What do you know? It’s my 4 year blogniversary! (Okay, it was last week but I didn’t realize until now.) So we must celebrate, yes?
First is a big thank you, to all the wonderful people who have encouraged, inspired, entertained and supported me in these 4 years. I’m not sure what I expected when I started to blog, but it’s been a fun and tasty journey!
In honor of my blogniversary, here are some of my very favorite dishes through the years:
Nana Skillet Bread (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
Bittersweet Chocolate Chestnut Fudge (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
Chocolate Raspberry Pie (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
Bonus: E’s Favorite
Chocolate Banana Bread(GF, CF option, SF, sugar free)
4 Main meals:
Nightshade Skillet Meal (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free)
Yummy Red Lentil Dal(GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free, vegan)
Sniffle Stew(GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free option and vegan)
Coconut Curried Greens (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
4 Sides:
Quinoa Italiana (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free, vegan option) (I often have it as a main meal, too)
Grilled Herb-y Peppers (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
Kale Pesto (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
Roasted Cauliflower (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
Linda’s Bread (GF, CF, SF, sugar free)
Chickpea Crackers (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
Crispy Crackers (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan)
Carrot Muffin-Cakes (GF, CF, EF, SF, sugar free and vegan option)
And my 4 favorite non-recipe posts:
Things that make you say “om” Meditation Resources
Which also reminds me how my blog has changed over the years. I was intent on not writing about my own views and keeping my blog food focused, but over time, it’s evolved, and sooner or later I’ll have to change the header to reflect that. How we live is half of how we eat…and how we eat is half of how we live.
Many thanks to you all!