard to live up to.

Our fantastic group of bloggers:
June 30th: Me! Cheryl of Gluten-Free Goodness                Food

July 7th: Valerie of City Life Eats                                 Support and connection

July 14th: Shirley of Gluten Free Easily (GFE)         Movement

July 21st: Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl                       Creativity

July 28th Iris of The Daily Dietribe                              Inward Reflection

These posts are to inspire you all to make July a month of reflecting on self-care and the many ways to nourish ourselves.   We encourage everyone to participate in this event in a way that feels appropriate to them, whether through personal reflection, journal or other self-care.  If you would like to share your experience with self-care, we would love to include you in the experience, whether you join us for one week or every week.  You can write generally about self-care and how you include it in your life, or “try on” one of the practices we’re blogging about over the course of the next week (movement, food, family/friends/pets, creativity and inward reflection). We ask that you link back to this post so that more people can learn about this retreat, and leave a comment for the weekly theme host, too!  If you would like to be included in our roundup and the drawing, please email a link to your post, along with your name and blog name, to us at selfcareretreat at gmail dot com by July 30, 2011.

As a little added incentive, for each post on your goals and your progress you link back here or one of the other co-hosts, you’ll be entered to receive a $50 gift certificate to Nuts.com  (they are not sponsoring, I just wanted something with healthy gluten-free, vegan, sugar-free, etc. options)

Valerie of City Life Eats designed us a badge, and feel free to use the badge in your posts.  Non-bloggers who would like to contribute, please email the full text to the same address and it will be included in the roundup.

For a “flavor” of previous retreats, here’s a link to the July Self-Care Retreat and the December Sanity Retreat.

As you can tell, we’ve been busy bloggers!

Welcome & kick off posts from:

Food as Self-Care

Self-Care Through Connection

Self-Care Through Movement

Self-Care on the Road & Trip Report from Southern NJ by Shirley of GFE

Self-Care through Creativity

Using Creativity as Self-Care by Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl
Creative Self-Care (and Double Chocolate PB Oat Cookies!)from Shirley of GFE (temporarily removed)
Self-Care through Creativity and an Ooey, Gooey Chocolate Chip Pie Cheryl of Gluten-Free Goodness

Posted in self care carnival | 21 Comments

Menu Plan June 25th

Menu Planning: Picnic/Camping

(1st basil pesto of the season above!)

So clearly I haven’t gotten into the swing of menu planning again, but I’m still trying when possible.  AND, stay tuned for the 2nd Annual July Self-Care Retreat!  The 1st July retreat was great fun, and the December Sanity Challenge was, too.  I’m hoping we’ll have lots of company this time around, too and will post more later this week.

I was delighted to FINALLY meet Heather of Celiac Family (Menu Swap Coordinator!)right before her move to Colorado!  Neither of us thought to get pictures, but I will have to snap the mint plants she gave me.

Our hostess this week is Angela of Angela’s kitchen, and our theme is camping food or picnics.  I find that on trips without refrigeration, chickpea crackers are among my best friends, and I’m overdue for a batch.

I posted a new recipe for Cashew Cookies (gf, paleo friendly, vegan), and will hopefully get a chance to catch up on more recipes soon.



Turkey cutlets with kale pesto and roasted broccoli


Salmon and baby greens


Beef stew.  Never too hot in my book!


Leftovers—I’m home really late


White beans and sautéed mache?  I will have to see what inspires

In my garden:

  • Basil + garlic=1st basil pesto of the season!
  • 1 cuke
  • 1 red pepper
  • A few ground cherries
Posted in menu plan | 3 Comments

Cashew Cookies

I will be the first to admit feeling very dubious about cookies that didn’t have chocolate.  In my mind, a cookie is a tasty vessel for chocolate.  Oatmeal raisin cookies were posers and I couldn’t imagine why someone would want to eat one.  My idea of a perfect cookie was a chocolate cookie with chocolate chips, or at the very least, a vanilla cookie that was redeemed by dipping in chocolate.

And yet I have learned that for now, I just can’t tolerate chocolate, and I still like cookies, and so I’ve had to change my ways and, um, eat my words.

We have now been officially living in our new house for a year, and out of the blue, a neighbor invited us to dinner for the next evening.  Now, clearly I needed to bring something yummy, and I didn’t have any time to plan, so I put these together and hoped for the best.  And not only did I really enjoy them, but they kept well overnight.

They’re chewy, melty, and have a subtle but delightful sweetness. I think I might try them with hazelnuts at some point to give a more identifiably specific flavor (they don’t really taste like cashews) but I really like them as is.  And, it only took a few minutes to put them together, which made them perfect for a  weeknight project.

Cashew cookies

  • 1.5 cups roasted salted cashews
  • 2 Tablespoons coconut oil
  • ½ cup arrowroot flour
  • 2/3 cup coconut sugar
  • 1 dropper full of vanilla stevia extract
  • Pinch of vanilla powder (maybe 1 tsp vanilla extract?)
  • ¼ cup maple syrup

Put cashews in the food processor and grind cashews until smooth.  Add in the coconut oil and keep going 1 min more.  Add in the flour, sugar and vanilla and pulse.  Add in maple syrup, pulse and it will thicken quickly.

Roll into 1 inch balls, smoosh down.  Bake at 350 for 10-12 min or just starting to brown.

Nom nom nom nom nom nom….

I will be adding these to Ricki’s Wellness Weekends, so check back to see other great options. I’ll also be bringing them to Shirley’s Virtual Support Group.  I hope there’s enough to go around!



Posted in baked goods, dessert | 6 Comments

(Semi) Wordless Wednesday

My books reflect my personality (said Mr. Dude, “totally disorganized?”) Well, yes, but passionate about good reads, good eats, gardening, meditation, food politics and ranging from nutrition manuals to the Hungry Little Caterpillar and Little Engine that Could.  Can you spot your favorite GF classic?

Posted in cheryl's musings | 3 Comments

Too busy playing to blog!

Ah, how the pendulum swings back and forth.  I spent April and May buried under work projects.  So it seems, I’ve overcompensated and now can’t seem to bring myself back to the computer.

E and I have been watching Avatar: The Last Airbender which I fully admit that I adore.   We’re currently in the Earth kingdom, I want a flying lemur and a bison to take me to work.  It would solve my driving difficulties…

And for the past week I’ve been playing more in the kitchen.

Vanilla hazelnut butter

A chocolate banana bread

Vegan Paleo friendly Cashew cookies

Pineapple chicken…

We’ve had supervision, too:

I will have to post recipes soon!

Posted in cheryl's musings | 5 Comments

Super quick menu plan: June 4th

I’ve been craving peace and quiet lately, and not been posting as much.  So this is a quick and dirty menu plan, and for more, see Celiac Family and the other menu plans that Heather has compiled.  Our theme this week is peppers, which definitely don’t agree with me.  They were one of my favorite foods…grilled peppers are beyond yummy.

And here’s a quick run down of gluten-free dining tips.


Rosemary chicken with Kalamata Olives and broccoli


Hopefully, fennel stew?  Contingent on finding fennel…


Pineapple chicken with roasted cauliflower


Salmon on a bed of greens



Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Who me, menu planning?

I am glad to be joining the Menu Swap again!  I took on too many commitments for April-May, and while they were a lot of fun, I’m also very, very grateful to be done.  This is the first time in months that I haven’t had an immediate looming deadline, and I’m luvin’ it.

Our hostess this week is Heather of Celiac Family, and she is now the weekly coordinator of the swap as well.  She’s chosen chocolate as the ingredient, and I’m conflicted.  I would love to have chocolate, and it’s given me bad reflux lately, so I’ve been avoiding it the past few weeks.  But it’s also my birthday Weds…so we shall see whether it’s meant to be.  Since the Washingtonian featured my Chocolate Rasp pie a few weeks back, it’s been on my mind….But I will be making a pie this weekend, because I’m seeing my family and it’s my sister’s birthday too.

Oh, and squee and family?  They’ve left, no forwarding address. (click to enlarge the pic, he’s cuter that way!) They were around last weekend, but haven’t been seen since.  While I do truly miss them, I am enjoying the baby squirrels and chipmunks.  And now I don’t feel like I’m about to witness a murder each time I see a squirrel go near the shed, which is a huge relief.

Chicken on baby greens.  E bought a huge tub of baby greens, and since I’m the only one who eats them, that means a whole lotta greens. There can be too much of a good thing…

Malaysian Sunflower Chicken curry from Spice and Herb Bible

No birthday plans yet, but I’m not cooking…

Pesto-d Fish w/Garlic Scape Pesto


Saturday: Coconut banana pie for my sister’s birthday–Cheryl friendly, if it’s good, I’ll post.

Posted in menu plan | 5 Comments

Baby Squee Fox Video

The little dude’s favorite game is “Got yer tail” with Papa fox.  And he will not take “no” for an answer, no matter what….
more Squee Fox pictures here, too!

Posted in Foxy family | 5 Comments

Thankful for Stunning Visitors

The coolest photos are at the end, so keep scrolling!

It started off with a foxy stare….

This was the first time I’d ever seen a fox, and I told him that he was welcome here.  Little did I know he understood English.  A few hours later he was lounging under my favorite tree.


Foxy lady made an appearance a few days later



And to my great surprise, along came squee fox!

He may look peaceful, but this little bugger is a perpetual motion machine.  I don’t know how old he is, but I am quite sure he is less than a month because he wasn’t around when his momma and daddy moved in.  I’m also uncertain how red fox+ red fox=grey fox.  Mailman fox?  Or maybe he’ll turn red as he ages.







I am so grateful to see these majestic creatures doing their thing.  Clearly, we are taking this visit as a testament to our fantastic characters and not a reflection of the number of squirrels and chipmunks that used to live here and mysteriously went on vacation in the past month (RIP Fred the squirrel!)

They  get very disturbed by noise, and our construction is not yet 100% complete, so I do hope they stick around.  But even if they don’t, I’ve been awed and amazed by their presence and beauty.  It’s been such a gift, and my understanding is, seeing a baby fox is quite rare.

I’m submitting this to Thankful Thursdays over at InspiredRD and I feel so lucky to be able to share these beauties!

Posted in cheryl's musings | 7 Comments

Menu Plan Monday–Mint!

It has been a long time since I’ve done menu planning, and I absolutely see what a difference it makes.  My goal is to plan even when I don’t have time to post, and given how much needs to happen between now and mid-May, that’s a good thing!

If you missed it, it was my blogniversary, and I shared some things I’m grateful for…

The theme of this week is mint, and Heather of Celiac Family is our hostess.  We don’t yet have mint growing here, unless we’re counting basil as mint because it’s in the mint family.  And a half dead rosemary plant, too.  I can’t wait until we have the garden bed set up, which should be pretty soon.

So…the plan.  It’s a loose plan because I have a big deadline Weds and Friday, and E will be home late many nights.


Pineapple chicken and broccoli (or cauliflower?)


Independent study, which usually means beans and mache for me, and something out for E


Salmon on a bed of baby greens w/ herbs


Stew, most likely beef stew with assorted herbs from the mint family



Posted in menu plan | 3 Comments