Sanity Goals: Week 2

Tales from the front lines…

So the December Sanity Challenge is chugging along and I’m loving reading all of the posts/comments!  Our Sanity hostess this week is Valerie of City Life Eats.  She has been doing wonderfully with her exercise goal and has decided that cutting back on blogging was needed as a temporary step.  She also pointed out that I first emailed the Sanity crew on Black Friday.  I’d forgotten that, but it figures.  I was already finding myself pulled into buying things I didn’t need!

This week has been a challenging one for me.  I generally do food gifts, and it’s almost expected.  So I tried to make a batch of toffee and it burnt to a crisp.  Thinking it was because I decided to veganize it, I tried again.  Smoking stinky stenchy goo.  What in the heck was going on?  I tried another recipe.  Same thing.  And then I knocked over the bowl of chopped nuts  that were supposed to go in the toffee, and *poof*, my kitchen was covered in a layer of ground hazelnuts, almonds and cashews.

After saying a few choice words, I sat amidst the nuts and had a good laugh.  Because seriously, what else is there to do in times like those?  I didn’t NEED to make treats, I wanted to.   And of course, I figured out the problem.  My candy thermometer was about 30 degrees off.  That’ll do it!

So overall, the amended goals are doing pretty well.

  • Exercising 3-4 times a week.  Ideally, Mondays, Thurs and Saturdays, and doing my fun PT exercises daily.  Going strong (yippie!)
  • Waiting at least 2 hours before making Internet purchases.  Hopefully by then I’ve figured out that I don’t need whatever wonderous toy they’re selling. I think I’ve done it…still waiting on a shawl to see if I really need it…
  • Meditation twice daily. Yes, and going back to longer meditations, which really helps me.
  • 6 desserts in December.  That’s it. Um, yeah.  that one got totally blown out of the water.  It’s officially amended to only making things when I will enjoy it. 
  • Writing a schedule Tues. I think I’m not really a schedule and list person.  That one hasn’t taken.
  • Heading off on a silent retreat this weekend!  Way to get off to a good start. Completed week one. I can’t do that every week, unfortunately.

And everyone else?

Carrie of Ginger Lemon Girl is our next hostess, so watch for her post!  She also has her goals up here.

About Cheryl Harris

Life played a funny trick on me. I've studied nutrition for years, and much to my surprise, found out that I could manage many of my health issues via diet. I've been GF for years, and I've got a bunch of allergies and sensitivities. But it definitely doesn't keep me from cooking, baking and enjoying my food. Thanks for stopping by.
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2 Responses to Sanity Goals: Week 2

  1. Pingback: December Sanity Challenge | Gluten Free Goodness

  2. Jonathan says:

    30 degrees off? That will definitely do it. 🙂 Funny how life intercedes at time, right?

    Kudos on the progress with your goals. The longer periods of meditation sound especially awesome. Just wanted to let you know that I posted a follow up to my Sanity Challenge goal.

    Turns out keeping up isn’t nearly as difficult as slowing down. 🙂

    Happy New Year!

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