Menu Plan Monday Aug 15th

I goofed.  Well, sort of.  I thought Heather was hosting this week’s menu plan, so I didn’t even check back to realize, nope, that’s next week!  So I do apologize for the confusion.  Please let me know if you’d like to host in the future.

I SERIOUSLY need to more organized about shopping and  menu planning. This has never been hard in the past, but since we’ve moved, my whole schedule has shifted, along with my shopping schedule.  Of course, one freezer was emptied in the process, so I have much less to draw on. As a result, I often have been finding myself scrounging around, and this makes for much more stress. Not cool!

Summers are usually somewhat slow, but I’ve found myself running around entirely too often and not reviewing cookbooks or blogging as much.  I did post a mini rant,and promise a tastier review tomorrow.
Marinated herby chicken with roasted broccoli

Leftovers w/quiona and white beans

Salmon on a bed of baby greens

Sniffle stew


Posted in menu plan | 1 Comment

A mini rant…

A mini-rant to medical professionals:

  1. Lecturing me about following directions from other medical professionals is silly.  No, I didn’t know better.  I’m not a doctor, and I don’t specialize in your area.  I’m here because I DON’T know.
  2. Telling me specifically that it won’t get better will not serve a purpose.  It will just insure that there are fewer tissues left in the box in your waiting room.
  3. Understand that neither of us have a crystal ball.  Negativity isn’t particularly necessary or useful.
  4. Giving me time to ask questions is greatly appreciated.
  5. Bonus points for actually answering said questions.

Thanks much.

Posted in cheryl's musings | 6 Comments

Self-Care Retreat Roundup

It’s mid-August, and about this time I realize how I wish summer could go on just 4 or 5 months more…and that our  self-care retreat could go on a few more months, too!  It has been such fun working with and getting to know Valerie of City|Life|Eats and our wonderful guest hosts, Wendy of Celiacs in the House, Shirley of Gluten-Free Easily and Iris of Daily Dietribe

Here are the highlights (and if we missed your post, please let me know!)

Movement, hosted by Valerie

Reflection, hosted by Cheryl

Food & Nourishment, hosted by Wendy of Celiacs in The House

Nourishment through Friends, Family and Pets, hosted by Shirley of Gluten-Free Easily

Nourishment Through Creativity, hosted by Iris of The Daily Dietribe

I loved this retreat.  It gave me extra incentive to take wonderful care of my body–it felt like an extra special homework assignment. I often feel like I have 101 reminders to work, to do, to rush, to whatever, and I appreciated the extra opportunity to explore self-care in a different way.  I mean, I often think about the food and meditation parts, but tend to ignore the creativity and movement parts. And I actually started water walking.  Granted, I’m doing a teeny tiny amount, but I absolutely love the experience of moving my body again.

I truly appreciate all of our glorious hosts, everyone who commented, everyone who thought about commenting, and most of all, Valerie, for making this happen!  We hope to do this again in a few months, too.

Posted in cheryl's musings, self care carnival | 5 Comments

Menu Plan Monday-Back to School

But I don’t wanna go back to school!  I like the long days of summer And I’m not ready for the summer to be over yet!  And yet Angela of Angela’s Kitchen has us looking ahead, which is probably a good idea for those of us who suffer from ostrich syndrome (AKA when there is something you don’t want to see ahead, bury your head in the sand.  I recently learned this is a myth).  I enjoy summer, or more specifically, love the freedom of warmer weather, a season where I can grow veggies, and of course, all of the sunshine.  And less traffic.  Dear Lord, whoever is gone, please let them stay somewhere on vacation for the next year and off the Beltway.  Pretty please? Or please make my car fly. Either/or, I’m flexible.

But I digress.  It’s been a busy week with the new proposed GF labeling comment period out.  I have some of my thoughts here, and I’ve updated the post as I’ve done more reading and digging.  At this point, I have more questions than answers!  I also adopted the lovely Diane of The WHOLE Gang, and made her rockin’ roasted chickpeas.  I finally posted the last week of our Self-Care Retreat on Creativity.  Valerie and I will be getting out the roundup soon.

It will be an interesting week–E is out of town, so I usually don’t do as much cooking and rely more on beans, salads, etc.  But I have 2 cookbooks to review, so I need to get cracking on those soon!

Nightshade stew w/avocado The olives really make the meal!

Sauteed garlic and mache w/white beans

Baby greens herb salad with salmon

Alta’s Quinoa pizza

Hmmm…Mr. Dude will be home by then. Maybe a dish from Gluten Free Asian Kitchen? I need to write a review!

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Self-Care through Creativity

Our final week of the July Self-Care Retreat is on Self-Care through Creativity.  And yes, I realize posting on a July event in Aug can be considered “creative”.  Just roll with me on this one…

I was more than a bit stumped for this one, because I don’t really consider myself creative.  I think I imprinted from an early age that I just wasn’t creative.  I do draw, but as an emotional outlet only. I also express creativity somewhat through food, and coming up with new and tasty treats.

As I pondered the topic, I think my main self care through creativity for me is in managing ways to take care of myself well.  It means driving places early to avoid traffic and taking a nap.  It means preparing some meals ahead so I can have an easy grab and go.  It means asking about ways to accommodate my body’s physical quirks, which usually requires calling or emailing ahead. It means working weekends so I can have more freedom for doctor’s appointments during the week.  It means asking for help when I need it…I swear, I’ve gotten more piggyback rides from strangers than I can count.  Creativity is assuming there’s a way to work things out, and then figuring it out.

I love the quote “Don’t let what you can’t do stop you from what you can”, and I think that’s a call for creativity!

Our host for this week is Iris of the Daily Dietribe, and I hope you check out her post and stunning pictures, too.

This virtual self-care retreat is to inspire you all to make July a month of reflecting on self-care and the many ways to nourish ourselves.   We encourage everyone to participate in this event in a way that feels appropriate to them, whether through personal reflection, journal or other self-care.  If you would like to share your experience with self-care, we would love to include you in the experience, whether you join us for one week or every week.  You can write generally about self-care, or focus on one of the themes (movement, food, family/friends/pets, creativity and meditation and mindfulness), or write every week about each of the themes.  We ask that you link back to this post so that more people can learn about this retreat, and leave a comment for the weekly theme host, too!  If you would like to be included in our  roundup, please email a link to your post, along with your name and blog name, to us at selfcareretreat at gmail dot com by Aug 8 2011.  Feel free to use the badge in your posts.  Non-bloggers who would like to contribute, please email the full text to the same address and it will be included in the roundup.

Valerie and I will be doing a round up of the Self-Care Retreat ASAP!

Posted in cheryl's musings, self care carnival | 3 Comments

(updated) Gluten Free Labeling- the Aug 2nd Teleconference

Could it possibly be?  At long last, there’s some movement on the behalf of the gluten-free labeling movement. This is REALLY big news for people who are gluten-free in the U.S.!  The FDA has re-opened a comment period for 60 days to solicit opinions from health professionals, scientists and the public on a potential ruling for defining gluten-free as less than 20 ppm.

Why 20 ppm?  According Michael Taylor at the FDA at stakeholder teleconference on Aug 2nd, it’s the lowest amount that can be accurately quantified (quite a surprising comment, since many companies test to lower), and many leading experts believe it is a safe amount.  Europe has used it for 20 + years.  Several prominent researchers, including Dr. Alesso Fasano and Dr.Stefano Guandalini, spoke in favor of the new proposed legislation. “This is a standard that has been in use in Europe for almost two decades, & the science supports the U.S. adopting it as well,” commented Dr. Fasano.  FDA also  published a safety assessment as well regarding the safety level.

A final ruling is due out in the 3rd quarter of 2012, and per speakers “the FDA is committed to moving quickly”  This regulation will only cover food for human consumption and will not cover medications, etc.

There were lots of fantastic questions about cross contamination, low gluten designations, symbols and much more.  In most cases, FDA responded by encouraging people to comment.

I know this is a very, very hot topic and I hope anyone and everyone who has a vested interest in eating a gluten-free diet will take this opportunity to make your voice heard!

The comment period starts Aug 3rd around noon, and you can submit your comment here: and entering Docket No. FDA-2005-N-0404

For more information and a statement from the FDA, please see:

My take: I think reflexively we all want the standard to be at zero, but first, we can’t get below what machines can detect (general consensus is around 3ppm).  I also think the danger of not having a law is greater than the danger of the 20ppm, and at the point, best case scenario, we’ll have a law in effect in 2013.  I want them to get on with it! I like the idea of having something uniform, standard and most of all, enforceable.

However, I feel like the most important job of the FDA is to explain the gap between the proposed 20 ppm and the safety report’s recommendation of 1 ppm.  According to the Federal Register:Currently, analytical methods that can reliably and consistently detect gluten at levels lower than 20 ppm do not appear to be available. In addition, it may be difficult or infeasible for food manufacturers to meet a lower gluten threshold level or that meeting a lower level could increase their food product costs. As a result, fewer and/or more expensive GF-labeled foods would be available to individuals with CD, placing them at higher risk of developing serious health complications from CD and other related diseases.

Huh? There are still other programs out there which will certify foods at 5 and 10 ppm, such as CSA, GIG and NFCA, so it appears we have the technology.  Also, by all accounts the GF marketplace is booming.  I hope FDA provides a clearer answer AND expresses how they determined 20ppm was safe level for almost all Celiacs.

The rest  of my wish list includes:

  •  Incorporate newer research, such as the studies that came out on gluten free grains and flours and cross contamination.
  • Take this opportunity to define the “made in a factory” statements.
  • Look closely at the issue of considering oats gluten-free, since there is still a good deal of controversy on the issue.
  • I truly hope they do NOT go down the path of “low gluten”, which seems excessively confusing to people.
  • I would love it if they would label gluten in medications, even though they were pretty clear it’s not on the table at this point

Agree?  Disagree? What’s on your wish list?  Whatever your view, I hope everyone who has a vested interest in this legislation takes the time to write into the FDA.

A very big thank you to the FDA for hosting this discussion and taking this next step, and to 1 in 133, American Celiac Disease Alliance, University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research and many, many others for getting this legislation moving again.

Posted in news | 1 Comment

Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger: Diane of The WHOLE Gang

Whew!  I’m so glad that some people don’t wait until the last minute on Adopt a Gluten-Free Blogger, or I wouldn’t have a reminder that I’m behind!  Granted, I’m running behind because I’ve been so busy doing so many fun and exciting projects, but what a summer!  And what an exciting week for Celiac and a GF diet! Check out my comments on this weeks’ teleconference.

My adoptee this month is Diane of The W.H.O.L.E Gang.  Like so many people, Diane turned her food restrictions into an area of passion and has blossomed into an exciting new venture as a Health Coach.  Though I haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting Diane personally, she’s clearly someone who takes joy in bringing people together around food and fun projects, and I appreciate her dedication to helping people eat and live well.

If you haven’t gotten a chance, do check out Diane’s recipe archives.  There’s a huge variety, and know you’ll be hungry!  I opted to make the Roasted Chickpeas.  I made them before, back in the day when Kalyn’s recipe came out in 2008. Like Diane, mine just didn’t get crispy enough, and I know I tweaked things a bit. And then they just fell off my radar…and I forgot about them until I was looking through Diane’s recipe index.   So this was a delightful re-introduction to an old friend. They were delicious, and I used the spicing that Diane but I do remember a whole bunch of varieties work!

And, of course, the Amazing Toasted Nuts uses this recipe as a base, and looks tempting, too!

Lots of Diane’s recipes were quite tempting, and I will have to make the Chicken and Roasted Green Chile Soup  when it starts to get chilly.

Please also check out the other Adopt a GF Blogger posts when Sea hosts a round up on Book of Yum.

Posted in adopt a gf blogger | 5 Comments

Menu Plan Monday: Peaches!!!

Ah, peaches.  There’s nothing quite like them.  And although my first peach growing venture was a flop, there will be others, I tell you!  Or maybe I’ll just stick to the easy stuff, especially now that our new place is a whopping 4 min away from the Farmer’s Market.  Life is good!

I am delighted to announce that DVDs of the Celiac and Gluten Free Diet Videos will be available as of this week!   Just contact me. The DVDs are for support group leaders, the videos themselves are also on youtube.  As much as I have appreciated this project, it’s also extremely satisfying to have the hard part DONE. Life has been busier this summer than usual, and I definitely notice needing more time for myself.

And, of course, this is the last week of our July Self-Care retreat.  Yep, I do realize it’s August, but we were just having too much fun!  Last week was Shirley’s fantastic post on Family Friends and Pets, and I have my post here.  Iris of the Daily Dietribe is hosting on Self Care through Creativity this week and head over and check out her post!  Valerie and I will do a round up next week.

On to food!

Plum good beef stew with roasted cauliflower

Chicken and broccoli in a faux soy sauce

Kalamata Hummus on a bed of baby greens with herbs


maybe fish? I would love Mahi Mahi but need to grab some!


Please email me if you’d like to host next week!

Heather of Celiac Family is balancing different requests–the usual suspects for the kids, and new tastes for hubby. She even plans to make a green bean dish with peaches, and I hope to hear more! She’s also got peaches planned in an Indian Chicken dish.

Posted in menu plan | 6 Comments

Self-Care through Connection

Shirley of Gluten Free Easily is our guest hostess this week as we explore self-care through connection with friends, family and pets as part of our July Self Care Retreat.  Shirley was such a natural choice and did a wonderful job! Valerie of City Life Eats and I are co-hosting the event, and her post for this week is wonderful, inspiring and brave.

Family, friends, pets…well, to make it easy, my baby Genghis Khat and his brother the love magnet, Houdini, fit for all three.  They are also one of my best teachers of self-care.  Not only did cats sleep while the book of self- care was written about them, but then they proceed to take a nap on said book.

Genghis found me about 9 years ago while I was attempting to garden in a rocky patch outside our apartment.  Hew as so rambunctious that we soon headed to the Humane Society and adopted him a brother, Houdini.  Somehow they must have known how well they would complete our lives.  They each have their wonderful quirks: Genghis is my snuggle-bunny, and Houdini will even lie quietly with me during meditations.  It’s very cute.

I must confess, I often get caught up in work or distracted bystress from pain, and then some furry being comes along and purrs until I remember what’s really important in life (in case you don’t have a cat, the things that matter are: petting the cat, feeding the cat & brushing the cat).  A cat knows when you’re really there with him, and when you’re rubbing his head and checking your email, and our dudes will have none of the multi-tasking business.  Humans were, apparently, given 2 hands for a reason.  Their reminders to be present are a huge gift to me.

They bring me so much joy.  Houdini is the happiest little dude I’ve ever met, and he’s very dog-like–he’ll run to the door to meet you and nothing makes him happier than spending time with my husband.  We’re good friends, but he worships his daddy with almost a creepy reverence.  And Genghis…AKA Felis Destructus…is constantly falling off things, breaking things (know how cats are supposed to be graceful?  this one didn’t get the memo) and causing assorted chaos.  And yet he’s perfect, and I couldn’t love him more if, well, he wasn’t such a darned mess.

And may I present to you…Relaxation 101:A day in the life of a cat, with pictures taken over the span of 6-7 hours.  And if you can’t read it, Hou is sleeping with a sign that says “attack cat on duty”.

A cat will almost always stretch before he walks around.  Life is pretty simple, and most problems can be solved with tuna. They understands the value of a nap.  A cat understands that he comes first (to a fault).  And at least our guys are also super loving and affectionate in their way…on their terms, which makes the lovin’ so much more special!

The dudes are a huge part of my life, and their love greatly enhances my world!

This virtual self-care retreat is to inspire you all to make July a month of reflecting on self-care and the many ways to nourish ourselves.   We encourage everyone to participate in this event in a way that feels appropriate to them, whether through personal reflection, journal or other self-care.  If you would like to share your experience with self-care, we would love to include you in the experience, whether you join us for one week or every week.  You can write generally about self-care, or focus on one of the themes (movement, food, family/friends/pets, creativity and meditation and mindfulness), or write every week about each of the themes.  We ask that you link back to this post so that more people can learn about this retreat, and leave a comment for the weekly theme host, too!.  If you would like to be included in our  roundup, please email a link to your post, along with your name and blog name, to us at selfcareretreat at gmail dot com by July 30, 2011.  Feel free to use the badge in your posts.  Non-bloggers who would like to contribute,please email the full text to the same address and it will be included in the roundup.

Posted in cheryl's musings, self care carnival | 8 Comments

Self Care Posts, Updates and More!

First, calling all Menu Plan hosts!  I will be away for a few days without computer or phone access, so if someone can host, please let me know before Sunday.

Our July Self-Care retreat has been rolling along, and I’m really enjoying it.  Valerie of City Life Eats kicked off with a post on self-care through movement, I hosted on reflection and meditation and shared some of my favorite meditation resources.  Wendy of Celiacs in the House posted on Self Care through Food, and our latest posting is from Shirley of Gluten Free Easily has a great post on Self-Care through Friends, Family and Pets!  Of course, it’s also helped me keep a broader range of self-care on my radar, especially the ways that I’m much less practiced.

If you’re so inclined, we’d love to have you join us, and we’ve got Iris of the Daily Dietribe lined up for our final week, for self-care through creativity.

This virtual self-care retreat is to inspire you all to make July a month of reflecting on self-care and the many ways to nourish ourselves. We encourage everyone to participate in this event in a way that feels appropriate to them, whether through personal reflection, journal or other self-care.  If you would like to share your experience with self-care, we would love to include you in the experience, whether you join us for one week or every week.  You can write generally about self-care, or focus on one of the themes (movement, food, family/friends/pets, creativity and meditation and mindfulness), or write every week about each of the themes.  We ask that you link back to this post so that more people can learn about this retreat, and leave a comment for the weekly theme host, too!.  If you would like to be included in our  roundup, please email a link to your post, along with your name and blog name, to us at selfcareretreat at gmail dot com by July 30, 2011.  Feel free to use the badge in your posts.  Non-bloggers who would like to contribute,please email the full text to the same address and it will be included in the roundup.

Posted in cheryl's musings, self care carnival | Leave a comment