
With the Superbowl right around the corner, I’ve updated one of my very favorite recipes with a few tweaks. This always goes at warp speed at our parties. Count me in for anything that involves avocado, lime, cilantro and tomatoes!

1 avocado, diced
3 medium sized tomatoes, diced
1/2 sweet pepper (red, yellow or orange) diced
1 Tablespoon diced sweet onion
1/4 cup of chopped cilantro
1 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 lime
salt and freshly ground white pepper to taste

Add everything together, mix 20 min prior to serving, and enjoy!

While tortilla chips are the classic pairing, try jicama sticks for a nice crunch with some extra healthy fiber.

For a winter-friendly version or if you’re short on time, use a can of drained diced tomatoes instead of the fresh tomatoes.



Posted in main meal, recipe, side dish, vegetables, weekend herb blogging | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 23 Comments

Meringue Christmas Trees

*please note, some posts on this website do contain affiliate links*

Aren’t these adorable?

I love making meringues. They’ve delicious, they’re festive, they decorate and keep well, and they work for people who are Paleo, people looking for a lighter dessert…the list goes on. They’ve been a staple over the years in Chez Harris, but I’ve recently switched to a different recipe because I didn’t want to deal with finding grain-free powdered sugar. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

  • 3 egg whites–separate them a day before baking, and leave out 1 hour before making for best results
  • 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
  • dash of salt
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/4 tsp ground vanilla bean*
  • food coloring–I used the new Color from Nature line from Mc Cormick.

    Meringue Snowmen from

Whatever toppings amuse you.

Preheat oven to 250, and prepare 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper. Put a medium, flat tip in piping bag. In a pinch, you can just use a plastic bag instead of a pastry bag, and places like Michael’s are great to find these kits locally.

Whip egg whites on medium speed with cream of tartar and salt. Turn up to high speed, add sugar 1 TBSP at a time. Add in vanilla beans. Continue to beat on high for ~5-6 min, or until you have stiff peaks.

Add food coloring, and pipe out into shapes. This batch was trees, but I’ve done snowmen, ghosts, and all sorts of fun shapes. Decorate as desired.

Bake at 250 for 45 minutes. Keep oven shut and leave them there overnight.

Store in an airtight container and enjoy!

*because you don’t want to add too much total moisture, ground vanilla bean is better than vanilla extract if you’re going to color the cookies. If you’re not adding food coloring, it doesn’t matter.

*please note, some posts do contain affiliate links*

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Raynaud’s Survival Tips (updated)


Since I had my first Raynaud’s attack of the season last week and it’s supposed to get cold on Thursday, I figured it was time to update and re-share this post.

I was really grateful to be diagnosed with Raynaud’s a quite few years ago. No, not right way, but as soon as the dust settled, it was actually a relief. I was in such pain whenever it was cold, and it was truly unbearable. I’m sad to say I blamed myself for years, because I thought I was doing something wrong or just complaining too much.  As a teen I was at track meets with purple hands and feet, and sometimes my lips and face would turn purple! Since everyone else was okay, so I assumed that I just was whiny and needed to toughen up. (why do we do that to ourselves?) So it was actually a huge weight off to find out that there was a real reason the cold was so mat

But then part 2 is, okay then, now what?

I’ve been able to make a lot of changes by what I do and what I wear.

The best purchase I think I’ve ever made was a heated floor mat. I got a small one (above) which was about 2 foot by 3 foot, and it was a complete fail. Or at least, it was a fail for me. It was catted in about 60 seconds flat, and G would OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAnot share with me, no matter how much I begged. So now I have a big one, and it’s often catted as well, but there’s room for the two of us. Yes, it’s pricey, but I honestly think it’s the best investment I’ve made in years in my health, and I think that’s made a bigger difference for me than anything else. I am pushing for heated floors for my work space at home (eventually) but because that’s so expensive, it’s going to be a while.

I also have a ridiculous amount of clothes from Under Armour that I wear every day under my normal clothes, just about from November to April. My favorite? The base 4 leggings. They’re supposed to be for going outside in “brutal cold”, I need to wear them even INSIDE daily, just to avoid the numbness and tingling. And for super duper cold days?  They have extreme coldgear leggings, which are thicker and not as comfortable, but they’re such a huge help for my circulation so I don’t mind being bulky. I hate to admit it, but when it’s really cold, I have to wear both–and pants over them. It’s the only way to go outside and walk on the coldest of days.

It’s annoying, but such a big help! It’s kinda painful to spend $90 on a pair of pants, but I wear them every day so it kinda-sorta evens out. The UA site also has an outlet which I tend to stalk to get more stuff. More recently, My Fitness Pal has been sending out some decent coupons for Under Armour as well, so that may be a help, too. I also really like that they have pants for short people like moi and that they have the leggings numbered by coldness rating. I did try out the leggings from Nike and I found the site really hard to navigate and didn’t like how those leggings fit, either.

I’ve got the UA gloves, but I’m not crazy about those and still looking for something that may work better. Suggestions are welcome.

The combination of wearing leggings/warming shirts under my clothes and OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAusing the heated floor mat daily makes all the difference in the world. I honestly can’t imagine how I managed to deal with the pain and numbness  all those years…and I can’t believe it took so long to realize how simple the solution was!

So weeks like this one aren’t super comfy, but they’re doable. Between all that stuff and an ungodly number of blankies, I’m all good.

I know most people don’t have to go to such extremes, but honestly, I can’t believe that it took me so many years to realize that this was a necessity for me and take it seriously, and I’m sure I’m not the only one out there.

*please note, some posts do contain affiliate links*

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Raynaud’s survival tips (updated)

I was really grateful to be diagnosed with Raynaud’s about a decade ago. No, not right way, but as soon as the dust settled, it was actually a relief. I was in such pain whenever it was cold, and it was truly unbearable. I’m sad to say I blamed myself for years, because I thought I was doing something wrong or just complaining too much.  As a teen I was at track meets with purple hands and feet, and sometimes my lips and face would turn purple! Since everyone else was okay, so I assumed that I just was whiny and needed to toughen up. (why do we do that to ourselves?) So it was actually a huge weight off to find out that there was a real reason the cold was so mat

But then part 2 is, okay then, now what?

I’ve been able to make a lot of changes by what I do and what I wear.

The best purchase I think I’ve ever made was a heated floor mat. I got a small one (above) which was about 2 foot by 3 foot, and it was a complete fail. It was catted in about 60 seconds flat, and G would OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAnot share with me. So now I have a big one, and it’s often catted as well, but there’s room for the three of us. Yes, it’s pricey, but I honestly think it’s the best investment I’ve made in years in my health, and as soon as I started using it, I had many fewer attacks. I think that’s made a bigger difference for me than anything else. I am pushing for heated floors for my workspace at home (eventually) but because that’s so expensive, it’s going to be a while.

I also have a ridiculous amount of clothes from Under Armour that I wear every day under my normal clothes. (no financial link–I just find it works really, really well for me.) My favorite? The base 4 leggings. They’re supposed to be for going outside in “brutal cold”, I need to wear them even INSIDE daily, just to avoid the numbness and tingling. And for super duper cold days?  They have extreme coldgear leggings, which are thicker and not as comfortable, but they’re such a huge help for my circulation so I don’t mind being bulky.

It’s annoying, but such a big help! It’s kinda painful to spend $90 on a pair of pants, but I wear them every day so it kinda-sorta evens out. The UA site also has an outlet which I tend to stalk to get more stuff. I also really like that they have pants for short people like moi and that they have the leggings numbered by coldness rating. I did try out the leggings from Nike and I found the site really hard to navigate and didn’t like how those leggings fit, either.

I’ve got the UA gloves, but I’m not crazy about those and still looking for something that may work better. Suggestions are welcome.

The combination of wearing leggings/warming shirts under my clothes and OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAusing the heated floor mat daily makes all the difference in the world. I honestly can’t imagine how I managed to deal with the pain and numbness  all those years…and I can’t believe it took so long to realize how simple the solution was!

So weeks like this one aren’t super comfy, but they’re doable. Between all that stuff and an ungodly number of blankies, I’m all good.

I know most people don’t have to go to such extremes, but honestly, I can’t believe that it took me so many years to realize that this was a necessity for me and take it seriously, and I’m sure I’m not the only one out there. *knock on something* so far, I haven’t had a single attack this year and it’s been a cold one, so I’ve been tremendously grateful.

And, as an added bonus, I was grateful that most of the roads were clear of ice today, and that I’m home safe and sound.

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Pumpkin carving XV

food-leftAh yes, yummy Autumn food. We just finished our 15th (!!!) annual pumpkin carving party, and it was so much fun seeing old friends. Of course, we’ll be fishing pumpkin seeds out from random places for a few months, but that’s par for the course.

Lots of delicious food, and a few new recipes that I’ll share ASAP.


Hot mulled apple cider


caramel dip

Raw caramel dip from Whole Life nutrition and honey crisp apples




Spinach and artichoke dip. I’ll share the recipe soon, I promise!spinach-artichoke-dip







apple crisp 2013

Apple crisp Vegan, grain-free—one of my very favorites




Chocolate Chip Cookies: I do believe there would be a riot if I didn’t make Carrie’s cookies every year.






Amazing…new recipe. I’ll have to post it soon. It was E’s favorite.

Chocolate PB fudge


pretty pralinesPralines  This batch is made with a classic recipe


Brownies (see pic above) I used a new recipe because I wanted  a flaky top. And it WAS flaky…but it didn’t fill out the pan well, so I’ll need to tweak that.

My Sweet Potato Pie (pictured above)

Pumpkin Paleo Bread:

I used this recipe, and good good feedback.

We did have food, even though most people didn’t notice. I made this White Chicken Chili, and I absolutely love it. It was in the crockpot, and super simple.

I need a nap…and I’ll be happily eating leftovers for the next week!


Posted in dessert, recipe | 1 Comment

Nourishing Meals: a review!

nm-front-coverI was excited to receive Ali and Tom’s newest book, Nourishing Meals. The book has a great balance of recipes, which are great for any/every body, and information about why a whole food diet supports the body. All recipes are gluten-free, dairy and soy free and whole food based. Some are grain free, some are egg free, etc. and they’re clearly marked so that it’s easy to find recipes that meet your needs.The biggest dilemma was what to make first!

Just a few of the recipes that caught my eye:

  • Grain-free coconut flour flatbreads
  • Spicy black-eyed pea soup
  • Sauteed Brussels sprouts with shallots and cranberries
  • Rutabaga fries
  • Herb roasted halibut
  • Plantain tortillas
  • banana coconut cookies
  • raw vanilla white chocolates
  • chocolate brownie cupcakes

I really wanted to make the rutabaga fries first because I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a rutabaga, but alas, I couldn’t find one. So, raw-chocolatesum, twist my arm, I made the raw vanilla white chocolates.

The raw vanilla white chocolates were ridiculously easy to make, and the flavor is luscious. I made the cashew butter at home, which was simple. The recipe took maybe 5 minutes to make, and then time in the freezer, of course.The only difficulty is not caramel-dipeating too many!

Also, I do want to give a shout-out to the raw caramel dip. I’ve been using Ali’s recipe for years, and it’s a hit every single year.

You can order the book here, and there’s even a bonus ebook on healthy gluten-free school lunches.

Note: I have not been paid or otherwise compensated for this post–my review is because I like this book! I did receive a free copy, at my request.

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Voluntary allergen statements…

Seen the new headlines on labels and gluten? There’s a new study out and it’s worth a blog wf-almondspost, both because it’s important, and easy to misunderstand.

Tricia Thompson of Gluten-Free Watchdog, Trisha Lyon and Amy Jones authored Allergen advisory statements for wheat: do they help US consumers with celiac disease make safe food choices?  Yes, this is a small study, but it’s an important conversation to have.

First, allergen advisory statements are those pesky statements you see on the chocolate bars you’ve been lovingly eyeing. You know, those times where the product looks delicious, the ingredients look fine, and then you see the “made on shared facilities” “made in a shared factory” or similar statements seen on packages. Most people see those as warnings of increased risk of gluten contamination, and allergy guidelines recommend removing those products, but according to this study, products with those warning statements were no more likely to contain gluten or wheat than products without.

Those statements have been a long-term irritant from my perspective, because a) they’re confusing and b) they’re voluntary, and people often don’t realize a statement that has that comment may have the exact same amount of risk as packages without. Most people I see are avoiding the “made in a factory” statements and choosing products without those warnings–and that may give a false sense of security.

But (and this is a big deal) you’re still best off with a package marked “gluten-free” and preferably with a gluten-free certification, such as GIG’s or CSA, especially for flour or grain products. That hasn’t changed.

Bottom line: FDA needs to do a better job and actually define those statements–or better yet, require companies to monitor and/or eliminate cross contamination with major allergens. We, collectively, can and should be doing better. So many people’s health is at stake.


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Simply Gluten-Free’s 5 Ingredient Cookbook–Review

meal from carols book

Have you seen Carol of Simply…Gluten-Free’s new cookbook, Simply Gluten Free 5 Ingredient Cookbook: Fast, Fresh & Simple! 15-Minute Recipes ? I’ve been having fun with it. I’ve only had it 3 days, and I’ve made 3 recipes, and I’ve got a bunch of dog-eared pages. The No Bake Pistachio Chocolate Truffle Cake is definitely happening next weekend.

First of all, like all of Carol’s books, pictures are amazing, and there are pictures for every single recipe. Part of what I like is that all the recipes are pretty simple dishes that happen to be gluten-free and most are the kinds of things I like to make.potatoes grilled Many are dairy/soy/egg/grain/sugar free, and there aren’t a ton of gluten-free flours used, which I see as a big plus.

I made the garlicky grilled potatoes with cute little red potatoes I got at the Farmer’s market, and garlic and onions from my garden. It was simple and delicious, and I adore grilling, because it means my husband does all the work 😉 They were perfect and creamy, and had some awesome browned bits. My potatoes will be up in a month or so, and this would be a great way to use the little ones.

I used the same skillet for the Shrimp Scampi, so we were starting out with even richer pan juices. I haven’t made shrimp scampi in years and had forgotten how simple and carol's white bean dipdelicious it is to make. I used olive oil instead of butter, which worked perfectly.

I also made the White Bean Dip, and it took all of 3 minutes to put together. It’s a nice change from hummus, and I’d probably add in rosemary or thyme the next time around. Or roasted garlic? The possibilities are endless, and this was a simple and delicious template for any bean dip.

I’ve worked on the Simply Gluten-Free Magazine, Carol’s mag for years, so I know Carol’s work, and I was excited even before I got the cookbook! I did receive a copy of this book at my request, but I was not paid for this review.


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Mini July Self-Care Retreat 2016























We first started the self-care retreats in 2011 (!!!) I’ve appreciated each and every one of them as an opportunity to connect and challenge myself to make “me” more of a priority.

I’m really excited for this July Self-Care Retreat, because I’m totally ready for it. It’s been a busy year, with lots of changes, and I haven’t been online as much. Focusing on pausing and kindness in whatever form make sense is important to me—and yet I need to be realistic, which means no weekly blog posts, because, c’mon. I haven’t even been getting to monthly blog posts.

I will be posting daily in our sweet little facebook group for a very simple reason: I want to. Some days it’s quotes, some posts, some pictures…and on a good day, others jump in as well. Of course, you’re welcome to join us, lovely human.

I’ve gotten away from posting and collecting quotes. But few months ago, I heard a Rumi quote, and it was as though I was hearing it for the first time. I realized I wanted to get back to reflecting on an intention or a quote daily, and this is a great opportunity to do just that.

Want to see some of the fun from the past? There are a ton of posts from previous self-care retreats:

…and we’ve got a Facebook community for daily-ish quotes and inspiration on gluten-free living well.

Posted in cheryl's musings, self care carnival | Leave a comment

Riced Cauliflower

riced cauli w herbsGuess what? Trader Joe’s now has bags of fresh riced cauliflower! This calls for a recipe.

It’s been a while, I know. I’ve been busy, and it’s been “good busy”. I’m nearing the end of a weekly mindfulness intensive, and it’s been fantastic, but also has cut way down on the amount of time I spend online.

If you haven’t already seen it, do check out the updated list I posted of the Nutritionist approved best of gluten-free grab & go! It’s a roundup of the healthiest pre-packaged options out there, and I update it yearly-ish. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Onwards towards the recipe:riced cauli

I love cauliflower in pretty much any way. “Ricing” cauliflower myself in the food processor is a pain because the pieces are always different sizes, so this is a great shortcut.

I was so excited to see the bags of riced cauliflower at TJ’s that I got two bags, and I think 1 would have been enough for the two of us.

  • a few glugs of olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, smashed
  • 2-3 sprigs thyme
  • 1 bag riced cauliflower
  • handful fresh basil, chopped or shredded
  • salt & pepper

Heat olive oil over medium heat and saute garlic until browning. Add in the thyme and cauliflower, stirring, and cook until it softens and starts browning. This took ~8 minutes. Stir in fresh basil, other seasonings & enjoy!

E and I both loved this. I was enjoying the rice so much I forgot to eat the main dish.

Posted in recipe, side dish, vegetables | 2 Comments