Menu Plan Monday: Pumpkin!

If you’ve got pumpkins, flaunt ’em!  and we’ve got pumpkins, a happy army of mini pumpkins.

I must confess my prejudice. I just don’t really like big fat pumpkins, unless I’m carving them.  The little ones are much cuter, and much less of a hassle to grow.

And I am so grateful for my pumpkins!  We moved here smack in the middle of growing season, and I could not convince DH that the very first priority when we moved was to establish a garden bed.  So by the time we settled in, pumpkins were one of the few things we could still start from seed and harvest.

Every year, I delight in watching them grow from the tiniest little baby pumpkin to the…well, tiny adult pumpkin.  I don’t know why it’s more fun than any other thing to grow for me, but I get such a kick out of it.  There are a few left on the vine, but the plant is much less happy so we’ll see how many more we get.  Right now, we’re at 12 and counting, so absolutely no complaints here!  There are 3-4 that will most likely make it and a few maybes, but I’ve learned my lesson about counting my pumpkins before they ‘hatch’

What about eating pumpkins, you say?  Well, of course they’re wonderful sources of vitamin A.  And regretfully, I can’t eat them at all.  I CAN eat pumpkin seeds…no clue why.   But hopefully having them as a theme will help folks plan ahead for the month or so of pumpkin goodness to come…

It’s also the season to announce a change!  Over the next month or so, Heather of Celiac Family will take over coordination of Menu Plan Monday.  More details to follow!

Simply yum quinoa

Marinated herb chicken with broccoli

Beef stew


In-laws in town! Maybe going to Sweetwater Tavern? We’ll see.

Lots of menu plans around the web!

We’ve got Kerry Ann of Cooking Traditional foods, who has a GFCF menu planned.  This is her first menu plan Monday so head over and give her some love!  Her blog is on traditional cooking and she’s got some fun recipes in the lineup, like peanut butter fudge and lentil dahl.

Heather of Celiac Family has a pictoral menu plan, which is always fun.  Not only does she have pumpkin waffles on the menu, she’s got pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, too!  And here’s to hoping her family stays healthy.

Alta of Tasty Eats at Home will be teaching at the GF & Allergen Free Cooking Expo, so if you’ll be there, make sure to look for her classes.  She’s got some pumpkin on the lineup as part of a souffle topping and she even has beef heart…I’m way too chicken for anything like that!

Amanda of Gluten-Free Detroit Metro is back to work, and that’s certainly a challenge while makings sure a (gluten-free) dinner is on the table.  She’s looking for inspiration for broccoli, spinach and green bean recipes.  Thoughts?

Angela of Angela’s kitchen always has the cutest menu icons, and she is indeed the pumpkin QUEEN!  I think the pumpkin streusel bars sound best to me.

Emily of Our Frugal Happy Life is grilling a lot this week, and it’s her hubby’s golden birthday, too.  Pretty neat!

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Menu Plan Monday–Sweet Potato

I am wishing for at least one more weekend day…it flies too quickly.  Always when a chill hits the air I start scrambling for extra moments to spend outside.

Last week,the Fund for Jennie auction ended, and Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl was the winner, so I’ll be Skyping with her GF Support group in a few months.  I also posted some of my thoughts on Choosing Joy

This week the theme is Sweet Potato (for real this time!).  Amanda of Gluten Free Detroit Metro is our hostess, so head over and give her some love. I somehow thought that was the theme last week.  And I fully intended to have sweet potatoes!  We got a veggie box from Arganica, and they said there would likely be sweet potatoes.  Lots of yummy stuff, yes.  Sweet potatoes, no.  So I will have to try to grab some this week.  Or I will have to eat sweet potato chips to compensate. 😉

Onward to the menu!

Nightshade stew with fresh fennel

Chicken breasts w/fresh herbs and steamed broccoli. Maybe quinoa

Mahi Mahi with Kale Pesto

Something with beans…I need to hunt out a fun recipe

Leftovers, as usual

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Choosing Joy

I’ve been in a funk the past few weeks. It seems like every time I am starting to be able to get back on my feet and do more, I have an even bigger setback, and again I’m very limited and in a lot of pain. It frustrates me…this is the first time in a long time that I’ve really
struggled even with things like cooking and baking because I simply can’t get around the kitchen.

I spoke to an older and wiser trusted friend and his suggestion was choosing joy. And usually, it’s a comment that leads to considerable eye rolling on my part. It’s very easy for someone in good physical health to tell someone who’s been severely physically limited with daily chronic pain for 8 years to cheer up, count your blessings and look on the bright side. It’s always struck me as false. If I said this was all fine, I’d be lying. I’m in pain. I’ve been in pain for years. It isn’t fair that most people double my age are in better physical shape. It’s not fair that there is little, if anything, I can do to change it.  Except my attitude, which is a hell of a lot harder to change, and much harder than popping a pill.

Parts of me grieve all that I’ve lost, from food to mobility to physical freedom. But the key words are parts of me. Pretending not to have sadness isn’t a way to have balance. Neither is diving headfirst into grief. Everything, from sorrow to joy to frustration to hope needs to have a seat the table and needs to be acknowledged. And yet the art is where we choose to put most of our attention. It reminds me of a traditional Native American story

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy.

“It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

I’ve also seen the story as a Chinese story with tigers, so I guess that proves that wisdom is universal.

I hope I can keep reminding myself to have the strength to spend most of my energy feeding beauty, love and joy.  And it’s been such fun to see how much of a difference it makes when I focus my life on finding joy, no matter what.  Pain seems less prominent,  people seem more dear, flowers more beautiful, cats more hug-gable.

Wishing you and yours many days of joy.

Posted in cheryl's musings | 9 Comments

Menu Plan Monday–Sweet Potatoes

And finally, the rain stops and the sun appears.  Does it get any better?

My auction for a session/Celiac group class with me ends TODAY, Sept 12th at 9pm EST.  I lowered the cost because I hadn’t gotten bids, and no bids means no $ for Jennie, which is no good!  Please check it out!

Last week I posted my thoughts on Gluten-Free labeling and what I’d like from the FDA.  I’m sure you have your own thoughts and hope you share them with the FDA, too! Also,  we were lucky that Melinda Dennis of Beth Israel Deconess Celiac Center came to talk on nutrient deficiency on a GF diet this weekend.  It’s great to have such nice opportunities so nearby.

Um, whoops, actually it’s Claire of My Gluten Free Home. EEK!
Please help me extend a warm welcome to Amanda of Gluten Free Detroit Metro, who is hosting MPM for the first time.  Her ingredient is sweet potatoes.  I must confess that I like sweet potatoes, but my favorite 3 forms are sweet potato chips, fries and pies.  Not exactly the peak of nutrition!  It does remind me that it’s time to make  a sweet potato pie since I haven’t had one since last year.

And, of course, calling all hosts/hostesses…

Lemony Chicken and Roasted Broccoli

Sniffle stew



Salmon w/herb salad

I’m hoping Mr. Dude will take me to dinner….or grill. Either way, I am predicting a strong chance of laziness on my part.

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A Fund for Jennie

EDITED: price is now starting at $50! That’s way under what I normally charge, but if no one bids, no $ goes to a good cause!
I read about fellow blogger Jennie of In Jennie’s Kitchen on Ginger Lemon Girl’s blog, when people were making a pie for Mikey. Mikey was Jennie’s husband, and died suddenly of a heart attack. Of course, this also leaves Jennie and her two little ones with not only a physical and emotional hole in their lives, but a huge financial one, too.

I was struck by Jennie’s story, because I can’t imagine a world without my darling Mr. Dude. I have an ode to him below, but first, the more universally relevant part:

And so, I saw on Gluten Free Girl about Bloggers without Borders and I wanted to participate. My auction is for what I do best and love most!!  A 75 minute in person or phone nutrition session, OR a skype session with your local Celiac support group or Mom’s group with me, a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist/Certified Wellness Coach.  I’ve been teaching classes and seeing clients for 10+ years, and have done gobs of presentations for groups ranging from the FDA to videos funded by CSA to Institute of Integrative Nutrition and local Celiac Chapters.  For more about me, sessions and presentations see my website.

The starting bid is $15050 (presentations are usually much more, so keep it in mind when you bid!) That’s  where we’ll start the bidding.

  • Donate through this link
  • Bid on this auction
  • Create your own auction

If you would like to donate to A Fund for Jennie, please click on this Bloggers Without Borders button. It will take you straight to the PayPal account. All the money donated for Jennie will go through Blogger Without Borders, a non-profit organization created by Maggy and Erika to turn the well wishes of this food blogging community to concrete action.

I know I’m late…but really wanted to participate.  And there are still ongoing auctions!  Diane of the WHOLE Gang has a great one, too.

And now, and ode to E (aka DH, aka Mr. Dude)  As the saying goes, behind every strong man is a strong woman.  But in this case, behind a strong woman is a very loving, patient and wonderfully strong man.  In the 13 years I have known E, he has enriched my life in more ways than I can count!  He has helped me do what I love best, and helps me be the best person I can be.  He’s enabled me to give to others and to spend so much time teaching, volunteering, and otherwise making the world a brighter place.  I get the credit, of course, but there’s no way I could do it without him behind me.

Once when I was in grad school and absolutely miserable, we were on the phone (I was in CA, he in NY) and tearfully I said that he was my strength.  And he said, “no, my love just gives you the courage to find the strength in yourself.” And of course, as soon as the words popped out of his mouth, we both knew they were true.  He’s supported me through Lyme, a cancer scare, years of disability and chronic pain and many losses in our lives.  And he’s supported me through laughter, giggles, chocolate, love, and joy.  I feel tremendously grateful to have him, his love, his support, his warmth in my life, and I am so sorry that Jennie lost HER Mr. Dude.  To me, that would be the worst loss of all.

This auction will end 9 pm Sept 12th EST.

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Menu Plan Monday Sept 5th

I don’t know about anyone else, but it doesn’t feel like a Monday!  I am enjoying peace and quiet time, and I hope everyone else is, as well.

If you haven’t already, please check out my last post, which is an auction for a class/session with me to benefit Jennie of In Jennie’s Kitchen.  She lost her beloved husband suddenly, and bloggers without borders is raising money on her behalf.  It also inspired me to write about my appreciations for my husband and all of his support.

Our hostess for this week is Angela of Angela’s Kitchen, and she’s chosen eggplant.  I must confess.  I hate eggplant.  And okra.  And that’s about it.  All other veggies I like or can’t eat due to allergy.  So no eggplant for us this week.

I’ve somehow managed to offend my knees, so I’m having a lot of trouble getting around, which translates into much less inspired meals. It’s a bummer, for sure.
Baked chicken with fresh herbs and garlic roasted cauliflower(using the last of the stash from our garden)

Simply yum quinoa

Salmon on a bed of baby greens with herbs


Curried collards

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Menu Plan Monday: Tomatoes

I hope everyone has weathered the earthquake and storm with grace.  What a week, huh?  I had a good one, and a relaxing weekend, which was way long overdue.  The storm gave me extra opportunity to sit home and do nothing, which was exactly what I needed.

I’m hosting this week’s menu plan with the theme of tomatoes.  Usually, by this time of year, my kitchen is overrun with tiny gems of various colors. Above is a picture from last year.

This year, tomatoes are the snack of choice of area deer.  I thought I would have a lovely picture (this is last year’s bounty), but nope!  I do have a few that I snagged before they did, though.

I hope you all had better luck holding on to your tomatoes than I did.

As a weekly re-cap, I posted one of my favorite recipes, Simply Yum Quinoa, which is a quick, easy, one pot meal.  Diane of the WHOLE Gang has a great auction for Jeannie (see her blog for the whole scoop).  And Carrie, the Ginger Lemon Girl has an e-book of her favorite recipes out!  Life is good.

Chicken and celery in a chestnut sauce

Salmon on a bed of greens with herbs

Coconut collard curry (say that 10 times fast, I dare you!)

Sniffle stew

Simply Yum Quinoa!

Renee of Beyond Rice and Tofu is a lucky woman. She’s got Green Zebras and Napa Grape Tomatoes in her garden! She’s been exploring new cookbooks and has a garden heavy quinoa recipe on the menu, too.

Let’s have a warm welcome for Gluten Free in Detroit! Amanda is a fan of menu planning for budget reasons. She doesn’t have tomatoes because of the wacky weather, but is hoping for the generosity of neighboring gardeners. She’s off to a BBQ tonight, which sounds like fun!

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My New Fave-Simply Yum Quinoa

Quick and easy has been the overriding theme for the past few months and forseeable future.

And of course, that’s a wonderful thing, no matter what!  So here’s one of our favorite one super yummy, super simple, something-for-everyone wonders. Easily vegan, totally customizable. You’ve got your veggie, your protein, your carb all in one.  No chopping, no fussing, one pot and all done. It’s evolved over time.  I make it with chicken when E is home, without when he’s gone (I prefer without).  And I greatly prefer Mache, but if I can’t find it, arugula will work in a pinch.  I need to start growing Mache because it’s too expensive to keep up my habit long term!

The amounts are nowhere near precise because first, with soaked quinoa, the amount of broth you need depends on how long it’s been soaking.  Personally, my tummy prefers “overcooked” quiona, when it’s much softer.  Feel free to customize to your preferences.

1.5 cups quiona
2 Tablespoons olive oil
4 garlic cloves, crushed with the back of a knife blade
1 carton of Pacific broth or homemade if desired
½ cup pitted olives with a few Tablespoons of the brine, like Kalamatas OR ¼ cup lemon juice
2 clamshells of either mache, arugala or spinach. I like Mache best. Mache cooks quicker than arugala.
Salt and pepper to taste

Soak 1 ½ cups of quinoa overnight in more than enough water to cover.  Drain, rinse.

Heat olive oil on medium.  Crush a few cloves of garlic.  We’ve still got some from the garden—how awesome!  Sauté garlic until you start smelling that wonderful aroma.  Toss in the quinoa, add in 4 qts broth.  Simmer, covered for about 12 min.

Add in a clamshell of arugula and the pitted olives or ¼ cup lemon juice.  2 min later, stir and add Mache.  They need to be added one at a time or there’s not enough room in the pot!  Let it wilt uncovered, and cook until quinoa is cooked fully.

NOTE: if you love a non-vegan, when the quinoa is starting to unfurl (about 5 min from the end), add 2 diced raw chicken breasts.

I am submitting this to Wellness Weekends, as hosted by the most delicious Ricki of Diet, Dessert and Dogs. This week’s entries are here.

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Menu Plan Monday-Melons Aug 22nd

Hope everyone is enjoying the tail end of summer! We’ve got some tomatoes growning,

The deer came through and enjoyed themselves thoroughly.  Either that, or our neighbors like plant stems.

Last weekend I baked a bit.  I made Elana’s Chocolate Cupcakes from her cookbook and I made Betty Crocker brownies with a hazelnut filling and chocolate frosting.  What can I say, we were entertaining.  Both were excellent. I also posted a review for Gluten Free in Five Minutes.  If you’re a microwaving GF cook, this one is for you!

Heather of Celiac Family is our kind hostess this week, and she’s chosen melons.  I’m very sensitive to melons in a funny way.  I get dopey, I get drowsy, and *poof!* I’m asleep.  So there are no melons on our line up.

Onto the menu:


Quinoa and Kalamatas with sautéed mache and arugala (my new favorite)

Leftovers, I hope

Nightshade stew


White beans, pesto and broccoli

Leftovers or out to dinner. Either way, no cooking.

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Gluten Free In 5 Minutes-A Surprising Hit!

I received a copy of Roben Ryberg’s Gluten-Free in 5 Minutes to review.  As I looked back, they did say it was a microwave cookbook, and yet my brain skipped over that part.  When I realized it was a microwave cookbook, I was positive I would dislike it.  I rarely use the microwave.  I pretty much only use it to melt chocolate, since a double boiler takes so long.  I also am very careful not to microwave in plastics due to possible health concerns.  And I love the way my house smells when I’m in the middle of a baking project.  You just can’t get that the same way in a microwave!

And yet…many people use the microwave every day.  Many people are cooking for 1 or two, or are in a dorm, or they’re in a rush…so I decided to take my ‘food snob’ hat off and give it a whirl.  I also really found the concept intriguing, because, well, I’d never really thought much about it before.

Since I’m allergic to egg and almost all recipes were egg-based, DH was the tester.  I made the chocolate cake with sorghum, and, as he put it, it looked like meat alternative.  Not in a good way.  I didn’t frost because I wanted an honest opinion of the cake.  The verdict–too chewy, but yummy.  DH ate all of it.

I didn’t want to give a unenthused review without a thorough trial, so I opted for the Extreme chocolate cake (picture above).  Extreme chocolate–where can you go wrong?  He loved it.  As I passed by, I remarked that the book said the cake served two…he promptly asked who was going to take it from him.

I planned to make a third, but DH has been away and another close friend is dead set against microwaving.  I do want to try out one of the rolls.  I’ll have to add it in afterwards to the review.

Overall, I would say it’s really quite a unique concept and absolutely fits a niche of people who want good, quick, easy GF baked goods.   Clean up was a breeze–I just popped the dish in the dishwasher, and poof!  Nutritionally the recipes were pretty decent, too.  Despite my innate love of my oven, I will use this again for DH because it’s easy, he loves chocolate, and I love him.

On the ‘cons’ side, a lot of the ingredients are things we don’t have handy–baby food, orange juice concentrate, apple sauce, etc.

Posted in baked goods, review | 9 Comments